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Rate the Avatar Above You~


I dunno, she's growing on me. Love the colors of the hat and hair.

Love the way the blades contrast with the rest of it, but I'm having a hard time telling just what the rest is. Is it an arm? What's the white blotch?

It just seems very fitting for you! I like it.

(It's a smaller version of the sixth and last picture of my signature; it's a close-up of Mai [this feels like awkwardly like third person wow] holding knives. The white blotch it just like a button or something on her outfit.)

Pretty kewl, but I don't usually like gifs. Looks to me like a Chinese lion with bat wings :P
(umm, doesnt it seem pointless to have two of the exact same forum games?)


It seems more like a slideshow than a gif. And, like Ever said, It looks like a chinese . =\
(but that's not right! Having two of the same topic that are both active is pointless! One of them should be locked! And your only doing this for posts! There's such a thing as too many posts, i think. >=( )


Looks more like a gif, but it's not moving so fluently. Try getting an avatar thats not a gif and that's simple, like ever's fish monster with blanket.
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