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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Every time your transaction or approval is denied, you must create a new post in both here and the bank with all of the relevant and corrected information. The bank post you link to also does not link back to your purchase post; both posts must link to each other.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Pickups... ~~

Staryu [X] <Illuminate>
Houndour [M] <Flash Fire>
[Twinrova] Togepi [F] <Serene Grace>

Reaper Cloth
Water Stone

EDIT: I just realized the Staryu in the gift exchange thread didn't have an ability. The one on Mike (who gave it)'s profile is Illuminate, so I assume that's the correct ability.
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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Pickups... ~~

Staryu [X] <Illuminate>
Houndour [M] <Flash Fire>
[Twinrova] Togepi [F] <Serene Grace>

Reaper Cloth
Water Stone

EDIT: I just realized the Staryu in the gift exchange thread didn't have an ability. The one on Mike (who gave it)'s profile is Illuminate, so I assume that's the correct ability.

Yes, its ability is Illuminate, so I guess I can go ahead and say 'approved'.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I hope this works. Buying these:

Scyther, Male, Nicknamed Nightstalker, no modifications, or sig moves or attributes.
Ability: Swarm

Aron, Male, Nicknamed Cliff, no modifications, or sig moves or attributes.
Ability: Rock Head

Carvahnna, Male, Nicknamed Nipper, no modifications, sig moves or attributes.
Ability: Rough Skin.

...And here is the link to see me losing all of my money. ;_;


Sorry I've been a lot of trouble. ;_: I am just an idiot. -__-,
Anyway, I think I fixed this. Approve It PLEASE! (Even though I used the wrong registration format PLEASE approve it!
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Sorry I've been a lot of trouble. ;_: I am just an idiot. -__-,
Anyway, I think I fixed this. Approve It PLEASE! (Even though I used the wrong registration format PLEASE approve it!

Now I hate to drag this on even longer, but when your transaction is denied you must repost everything. So repost your bank transaction, and the Pokemon info.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I just clicked burookple's link and it worked for me.

...That's strange. It still doesn't work for me. :|

Anyway, I took a look at post #1782 on this thread, and it belongs to Kusari, not burookple. So I'm not very sure what to make of this. At any rate, it'd be easier to repost information.

Edit: Okay, now that I look at it, it seems that burookple has deleted his original post. At least that's what I can infer from Kusari's post.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Christmas presents :D

[Sho Minamimoto] Murkrow (M) <Super Luck>
[Palom] Plusle (M) <Plus>
[Porom] Minun (F) <Minus>
Doduo (M) <Early Bird>
[Dalton] NidoranM <Poison Point>
Koffing (M) <Levitate>

And a Dawn Stone and a Rare Candy.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Yay for gifts~

- [Joey] Ralts (M) <Trace> from Full Metal Cookies
- Zangoose (M) from Grass King
- [Tiny] Rhyhorn (M) from Kusarigamaitachi
- [Amylase] Lickitung (M) <Own Tempo> from Kratos Aurion
- Growlithe (F) <Intimidate> from Chiropter
- [Diego] Houndour (M) <Flash Fire> and Fire Stone from Negrek
- 50% off a purchase at moon-panther's shop
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Buying an Eevee!


Abillity: Adaptabillity​

I hate Eevee, but there's one Eeveelution I do like...
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