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About 75% of the students and faculty at my school wore purple today, and most who didn't just didn't know about it.

I love my school. The fact that it is what it is keeps me from going crazy about school.
There were about five people in each of my classes who were wearing purple in the boys' memory, myself included.
A few others said they'd forgotten or didn't have anything purple, and I few didn't know about it, but they'd have worn purple if they did. Lots of people in the halls were wearing purple and at least one teacher was.
I'm wearing purple right now!

Quite a few people wore purple to school today, although it could be just my wishful thinking. I think the purple count is about 10%, although I was hoping for more... Then again, a lot of people didn't seem to know about the wearing purple thing, so it could be that.
I wore purple! As well as about 10% of my peers. And there were a few people who forgot and wrote on their arms with purple marker.
Yeah I don't own any purple clothes but a bunch of people in my school participated so that's "prettie kool"
I joined the facebook group but I don't own anything purple, so it was more of an "in the spirit" kinda thing. :(

Actually, I got two separate invitations for the same event, and THEN I joined the group. But I still wasn't able to wear anything purple due to the lack of owning any.
Wore purple yesterday, as did... 2 other people in school, neither of whom knew about this. :( Worse still:

*I pass a random girl wearing purple*
Me: Hey! You're wearing purple! You support the cause!
Random girl: Really? Hang on.
*said random girl leaves for a bit*
Two minutes later...
*said random girl shows up in a black T-shirt*
Me: Never mind...

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I wore a purple T-shirt yesterday. It was the only thing I had, but still... Couldn't see anyone else wearing it, though... But most of them probably didn't know about it. :/
Deviant Art went purple today in support. That's pretty sweet!

And half of our student body wore purple two days ago, so when we were supposed to, hardly anyone did. But the few that did, rocked it.
I was really determined last week to wear purple. I completely forgot because all of my grade had these mock job interviews so I had to dress up in the only fancyish outfit I own and all that. Then in class that day a teacher was like, "Nice to see a few people wearing purple," and I was really disappointed that I forgot...until I remembered that my outfit was pretty much all purple. :D
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