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Pokémon Improvement Thread


New member
Pokémon Improvement Thread

As enjoyable as Pokémon games are, there's still more that Game Freak could do to improve them. So, uh, what are some features you'd alter, add, or remove to improve the series?
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

An egg pouch that hatches pokemon as you walk with them, but doesn't take up a slot of your party. Can carry up to 10 eggs. Pokemon hatched go right to your party, if your party's full, they go straight to the PC.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Having every single Pokemon available on the cartridge itself.

Event-legendaries do not add to the fun of the game for the majority of Pokemon fans, because the majority of Pokemon fans can't go to an event. Pokemon that are version-exclusives just requires another game, and Pokemon that only evolve by trade just requires another system and another game (unless you pre-arranged something with a friend. Assuming you have friends, that play Pokemon, willing to do that for you.), and both also do not add to the fun of the game. All of the above are blatant attempts at making money. Not that that's bad, considering Game Freak is a company, but:
Games almost always allow win conditions to be met on the game itself. This expectation should apply to Pokemon. Collecting all of the Pokemon available in any given generation is the win condition of the game for that generation. Therefore, any given Pokemon cart should have all of the Pokemon of the generation on the cartridge itself. If this causes problems for storage tile/pacing-wise, shove the excess Pokemon into a Safari Zone/Bug Catching Contest type thing.

Gotta catch em all shouldn't have to entail going miles and miles away from your home, finding friends who play Pokemon and are open about it, and failing those, cheating by buying a cheat device thing. So yeah. =(
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

I have everything (literally everything, as in every single species of Pokémon) except Deoxys in Platinum. All legit, no GTS trading or anything. I've been struggling to find another copy of Guardian Signs to work with for at least eight months now and finally I managed to convince my best friend to play it (although I actually had to buy her the game) so I think today or Tuesday I'll be finally getting Deoxys.

but I mean, it's bad enough that you have to have a copy of Guardian Signs to get a legit Deoxys in the first place; they did /not/ need to make the mission only fucking multiplayer. Except the problem is that Ranger games aren't mainstream games. Nobody I know would play a Ranger game of their own accord, so I have to find people and make them play it. I bought my best friend a game with real money so that I could get a bit of data in my Platinum. I mean, she likes it well enough and all, but at the same time. It doesn't need to be multiplayer. That's just one big "fuck you" to players that want legit dex completion.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread


The time limit and tasks on the Entralink should be optional, and you should be able to go into buildings, buy stuff, and generally just play in someone else's game like you would your own.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

the recommended level for the mission is 25. my best friend and i tried it at 25 and died. tried it again a few times and died. now i'm at level 28 and she's grinding (or trying to. so difficult to grind in the past ; ;) to around 28 because we were super close to catching Deoxys last time and if we hadn't run into that fucking Venusaur we would have definitely succeeded. I've been waiting two fucking years for a complete Pokédex; I don't need a setback like this getting in my way. >:/
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Having every single Pokemon available on the cartridge itself.

This, for sure.

I wish every game had FRLG's VS Seeker. In RSE, I do most of my training battling wild Pokémon while I wait for someone to decide they want to battle again. The VS Seeker was much cooler. btw I've never played past RSE - do they have something like the VS Seeker in newer games?
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Yeah, D/P has the VS. Seeker in it. I'd love it if they were to put it in Grey, or the RSE remakes.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Games almost always allow win conditions to be met on the game itself. This expectation should apply to Pokemon. Collecting all of the Pokemon available in any given generation is the win condition of the game for that generation. Therefore, any given Pokemon cart should have all of the Pokemon of the generation on the cartridge itself.

this generally gets fixed on the third game of a generation. (In fact, as I recall Emerald did it quite well) Sometimes it isn't completely (like in freaking Platinum!!!), but sometimes Game Freak does okay at fixing this.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

An egg pouch that hatches pokemon as you walk with them, but doesn't take up a slot of your party. Can carry up to 10 eggs. Pokemon hatched go right to your party, if your party's full, they go straight to the PC.

Oh, I like this idea! Breeding and egg hatching need to be less cumbersome in general. It'd also be pretty cool if there were optional minigames that reduced the amount of steps needed. Although, I can't really think of an egg-themed minigame that would be fun.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

Oh, I like this idea! Breeding and egg hatching need to be less cumbersome in general. It'd also be pretty cool if there were optional minigames that reduced the amount of steps needed. Although, I can't really think of an egg-themed minigame that would be fun.

i agree, an egg pouch would be of great aid. But what happens when they hatch?

Also on the subject of breeding:
-A way to affect gender, even if you don't one of that gender (starters and eeveelutions would be helped)
-Hydreigon having Dark Pulse and Earth Power from a legit source(or bring Dark Pulse TM back...)
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

-Hydreigon having Dark Pulse and Earth Power from a legit source(or bring Dark Pulse TM back...)

See, but those three thing would be really convenient, and I don't think Game Freak has that in the budget anymore, what with reusable TMs and all.

What we need are more ??? moves. Maybe even a ??? pokemon. (maybe the Unown could change types...)
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

i agree, an egg pouch would be of great aid. But what happens when they hatch?

-Hydreigon having Dark Pulse and Earth Power from a legit source(or bring Dark Pulse TM back...)

RespectTheBlade suggested that the hatched Pokemon could be transported to your PC given that you have a full party.

According to veekun, Hydreigon can learn Dark Pulse via egg move. No such luck with Earth Power, though.

On movepools, it'd be nice if Flareon could finally get Flare Blitz.
Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread

See, but those three thing would be really convenient, and I don't think Game Freak has that in the budget anymore, what with reusable TMs and all.

What we need are more ??? moves. Maybe even a ??? pokemon. (maybe the Unown could change types...)

??? doesn't even exist anymore, so.
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