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My political views are probably very close to aobaru's.
Anyway, I'm around -9.8 on both.
EDIT: Hang on, the image is so much more fun:
I am, apparently:
Economic Left/Right: -8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.36
(ie. down in that bottom-left corner along with everyone else)
I feel so...different! Although I guess I'm really not; I'm still in the bottom left quadrant. I think I only ended up so close to the middle because I didn't really use the strongly agree/disagree options (because I never like picking the extremes on tests like these).
Even for questions like "Mothers may have careers, but the first duty is to be homemakers."?
I couldn't save mine... but is it scary that I am labeled between Stalin and Hitler? I think I missed a page or something cause that terrified me.