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I live in Perth, bored capital of the world. :o
Oh! In that case, apparently I'd need $2000. Which is definitely not happening.

Although if it could, apparently your winters are a good deal cooler than our summers. Hell, apparently your summers aren't too much warmer than our summers. Don't know about the boring as fuck part, though.

Oh I see, I thought you were coming to England, backstabbing traitors. >:(
England sounds cool! But I'd need to conjure up a few hundred more dollars for that, so it'd have to happen closer to the end of the summer. Definitely not next month when I gather everyone's convening.



No one ever visits me. ; ; You can totally stay in my house! DO ITTTT.
That would... actually be way cheaper than Australia, ahahahaha. Though still over a thousand dollars.
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oh I see how it is.

I live in Perth, bored capital of the world. :o and yeah people wonder why coming to the London Expo is hard for me! I just don't have $1500 to throw around, you know?

also hahaha both of you would hate it here because it is a) hot (relatively to where you guys are from) and b) boring as fuck; if you're going to Australia, at least go to Sydney or someplace cool. Or, you know, Canberra's okay if you like museums.

Ummm since I haven't actually been anywhere outside Australia I have no idea where a good place to go is. Maybe you guys could go meet opal, Dannichu etc. for expo or something?
Actually, from some quick Wikipediaing, I would probably be fine with heat, even comparing summer to summer. My area of Maryland fairly consistently hits 35 C and usually hovers around 100% humidity :( It might get hotter where you are, but it's ... somewhat drier. Zhorken's area's a bit cooler than mine, but not that significantly.

Doesn't matter, though, since who the hell has $1500+ to throw around? :(

I decided against going to London Expo this year :(
Oh I see, I thought you were coming to England, backstabbing traitors. >:(
I was going to, but I've had at least one doctor's appointment a week starting in late february and ending possibly beginning of may. And that's a 'possibly'. Sooooo maybe next time.


No one ever visits me. ; ; You can totally stay in my house! DO ITTTT.
But you're like ... in Israel. :'( Eh, possibly!
(Although, Brigit, are we still on for July?
We've been planning that thing on the eighth for some time.)
I'm not sure!
If for some reason you find yourself in Wales and not totally repelled by the idea of spending any length of time with me I could probably offer you a place to stay. Perhaps not a bed, but a place to stay, definitely.

I've got nothing against NYC. I'd just want to hang out with someone I know vaguely well and like.
I've been on TCoD for nearly seven years and I can recall how much of a far-off dream it used to be that TCoDians would meet up like this. Now it happens all the time. But even having met Danni and opal myself, I'm still not really used to it. I'm not sure why.
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My, my, I must say it is quite wonderful to note such cohesion amongst the forum [is still relatively new to the factor of being quite active]. I would offer my own services but I am still quite sadly within the shadows and the absolute middle of a rather cold northern forest is not the greatest location for enjoyment so as such I shall simply wish those partaking to hold the best of times and excellency together.

But even having met Danni and opal myself, I'm still not really used to it. I'm not sure why.

Perhaps you good folk were not able to consume gratuitous and large enough amounts of tea and cod?
I'd probably be able to host you two if you wanted, although where I'll be depends on when you plan on traveling. The options are Boston or Detroit, one of which has significantly more entertainment options and the other of which is kind-of-but-not-really close to H-Land.
I'd probably be able to host you two if you wanted, although where I'll be depends on when you plan on traveling. The options are Boston or Detroit, one of which has significantly more entertainment options and the other of which is kind-of-but-not-really close to H-Land.

Detroit is a seven hour drive from the both of us. :(
Detroit is a seven hour drive from the both of us. :(
I thought you lived in Akron. 0_o Google Maps says that's 3.5 hours from me, which sounds about right going by when I see signs for it on the highway. I'm not sure how you could be anywhere in Ohio and seven hours away from Detroit, considering that it only takes me 5.5-6 hours to get to school from home, and that entails going all the way through the northern part of Ohio and out the eastern end, then well into Pennsylvania.

