Arena Description
One out at a time
DQ: 3 days
Restrictions: OHKO moves, no chills, No Perish Song
Damage Caps: N/A
Arena: Nintendo DS
Identical to the Mario Kart DS battle arena; battlers are situated on a giant Nintendo DS bearing the Pokémon Platinum start-up screen which is floating in the middle of space. It has its own atmosphere, making it possible to breathe, and the gravity is identical to Earth's.
Round ???
-PichuBoy- OO

(N/A) Tyrogue (Male, Steadfast)
Commands: Protect / Swagger / Hi Jump Kick ~ Protect / Swagger / Hi Jump Kick ~ Protect / Swagger / Hi Jump Kick
Status: Satisfied now that he’s really in the game. (Paralyzed: 25% chance for full paralysis this turn, 15% next turn, Special Defense -1, Attack and Defense +1)
Gold Rush OO

(Cyborg) Porygon (No Gender, Adaptability)
Commands: Psychic / Magic Coat ~ Tri Attack / Magic Coat ~ Tri Attack / Magic Coat
Status: Annoyed at being hit
Tyrogue breathed heavily, casually scratching at one of his bandages. He stared across the screen at his opponent, Cyborg the Porygon. Cyborg had retained the same expression the entire battle, though it was hard not to without a mouth. He slowly began to move his limbs. No paralysis at the moment, but that was subject to change. Now, it was time to show the poor computer program. He quickly devised a heroic, far-fetched, and downright annoying story to brag about. Following that, he added a couple super powers to himself in the story. Feeling that the story was annoying enough, he began to recite it, while puffing out his chest and strutting ceremoniously around the right side of the DS. Not three seconds into the story Tyrogue felt that cold sensation of your limbs and muscles instantly freezing in place. Even his tongue was stopped. He managed to stay upright, though he was frozen in the action of punching an imaginary enemy. This made him appear to be a statue of a superhero.
Cyborg eyed the scene with a small bit of pity. He would have simply deflected the attack with a Magic Coat anyway, but not having the attack completed in the first place was a bit of overkill. Or was it the other way around? Cyborg pushed the thoughts from his mind and focused on the task at hand. Using his pre-programmed Psychic powers, Cyborg sent a wave of energy towards Tyrogue. The energy enveloped the Fighting-type in a purple aura that slightly blinded Tyrogue. Cyborg had full command over the energy, so he manipulated it in a way that it would lift Tyrogue into the air. After this had been achieved, Cyborg made the energy slam him against the centre of the DS screen, minimising the chance of the DS wobbling and shaking. This was repeated three times, before the energy melted away, leaving Tyrogue resting painfully above a pixelated Giratina. Cyborg was satisfied.
Tyrogue: No damage dealt
Cyborg: Psychic Base Power: 90, rounded down to 9%, -1 from anti STAB, -1 from being 1st evo of 3 evo chain, Damage Modifier: 1.5, 1.5 x 7 = 10.5 = 10, +1 from Tyrogue’s –1 Sp. Def. Tyrogue takes 11% damage
Tyrogue: No energy loss
Cyborg: Psychic PP: 10 = 4%, +2 from Base Power = 90, +1 from being 1st evo of 3 evo chain, +1 from anti STAB, 8 x 1.2 (Adaptability) = 9.6 = 9. Cyborg loses 9% energy
Tyrogue slowly got up, aching from head to toe, both from the paralysis and the Psychic barrage that he had just endured. The Porygon looked smug, or at least as smug as a living polygonal computer program can look. Tyrogue grimaced as memories of him losing to a small seemingly harmless Marill came flooding back. He remembered the pain, the loss of dignity, and the look on the Marill’s face when he had won. But most of all he remembered the jeers of his fellow kind on the slopes of Mt. Mortar. He grudgingly pushed the memories out of his mind, and began to once again recite his story. He smiled as he realized the paralysis would not fully freeze him at the moment, but he was still slightly at a disadvantage. Halfway through his story, Tyrogue heard his own words bouncing back at him. Here and there things were changed, most specifically the name of the character being changed from “The almighty Tyrogue” to “The all-powerful Cyborg the Porygon”. Now frustrated, Tyrogue continued his story with much more vigour, adding more hand gestures and strutting faster. But still the story came back to him. Eventually he stopped, but he was confused unto where the copied story had come from.
