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Reverse Mafia [D3]

Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Eifie~no two people are lycnhed, everyone gets 2 votes (they can put their vote like 2 votes for one person or 1 vote for two people
Now, are you gonna lynch me so i can prove i'm scum and you'll get 2 lynches, or should i stay in the game?

Egging everyone on like that isn't exactly the best idea in a Mafia game. We have plenty of time to discuss things.
And I'm not accusing you of being Innocent this early on, but in another game, I definitely remember someone (RK10, I think) with a strange roleclaim that ended up being a coverup for him being Mafia. Your role seems kind of odd.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Oh, that wasn't you? Sorry. I just think I remember reading a game where someone fakeclaimed with something really obscure and odd, got called out, pretended it was a joke, and turned out to be Mafia. And the Corrupt Princess role seems like it has a really strange power.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Possibly my jokeclaim of arceus silencing me because it declared my metronome roll of judgement illegal.

Okay that sounds odd
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

i'm thr beloved princess, except, since this is reverse mafia, i'm corrupted.

And i have gotten beloved princess before.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Eifie~no two people are lycnhed, everyone gets 2 votes (they can put their vote like 2 votes for one person or 1 vote for two people

So two people can be lynched in one talk-phase and everybody (not just mafia) gets two votes? Well, I guess having two votes makes a bit more sense if two people can be lynched, at least.

Now, are you gonna lynch me so i can prove i'm scum and you'll get 2 lynches, or should i stay in the game?

First off, what good is it to prove that you're mafia if you're dead? Second, lynching you right now to use that power would be a terrible idea; what would be the point of having two lynches while we've got no ideas at all as to who to lynch? It'd be better to save your claimed power until a time when using it might be strategic, although by claiming for no reason you've kind of given up that advantage; the innocents could kill you to activate your power any time they choose, now. :|
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

^ If there is one, I highly doubt they'd claim on N1.
Sorry I haven't posted yet, totally forgot to subscribe to this thread...
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

well, is there like a healer?

Well, as you've said yourself, your role is pretty insignificant; I wouldn't expect a doctor to go out of eir way to target you, if that's what you mean. It would be convenient to be able to kill you and activate your power whenever we'd like, but I don't think having two lynches and two votes once when we choose to is so big a deal that a doctor need use up eir action to keep you alive when ey could be healing somebody else. I can't actually think of a situation right now in which having two lynches and two votes would actually be necessary for the town; at most it'd only be a way to speed things up. Also, I'm wondering whether the voting for the two lynches would occur concurrently or separately (i.e., whether the two people with the most votes at the end of the night would both be lynched at the same time, or the person with the most votes would be lynched and then the town could revote to have a second person lynched). Metallica Fanboy: Could you clarify how the two lynches would work if a role like the one DarkAura's claimed existed? (Or I guess DarkAura could PM Metallica Fanboy to ask and then tell us, or something. Well, this isn't particularly important, anyway.)
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Sorry for the double post

I just had it clarifyed.

Now, everyone gets to lynch two different people. Not just the scum, everyone. The two with the most votes get lynched.

So two people get lynched. (oh, and you cant have 2 votes for the same person)
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Sorry for the double post

I just had it clarifyed.

Now, everyone gets to lynch two different people. Not just the scum, everyone. The two with the most votes get lynched.

So two people get lynched. (oh, and you cant have 2 votes for the same person)

Oh, okay. So that's basically like skipping an action-phase. Which is the complete opposite of what the beloved princess is supposed to do normally, yes, but because you're claiming your alignment hasn't changed to go with that that's still kind of missing the entire point of the role; I'm not quite sure I believe you.

Well. Apparently we've got only a bit over an hour left for this talk-phase, and the discussion hasn't actually turned to today's lynch, yet! Um. Has anyone got any ideas? Legend, Flora, Glace, Bobino, and Superbird haven't posted at all so far. :|
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Oh, okay. So that's basically like skipping an action-phase. Which is the complete opposite of what the beloved princess is supposed to do normally, yes, but because you're claiming your alignment hasn't changed to go with that that's still kind of missing the entire point of the role; I'm not quite sure I believe you.

Well. Apparently we've got only a bit over an hour left for this talk-phase, and the discussion hasn't actually turned to today's lynch, yet! Um. Has anyone got any ideas? Legend, Flora, Glace, Bobino, and Superbird haven't posted at all so far. :|

If you dont believe me, thats ok. Because if you lynch me, it'll be good for the scum, so i'm not worried.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Metallica Fanboy: Does a lynch-vote have to be in the majority of everyone alive for the person to be lynched, or is it based on something else like out of how many people who even voted?