Unless of course my memory and your location lie and you're not actually in Ohio.
I thought you lived in Akron. 0_o Google Maps says that's 3.5 hours from me, which sounds about right going by when I see signs for it on the highway. I'm not sure how you could be anywhere in Ohio and seven hours away from Detroit, considering that it only takes me 5.5-6 hours to get to school from home, and that entails going all the way through the northern part of Ohio and out the eastern end, then well into Pennsylvania.

Unless of course my memory and your location lie and you're not actually in Ohio.

I'm actually a bit closer to Warren/Youngstown, and my parents totally lied to me when I was begging them to go to the Gorillaz concert back in November. Sorry.
From my home to here
(At which point Walker's very near)
Would take two hours, or maybe three
(More so the latter if you get hungry).
In any case, I would still tend to say
That if I visit for a day
Any place from home by car
Sandusky is about as far
As I would ever want to go
Because driving just feels so slow
With endless fields of soy and corn.
It feels so dull and so forlorn.

But then, mind you, I'd be okay,
If we had gone the other way,
To visit Cinci, or Kings Mills
(Although Sandusky trumps for thrills).
But in Ohio, it would seem
Amusement parks (with or sans- theme)
Are all there really are to see
(Or so it really seems to me.)

But then again, it might just be
That I don't know the sights to see.
I must admit, I've never been
To Cincinnati, or Cleveland.
They both might have some nice museums,
but if they do, I've yet to see them.

[Oh, yes; Ruby, it would seem
That typing up this verbose ream
Has et my time: It did devour
Somewhere around half an hour.
It was pretty easy, though,
If only because I do know
That I must wait to go to lunch,
And though there's homework I should crunch,
I would much rather sit and write
That sit in read in morning's light.]
You should come to California, maybe the Bay Area or Sacramento. There's not much to do in Sac, but you guys can see me :3
I'd probably be able to host you two if you wanted, although where I'll be depends on when you plan on traveling. The options are Boston or Detroit, one of which has significantly more entertainment options and the other of which is kind-of-but-not-really close to H-Land.
That sounds pretty awesome \o/ Particularly since I at least (I don't know who else plans to come offhand) will see H-land around 8 July anyway to see Play! or possibly Distant Worlds; I never remember which one's done which year. Eh, either way, National Symphony Orchestra doing video game musics. Fuck yeah, party @ my house. Again.

I dunno about Zhorken, but Boston sounds a lot cooler to me .... My mom goes up to Boston to see her friends sometimes and she reliably has a good time hanging around Boston doing stuff even if she's not currently with her friends.
You should come to California, maybe the Bay Area or Sacramento. There's not much to do in Sac, but you guys can see me :3
Your parents probably have Opinions about the idea of two 19-year-olds you met on the internet staying at your house. :|b I don't know you very well, and even if I suddenly talked to you ALL THE TIME for the next few months, it'd not be enough for couch-crashing to not be Pretty Weird. Sorry. If I'm in the area for some reason at some point (staying anywhere in California's pretty expensive, so it's not very likely), then maybe we could hang out for an afternoon, but. Yeah. No.
Aside from the problems with affording England that you guys have already pointed out, I don't know where I'll be living this summer (or, thinking about it, where I'l be living for the rest of my life post-June), so I can't offer anyone a place to stay.

But if you do somehow end up in the UK, I'd definitely like to meet up!
I'd probably be able to host you two if you wanted, although where I'll be depends on when you plan on traveling. The options are Boston or Detroit, one of which has significantly more entertainment options and the other of which is kind-of-but-not-really close to H-Land.
Oh hey yeah I'd definitely be interested in meeting you. /o/ And yeah Boston definitely sounds cooler than Detroit! I've been there before, and it was definitely interesting, but it was years ago and I'd definitely like to go there again.
This is just to spite my inability to afford visiting you, isn't it? >:[

Well, come some time in the next whenever I have money, I will go to your house and make sure you're very well visited!
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