While Tyrogue had been reciting an obviously fake story, Cyborg had simply activated his “firewall” application, surrounding him in a beautiful cloak. The covering shone with every colour of the rainbow. But it’s purpose was not to entrance the opponent with all of the “pretty colours”. It was meant to deflect status attacks and stat modifiers back towards the opponent. This meaning that as Tyrogue had droned on and on his story had been reflected by the coat and changed slightly so as to fill Tyrogue with rage, not to make him feel proud of himself. After the action was finished the humanoid Pokemon shivered with anger, making Cyborg feel that keeping his expression smug would anger the opponent more, instead of his expressionless face, which would have no effect on Tyrogue.
Tyrogue: No damage dealt
Cyborg: No damage dealt
Tyrogue: Swagger PP: 15 = 3%, +2 from having to move while paralysed, +1 for added vigour. Tyrogue loses 6% energy
Cyborg: Magic Coat PP: 15 = 3%, +2 from having to sustain move for extended amount of time. Cyborg loses 5% energy
Cyborg was glad that he finally had the freedom of attacking ages before his opponent. He rose up above the surface of the DS so he had a better vantage point for shooting at Tyrogue. The Pokemon was staring at Cyborg intensely, appearing that he wished to bore holes in Cyborg’s body. Cyborg ignored him for the time being, deciding he would rather focus on his attack. In each of his forward facing edges, Cyborg summoned a different elemental power. In his left foot he summoned up electric currents. In his right, an icy blast. And at the edge of his head, he conjured a snake of flame. In unison he sent them spiralling towards Tyrogue’s form. The merciless attack exploded on impact with the small Pokemon’s body. The Fighting-Pokemon cringed as the pain spread through his body. He was lucky in that he was not afflicted by any status conditions. Cyborg slowly descended back down on to the DS.
Tyrogue was feeling horrible. He had not done anything yet to his opponent except giving him free target practice. And now his trainer was ordering him to once more recite his story. He didn’t know what the point of it was, but he could not disobey an order. Once again however, he was ill fated. He was quite dizzy from his confusion that had been afflicted earlier. So as he strutted towards the edge of the screen he tripped over the small raised area and landed hard on his jaw, ending his action. Cyborg watched the Pokemon on the verge of tears slowly drag itself back up, and couldn’t help but succumb once more to those waves of pity.
Tyrogue: Confuson Damage: 2%, +3 from Tyrogue’s +3 Atk. Tyrogue takes 5% damage
Porygon: Tri Attack Base Power: 80, rounded down to 8%, +2 from STAB, +2 from Adaptability, -1 from being 1st evo of 3 evo chain, +1 from Tyrogues –1 Sp. Def. Tyrogue takes 12% damage.
Tyrogue: No energy loss
Porygon: Tri Attack PP: 10 = 4%, +2 from Base Power = 80, +1 from being 1st evo of 3 evo chain. Cyborg loses 7% energy
End of Round ???
-PichuBoy- OO

(N/A) Tyrogue (Male, Steadfast)
Status: MUST KILL! MUST KILL! (Paralyzed: 25% chance for full paralysis this turn, 15% next turn, Confused: 50% chance of hurting self this turn, 25% next turn, Special Defense -1, Attack and Defense +1)
Gold Rush OO

(Cyborg) Porygon (No Gender, Adaptability)
Status: Immensely satisfied with the round
Terrain Notes
-Nothing to note
Ref’s Notes
-I’m assuming I don’t have to post every single status / critical hit / whatever randomization
-Magic Coat did not reflect the attack boosts of Swagger, as they are not negative stat changes
-Gold Rush to order commands first
EDIT: Just to clear it up, I always refer to genderless Pokemon as males out of habit in reffings.