I know from experience (on the innocent, mafia, and GM side of things) that if a mafia is less experienced, they tend to make a random kill the first night. Once they get a little more used to it and get more of a sense of how this works, their kills start to make more sense. I was just saying it is more likely that the people who are the innocents (mafia) in this game likely know how this works pretty well, due to their choice of first kill. And you've completely disregarded the second part of my statement! I said "Either they know exactly what they're doing, or They took a wild stab in the dark". True, it does seem more likely they have some sort of intelligence on their side, but I didn't say that that was absolutely it. Yes, it is possible they took a look into past threads and said "oh hey, she's good at this let's kill her", but I was just putting into the conversation what I thought might have happened.

Why does it have to be one or the other? A mafia can know only sort of what they're doing - they don't have to be either perfect or "taking a wild stab in the dark", that's silly. And if it's really one or the other, or even if you add an in between, that still doesn't tell us anything about how good the mafia is because they could be taking a "wild stab in the dark." Or they're not taking a wild stab in the dark, but they looked at past games and went "oh, Mai seems decent," without knowing exactly what they're doing.

The fact that you've GMed mafias who attack randomly doesn't really mean anything, either. Different people act differently when they're new at mafia! Some people submit random actions for a while as they try to figure out what's going on, and some people look at everything and make sure they're as sure as they can be before even playing, and then they think really hard about their actions based on what they learned. It's easy to assume that because of what you've personally seen that every player ever would act exactly that way, but lots of players would act differently! You just happen to have seen people acting a certain way, that's all.

It shouldn't be disconcerting when someone who doesn't die often suddenly dies. A game of mafia doesn't go "oh, this person hasn't died in a while, I guess I'll keep them alive." The game isn't sentient it can't do that! (or if it were mysteriously sentient, I'd think it would kill the person just to change things around a bit.) Sometimes people don't die for a while and then die. It doesn't mean anything, it isn't scary or eerie or confusing or disconcerting, it's just a thing that happened.

Well, as you've said yourself, your role is pretty insignificant; I wouldn't expect a doctor to go out of eir way to target you, if that's what you mean. It would be convenient to be able to kill you and activate your power whenever we'd like, but I don't think having two lynches and two votes once when we choose to is so big a deal that a doctor need use up eir action to keep you alive when ey could be healing somebody else. I can't actually think of a situation right now in which having two lynches and two votes would actually be necessary for the town; at most it'd only be a way to speed things up. Also, I'm wondering whether the voting for the two lynches would occur concurrently or separately (i.e., whether the two people with the most votes at the end of the night would both be lynched at the same time, or the person with the most votes would be lynched and then the town could revote to have a second person lynched). Metallica Fanboy: Could you clarify how the two lynches would work if a role like the one DarkAura's claimed existed? (Or I guess DarkAura could PM Metallica Fanboy to ask and then tell us, or something. Well, this isn't particularly important, anyway.)

I'm inclined to agree that lynching DarkAura right now is silly. We'd just be discussing the same nothing we're discussing right now! We don't have anything to go on except oh no, the innocents killed someone who kind of actually plays mafia they must be the best minority players ever only no not really.

I guess you could argue that if we don't have anyone better to lynch, we might as well, but DarkAura's sort of on our side if she's telling the truth, and at the very least if she's alive she can help us to keep our numbers up, which is good. If we just kill every maybe-scum who isn't really useful, eventually the innocents would outnumber us. Also the innocents might kill DarkAura, but they have just as little reason to as we do, and a reason not to, which is that they want to be able to use their kill. Postponing day actions could help the mafia if they needed to do something during the night, but right now that shouldn't be the case.

We could lynch someone else instead, but at this point our best option is kind of just to do random lynch, and that's... frequently pretty useless. We might hit the innocents, and that would be good, but we could also hit scum. If the scum-person isn't contributing, it wouldn't matter too much, but we don't even know what our chances are of hitting innocents! And there might be other roles like beloved princess that have weird effects, so hitting one of them could be dangerous.

Well. Apparently we've got only a bit over an hour left for this talk-phase, and the discussion hasn't actually turned to today's lynch, yet! Um. Has anyone got any ideas? Legend, Flora, Glace, Bobino, and Superbird haven't posted at all so far. :|

Inactive lynches are kind of annoying! :( Lots of people are like "well these people aren't talkative mafia are like that >:(" but why shouldn't mafia realize that and... talk? Except lots of mafia refuse to talk anyway sigh.

