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Reverse Mafia [D3]

Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

I never said that's what it had to be. You did. I just said that's what it seems to me, and even then I was just outlining trends. I never even refuted you! I was actually agreeing with you, but I did point out one thing you overlooked.

And I'm not saying it was eerie or confusing (how did you even get the impression I thought it was confusing, it makes perfect sense), it's just Mai can be a real asset for the innocents, and the fact she died the first night isn't exactly the best things for us. (well, any innocent dieing isn't exactly the best thing for us, but someone like Mai is worse)

And I'm sorry my wording may not be the best, but I just write what I'm thinking, alright? There's no need to go on tirades about the flaws in my statements.

I was just trying to help :/

I'm sorry if you were bothered!

The big thing is that you seemed to find it really odd that Mai would die, when it's not odd at all, so I was trying to explain why it's not! It's important that all the players understand things like that so they can play more effectively later!

Mafia isn't a game of sending in actions and hoping, it's a game of talking! So I'm certainly not trying to discourage you from saying what you think (please do! it's always more interesting the more people say!), just talking back! You're supposed to argue with others and explain things - that's pretty much the point! So try not to be bothered when people do that in the future, it's not personal, they're just playing!

(also it's hardly "tirades" - writing short posts is hard, writing long posts is easy. The long posts don't mean "tirades", they just mean that in general I get really frustrated trying to write short posts!)

It's not quite that simple. It isn't a good thing for us to just throw away players on our side, if you happen to be one. As the uninformed majority, the only sure things we've got going for us against the innocents are our numbers and being able to lynch during the talk-phase. Keeping this advantage is pretty important, since it's probably the only way we can win! And not lynching someone during the talk-phase means that the innocents would have to kill em during the action-phase to get rid of em; while that's happening, they're not killing anybody else.

I don't really think your power is that good for the mafia, especially not so much that it'd be worth using up a lynch and losing a mafia member. (You even seemed to think your role was useless yourself when you first claimed!) What even makes lynching you and then lynching two people the next talk-phase different from lynching one of those two people instead of lynching you and then lynching the second the next talk-phase, if you're really mafia? The two things I can think of are that we'd definitely lose one of our number unnecessarily and we might have more information to go on the next night to choose two people to lynch, or we might not. And I'm still unable to think of any situation where being able to lynch two people in one talk-phase would be necessary, and even if one came up, we'd have to be able to predict that the night before and lynch you then, or you'd have to die during the day.

I was thinking it could be useful in the same way party pooper's occasionally useful, only I guess it's not really the same as that, so, I'm having trouble thinking of a good use for it, too. I guess if we really needed to avoid some day-action then it could be good, or if we really needed to lynch two people suddenly, but you're right that we'd have to be able to predict that, and we probably wouldn't be able to.

Regardless, there's no point in using it when we don't have anyone in mind to lynch at all, let alone two people, so we may as well wait to see if a situation happens where we'd need to!

I agree; inactive lynches are annoying. :c I guess for now it'd be better not to lynch, since we've got no reason to suspect anybody (except DarkAura a bit) and lynching somebody random because ey might be innocent because anyone could be innocent is no fun! I'll go ahead and vote no lynch, then.

And then we'll have more options the next night when we possibly have a little more information, I guess! It pretty much seems better right now to wait for more to happen and for more people to talk before we try lynching.

I guess abstain, too, even if that's also kind of annoying.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Even with all the means of information-gathering available, there was no finding out who offed Mai. There were suspicions of innocents being behind it, but none were particularly founded. People could get killed for any given thing in that town really, the lack of evidence was the strange part. Evidence was usually gone every other crime, but at least, whoever made it disappear would tell somebody.

No one was lynched.

48 hours for day actions.
Re: Reverse Mafia [D1]

DarkAura was a one-of-a-kind sort. Even within a town of nothing but crime, she's managed to do crime in such a gruesome way, the criminals hated her. So when she was found dead in the middle of the main street for all to see, there was celebration.

That night, the criminals felt a spur of inspiration. It felt like a great time to smoke out some innocents.

DarkAura is dead. She was scum.

DarkAura was a Loathed Druglord.

Tonight, two players can be lynched (the two most voted will be) and everybody can vote twice (not twice on the same person, however). Abstinence will not be permitted.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

Preferrably without unneccesary roleclaims that'll make it easier for the innocents to decide who they target next.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

Oh dear. Maybe we should have learned who was not scum before getting two votes...
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

So, since I am not able to participate regularly in the game, and I want to say this in the case I get killed; I am the Stalker (Corrupt Watcher) and neither Doc Scratch nor Hikaru targeted anyone Day 0 or Day 1, respectively. Now, I'm not confirming anyone as Scum or Town, but at least we know that neither of them is doing the killing.
They may be Vanilla Town or something, or have no night actions (Nexus, Bulletproof, Vanilla Scum, ect.)
Bandwagoning on Glace and Bobino.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

I'm vanilla -- I haven't had anything to offer, if that explains my inactivity. Any posts of mine would have been useless because I have nothing to contribute to the conversation.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

Well, I guess if we've got to lynch twice, nobody's got any leads, and nobody's really talked enough for us to try to figure out who might be innocent, we'll just have to lynch two inactive people since that'd be the smallest loss for us. Bobino hasn't even been online since the game started, but ey's already got two votes and I see no need to add mine since it wouldn't make a difference and would only make it harder for us to withdraw our votes if we changed our minds. We've got some sort of indication from Glace that he's at least paying attention to the game, so I'll vote for Flower Doll, then, since I think she's the only one left who hasn't posted at all. :c (It seems like it's not necessary for me to use both of my votes? I guess I'll add another one later if it is.)

