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Rainbow Factory

Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

Just popping in to say that your art is terrific. I especially like the way that you draw pokemon.
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow


“Once there was a very vain black dragon. He believed that he was the most beautiful creature in all the lands, and was always found with a mirror by his side.

But one day, a witch on the back of a mighty white winged beast came upon the dragon’s lair. She told the dragon that he was too proud, and he must be punished.

The witch placed a curse on the dragon, making his flesh and scales rot away, but leaving his mind bound to his skeleton for all eternity.

The dragon mourned the loss of his beauty, hiding deep underground.”

Experimenting with stuff~
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

Ahh that is really cool. I love styly experimenty stuff and dragons and the colours are awesome. One thing, it's a bit hard to see the arm over the leg, so I'd say add a gradient from where the arm lays a shadow, but otherwise, really really cool. :D
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

O: thank you! people seem to really like these, ahaha.

...I don't have the psd anymore though, lame. I'll keep that in mind for my later ones though, I have plans for a few more. here are some now!


I like the purple one best...Blue seems kinda off, I dunno.

These all have legends too, they can be found on my tumblr.
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

Jacob you are bad at being a Drow. They're not supposed to be so cute. >:T

But seriously, adore these. SO CUTE.
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

I absolutely love your dragons. May I suggest a pink feminine-looking one? :D
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

I absolutely love your dragons. May I suggest a pink feminine-looking one? :D

Hmmm...Well there aren't any pink dragons in D&D (as far as I know), which is what they are for...but I could give it a go. Any ideas for design? I tend to get a little crazy when left to my own devices designing things ;P
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

Hmm.. speaking of DND... How about you make this character.

Female spellsword who uses a full blade... yes full blade... (This is one of my old characters) She has a black viper as a familiar. Alignment was Chaotic-Neutral... until my party decided she was more evil than neutral. Black is main character color, prefers cold spells, also since she turned evil knows a bit of necromancy. Black hair green eyes. Personality... true bitch lol.

If you ever have time.
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

I'm not actually doing requests right now, but I am taking Commissions! So there's that.

and now, things.





these were all done in my livestream, which I tend to use most nights (for both drawing and playing Audiosurf). There tends to be NSFW content, though, as a warning. There are a few recordings there, but again! possible NSFW content.

Coming to a stream is a good way to get free sketches out of me, if you're polite :9 and tell me who you are on here~
Re: Colours Fall Like Snow

Dat bat. Dat itty bitty heartbat. <333

Also *snrrrk* I will never get tired of Medino.
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