(also it's annoying that if we hit an innocent that way then that would be like cheating and not like really playing. :( But I guess then we'd have at least done something!)

Also most of those people (who is Bobino??) seem like they basically never play mafia (and by "play" I mean "talks" not "joins and then wanders off for the rest of the game"), so I guess at the least we'd be lynching someone who isn't a contributing member.

Also! If we leave maybe-useless people around, then they might end up taking kills instead of useful people! The innocents ought to be trying really hard not to kill useless people but they could decide to for some reason or the useless people could get hit for other reasons, like a redirect role. That's not likely enough that we shouldn't kill them if it would be useful, though.

We might have to do random/inactive lynches regardless, so I guess really what we should decide is if it's worth it now when we have bigger numbers and can afford to do slightly risky lynches or if it isn't worth it until we're starting to run out of time.
Last edited:
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Hiikaru ♥;522847 said:
Why does it have to be one or the other? A mafia can know only sort of what they're doing - they don't have to be either perfect or "taking a wild stab in the dark", that's silly. And if it's really one or the other, or even if you add an in between, that still doesn't tell us anything about how good the mafia is because they could be taking a "wild stab in the dark." Or they're not taking a wild stab in the dark, but they looked at past games and went "oh, Mai seems decent," without knowing exactly what they're doing.

The fact that you've GMed mafias who attack randomly doesn't really mean anything, either. Different people act differently when they're new at mafia! Some people submit random actions for a while as they try to figure out what's going on, and some people look at everything and make sure they're as sure as they can be before even playing, and then they think really hard about their actions based on what they learned. It's easy to assume that because of what you've personally seen that every player ever would act exactly that way, but lots of players would act differently! You just happen to have seen people acting a certain way, that's all.

It shouldn't be disconcerting when someone who doesn't die often suddenly dies. A game of mafia doesn't go "oh, this person hasn't died in a while, I guess I'll keep them alive." The game isn't sentient it can't do that! (or if it were mysteriously sentient, I'd think it would kill the person just to change things around a bit.) Sometimes people don't die for a while and then die. It doesn't mean anything, it isn't scary or eerie or confusing or disconcerting, it's just a thing that happened.

I never said that's what it had to be. You did. I just said that's what it seems to me, and even then I was just outlining trends. I never even refuted you! I was actually agreeing with you, but I did point out one thing you overlooked.

And I'm not saying it was eerie or confusing (how did you even get the impression I thought it was confusing, it makes perfect sense), it's just Mai can be a real asset for the innocents, and the fact she died the first night isn't exactly the best things for us. (well, any innocent dieing isn't exactly the best thing for us, but someone like Mai is worse)

And I'm sorry my wording may not be the best, but I just write what I'm thinking, alright? There's no need to go on tirades about the flaws in my statements.

I was just trying to help :/
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

If you dont believe me, thats ok. Because if you lynch me, it'll be good for the scum, so i'm not worried.

It's not quite that simple. It isn't a good thing for us to just throw away players on our side, if you happen to be one. As the uninformed majority, the only sure things we've got going for us against the innocents are our numbers and being able to lynch during the talk-phase. Keeping this advantage is pretty important, since it's probably the only way we can win! And not lynching someone during the talk-phase means that the innocents would have to kill em during the action-phase to get rid of em; while that's happening, they're not killing anybody else.

I don't really think your power is that good for the mafia, especially not so much that it'd be worth using up a lynch and losing a mafia member. (You even seemed to think your role was useless yourself when you first claimed!) What even makes lynching you and then lynching two people the next talk-phase different from lynching one of those two people instead of lynching you and then lynching the second the next talk-phase, if you're really mafia? The two things I can think of are that we'd definitely lose one of our number unnecessarily and we might have more information to go on the next night to choose two people to lynch, or we might not. And I'm still unable to think of any situation where being able to lynch two people in one talk-phase would be necessary, and even if one came up, we'd have to be able to predict that the night before and lynch you then, or you'd have to die during the day.

Hiikaru ♥;522847 said:
[all the words ever]

I agree; inactive lynches are annoying. :c I guess for now it'd be better not to lynch, since we've got no reason to suspect anybody (except DarkAura a bit) and lynching somebody random because ey might be innocent because anyone could be innocent is no fun! I'll go ahead and vote no lynch, then.
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