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Pokemon Global Link opens April 13.

lol I'm in college, I'd be happy if i could get my DS working with the shitty internet here in the first place :(

Guess I won't be getting on until next month.
Got onto the Dream World, transferred over a Hoppip and took my Durant back. I'd much rather have Latias up in there =3
I keep getting an unexpected error when I try to log in. :( If it doesn't jump me to the unexpected error page, when I try to click on anything it takes me to a page telling me what the Global Link is and that I need an account to participate. :/ I'm really annoyed, I was hoping it would be working today...
I haven't had any problems. Serperior in, lickitung out, thank you and goodnight. *shrug* Honestly, for the most part cases where you don't have problems are going to be rare this early into the release/with so many people hyped up about it; I wouldn't spend a lot of time worrying about it. My shiny foongus got stuck in the Japanese Dream World a few days before they shut it down, but it was dealt with soon enough and I got her back. No big deal.
lol I'm in college, I'd be happy if i could get my DS working with the shitty internet here in the first place :(

Guess I won't be getting on until next month.

yes, this. so much this. it makes me wish the DS had an ethernet plug.
No luck with the Dream World yet; just the same old saving-do-not-turn-off-the-power screen for a few minutes and then a communication error. I guess too many people are trying to get on there in the range of 3 to 5 PM Eastern time.

I did manage to get a couple of random matchup battles to go beyond the "choose Pokémon" screen today without whoever was on the other end disconnecting, though. Of course, all of these people disconnected during the black-screen fade-out that happens after both people pick their Pokémon, so it really wasn't much different.
SCRAPPY TAILLOW (shame its a guy though...no Supersonic/Brave Bird Swellow for me today...)
The Dream World is pretty fun! I don't have anything I was planning for yet (a cinccino with skill link and maybe just some pokemon I don't want to bother breeding for egg moves myself) but I did get a female sentret with frisk which is now a furret. It has covet, too! Which basically means I'm running around to find tabunne patches, stealing their oran berries and defeating them for ridiculous EXP. She's definitely staying on my team~

I also have a scrappy taillow and a rain dish surskit, but I'm unlikely to use those.
Is anyone else muchly troubled about sky race? I swear, it's sooo hard! I'm at max speed as soon as it's actually possible through getting water drop things, and I never even hit a cloud or an electric sign, but I end up over a hundred feet from the finish line! It's ridiculous.
I ace it with almost half the tiome left on the clock...

I've been holding it so close to the front of the screen that you can't see the tip of it's beak. It doesn't matter what I do, it just doesn't work. I've tried everything, and than I tried everything again in case I got better since than.
I won the Sky Race my first try. Don't know what you're doing wrong, and I don't think anybody can ever know unless they were watching you play the game.
I can finish with plenty of time left even without avoiding all of the clouds. That may be part of the problem—you're trying too hard to grab the water droplets and avoid every single obstacle. Zigzagging all over the screen in an effort to dodge wastes more time than moving fluidly, and while you certainly want to avoid most of the clouds, hitting a few here and there really doesn't affect your score too badly.

And while theoretically you can "get there faster" by hugging the left edge of the screen, you're also drastically reducing your reaction time when something comes up. Hanging back a little closer to the middle allows you the opportunity to see what's ahead of you and move out of the way more fluidly, and even chart a course that will let you dodge an obstacle and grab a droplet in as few movements as possible. Games like this are about efficiency and economy of movement, not about trying to be absolutely perfect and untouched.
I'll try that. But I usually stop going for water droplets just after I hit max speed, and it isn't that hard to dodge the obstacles. I think it might be my connection.
I think the Eeveeloutions can be picked up sometime in may, because that's when the game ends, and you can't get one via the breakout clone anymore.
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