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PersonalDNA Personality Tests

I did this ages ago. And I got Faithful Dreamer. Yay, I'm the first one to get that! Pretty much, that's exactly me summed up. Very accurate.

Average Femininity... well, I suppose that makes sense. I'm not really unfeminine, but not like EXTRA SUPER GIRLY either. Apparently I'm very Aesthetic too. I like to look at stuff and I like better how it looks... well, that's me, pretty much, and my obsessiveness over my drawings. High Empathy... well, I am very emotional, and I try to understand how people feel. No Agency... ahaha. That really is me. Like, just how I go: "Oh, it'll work itself out eventually." a whole lot. I really don't take much lead in my own life and let things flow.

Also, the two parts about me above that are pretty much all me. Especially the part where I find socializing with people to be tiring and time for alone reflection important.
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I'm a considerate inventor. C:

I get this every time I take this test, which has been quite a few times over the past few years. And I think I'm the only one so far!

Very very accurate, especially the "about you" and "how you relate to others" bit, but... I can't imagine I have 0% agency. I take action quite a lot and I'd say I exert power, I tend to be the one who assumes leadership position a lot with friends and things. :/

I'm imaginative, functional, empathic, confident, open, spontaneous and maaaaaanlyyyyy. 8D
I'm an Opera user >:C

that website said:
The tests cannot run under Opera. Please use another browser, e.g. Firefox or Safari or Internet Explorer
but I hate those
I was really interested in this but my IE is such a piece of crap I don't even consider opening it up for this an option (does that tell something about my personality?).
First Generous Idealist!

Attention to Style--62
Authoritarianism--10 (no surprise to me there)
Reserved artist. I think I'm the first one?

Confidence 16
LowHigh 76
Extroversion 4
Empathy 40(Had though this would be much lower...)
Trust in others 26
Agency 2
Masculinity 4
Femininity 26
Spontaneity 80(not... really?)
Attention to style 12(no surprise there)
Authoritarianism 2 (also, no surprise)
Earthy/Imaginative 2
Aesthetic/Functional 64
Reserved realist. First whoo

That may not be accurate because I had no idea what to say to many of those questions. The reserved bit looks right anyway.
Apparently I'm the least open person who has taken this test. I feel special.
You are a Concerned Creator.

ohhay! The first one here, too.

You are a Creator

Your imagination, confidence, willingness to explore, and appreciation of beauty make you a CREATOR.

You are independent, and you enjoy your self-sufficiency.

Defying convention, you are very innovative, and you have a vivid imagination.

The look of things is important to you, and you have a keen eye for aesthetic beauty in multiple arenas.

You have a strong interest in what is new and exciting—and that includes forging ahead with new ideas, not simply discovering what is already out there.

Your eagerness to seek new and varied experiences leads you into many different situations.

You're not set on one way of doing things, and you are creative when it comes to finding novel solutions to complex problems.

You trust yourself to be innovative and resourceful.

Your confidence allows you to take your general awareness and channel it into creativity.

You are balanced in your approach to problem-solving, not letting your emotions hold you up.

You tend to do things on the spur of the moment, not sticking to a set schedule.

You are Concerned

Your understanding of others' emotions, your sense of right and wrong, and your skeptical nature make you CONCERNED.

Your observations of your environment, in concert with your clearly defined worldview, leads you to be aware of the feelings of others.

Because you can read people well, and because you can understand their feelings, you are often bothered by others' insensitive behavior.

While you appreciate others' emotional nature, you don't think their emotional concerns should take precedence over their obligations to society.

You prefer to be in smaller groups, as big groups can occasionally get out of hand.

Order and structure are somewhat important to you—you believe that people's feelings are better protected when others are respectful and follow certain societal guidelines.

You tend to share your feelings with a few individuals who are close with you, but otherwise you are a somewhat private person.

I'm a considerate realist. Apparently the first one here too.

Christ this thing is accurate. I mean take a look at this:

Your attention to detail, appreciation of how things function, and awareness of the world around you make you a REALIST.
You like to stay close with those around you, seeking comfort from familiar faces.
You are interested in processes—how things work, what they do, and why—not just how things look.
Sometimes you doubt that you can find solutions to problems, although you have a good sense of why things happen, and can use that knowledge to find the best way to do something.
You prefer to have time to plan for things, feeling better with a schedule than with keeping plans up in the air until the last minute.
You tend to believe that things happen for a reason, and that not everything is under our control.

You value your close relationships very much, and are more likely to spend time in small, tightly-knit groups of friends than in large crowds.
You enjoy exploring the world through observation, quietly watching others.
You like to look at all sides of a situation before making a judgment, particularly when that situation involves important things in other people's lives.

That right there is like, wow. That's me. I love observing things and figuring out how they work. Plus I stay close to familiar experiances and faces. Just wow...
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