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Political Compass II

Economic Left/Right: -3.662
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.00


Wow, me the moderate.
Economic Left/Right: -1.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.74


This actually is pretty close to all the other political tests I've taken - I'm usually described as a centrist or something.
Well, I'm the only purple, I think... maybe Lorem? He's a Tory, methinks.

I don't even know how but like half the time I'm in the purple quadrant and half the time I'm in the green.
Maybe it depends on my mood.
I'm always around -2 on the social axis, though.
Last time I was too lazy to resave the image it gave me, this time I'm too lazy to do the test again (I think I've stayed annoyingly naive), so you can have last time's results:

Economic Left/Right: -8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.36


Yeah, I'm a purple. My views seem to fluctuate rather a lot, but I'm normally around the very bottom left of the purple segment.

Yeah, I'm a purple. My views seem to fluctuate rather a lot, but I'm normally around the very bottom left of the purple segment.

at least you're not authoritarian. :) reor ego es intelligens magne; cur dicimus non?

(boy, my latin is rusty.)
From that I got "I suppose you are intelligent with large; why do we say no?"... but we're going off-topic, visitor message me :P
Lorem Ipsum said:

Hey Lorem, we should start a Purple Club. In addition to representing right-libertarianism, it's also a fucking awesome color.

Zuu said:
reor ego es intelligens magne; cur dicimus non?

"You seem smart; why don't we talk?"
Hey Lorem, we should start a Purple Club. In addition to representing right-libertarianism, it's also a fucking awesome color.

*laugh* Hell yeah! Libertarians ftw~ :P

...I actually do kind of like the idea of the libertarian ideology. From what... very, very little I know of it. ||OTL Guh, this is why I should do research on stuff; I probably look like a fool otherwise XD;

But anyway, uh! Sorry I didn't get around to compiling that image I said I was gonna do... like a week ago. |D; Just kinda wanted to say that; other stuff gets in the way. If anyone else wants to make it, by all means~
Hey Lorem, we should start a Purple Club. In addition to representing right-libertarianism, it's also a fucking awesome color.

Can I be a member on Mondays? Because I'm in the purple on Mondays. Oh, and some Tuesdays.

In total seriousness: Do we seriously only have one Authoritarian-leaning member here (who's taken the test that is)? And even that's just slight. (I think this person only posted in the original thread, not this one.)
In total seriousness: Do we seriously only have one Authoritarian-leaning member here (who's taken the test that is)? And even that's just slight. (I think this person only posted in the original thread, not this one.)

Looks like it.. :c I guess we aren't the most politically diverse group around, huh? |D; (inb4 "No shit, sherlock!")
I dunno, I feel like it'd be interesting, if nothing else :B It's good to see different perspectives, like where people with differing views might be coming from. I guess it might be hard for more right-leaning members, though, since we have such a leftist population... almost like if you were to, say, venture onto a very rightist forum; I'd be a little intimidated, myself, in a place where most people are the political opposite of me. (Or I'd at least try to steer clear of the debate forum, where I'd likely be crushed to death *snort*)
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