I'm vanilla -- I haven't had anything to offer, if that explains my inactivity. Any posts of mine would have been useless because I have nothing to contribute to the conversation.

You don't need a role to have something to talk about. :( The point of the game is to figure things out based on discussion, not just night actions (sitting around abstaining and voting off inactive people until some role gives us information is no fun at all) and we can't do that if people don't talk! Giving your opinion on things is a good contribution, too (and does not have to be the same thing as bandwagoning, might I add); you don't have to post only to give us entirely new information!
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

If we can't abstain, I'd imagine that we need two votes.
Flower Doll and Bobino for inactivity. =\
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

Flower Doll and Bobino
Townie with nothin to say, btw
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

Metallica Fanboy: How do the votes work today, exactly? Does everyone have to vote twice? Is every vote counted toward two people so that the people with the first most and second most votes will be lynched? What if there's a tie? Also can things be orchestrated so that only one person dies?

Also if everyone has to vote twice, what are you going to do about the people who vote once if they won't come back, or about the people who don't vote at all either because they're not here or aren't playing?

Preferrably without unneccesary roleclaims that'll make it easier for the innocents to decide who they target next.

Roleclaims don't really help all that much - people saying "hey, I'm scum :D" doesn't mean they are - this is mafia, lying is a thing. Lying is pretty much the whole point. If no one was allowed to lie (like people seem to think is the case!), this wouldn't even be a game, because everyone would say exactly who they were and then the town would lynch all of the mafia and win every time and then no one would play that because that would be super-boring.

Also if someone actually had information beyond that, roleclaiming is generally kind of necessary! You can't just say like "guys, $person is on our side!" Or, well, you could, but it would be confusing for people because they'd wonder if you were inspector or lying or if you were on a team together or if you had some convoluted way of deducing that that doesn't really mean $person is absolutely definitely on our side. It could be that last one and in that case your information isn't the most reliable, so it's better if the person explains how they figured that out, and they can't really without claiming! They can still lie, then, but then everyone gets to decide if they seem to be lying or not (which is part of the game!!).

Oh dear. Maybe we should have learned who was not scum before getting two votes...

... how would we have learned that? Also we didn't get the two votes on purpose, the innocents just decided it was a good idea to kill DarkAura (I guess they thought it would be good if we killed a couple of scum on accident as long as they don't have anyone better to target?).

You don't need a role to have something to talk about. :( The point of the game is to figure things out based on discussion, not just night actions (sitting around abstaining and voting off inactive people until some role gives us information is no fun at all) and we can't do that if people don't talk! Giving your opinion on things is a good contribution, too (and does not have to be the same thing as bandwagoning, might I add); you don't have to post only to give us entirely new information!

Also talking helps people to decide if they think others seem scummy or if they seem suspicious! Which I guess is part of why people don't talk, but that's basically cheating - mafia is a game about talking. If you don't talk, people just lynch random other people and target random other people with their night actions, and then you may as well be putting names into a random list generator and seeing what happens, except this way is slower.

If you win without talking, that's not really a win, and then it's just frustrating for everyone! If someone talks a lot and does a good job of playing, then their win seems worthwhile and neat even if you were on the other side, and then you're happy for them! And it's really exciting when you win because you've been active and talkative! (especially if you spin a bunch of ridiculous lies or something)

everyone said:
Flower Doll/Bobino/Glace

I guess I'm fine with lynching Flower Doll, too - she never talks (read: never plays!), so at the very least she's not a scum who's useful if we have to kill someone.

I don't know for Bobino, though. Ey apparently hasn't logged in the whole time, so ey isn't killing anyone. Which means we'd definitely be lynching someone who isn't hurting us, instead of only probably lynching someone who isn't hurting us! (and maybe lynching someone who is, instead)

If we have to kill someone then yes, getting rid of someone definitely useless is better than getting rid of someone useful, but it also means we have no chance of hitting a role that's hurting us. I guess Bobino could technically be innocent and then that would be a little helpful, but it would still be more helpful if we could lynch someone who's actually a problem.

I think I'm planning to be around for the rest of the day, so I guess I'll also leave my vote at just Flower Doll for now until Metallica Fanboy answers, and if nothing comes up by the time it's getting close to the day phase maybe I'll vote again.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

I don't know for Bobino, though. Ey apparently hasn't logged in the whole time, so ey isn't killing anyone. Which means we'd definitely be lynching someone who isn't hurting us, instead of only probably lynching someone who isn't hurting us!
Good point. Although it doesn't get rid of the possibility that he could be a powerless innocent lackey or a role of that sort, him not being around is a good reason not to kill him.
I think that since Glace and Superbird have posted, those were the only two inactives left. Should someone take his place, or should we not take the risk and at least avoid killing someone who contributes?
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

Hiikaru ♥;523669 said:
Metallica Fanboy: How do the votes work today, exactly? Does everyone have to vote twice? Is every vote counted toward two people so that the people with the first most and second most votes will be lynched? What if there's a tie? Also can things be orchestrated so that only one person dies?

Also if everyone has to vote twice, what are you going to do about the people who vote once if they won't come back, or about the people who don't vote at all either because they're not here or aren't playing?
Abstaining from voting isn't forbidden; voting for abstinence, on the other hand, is.

Nope, the deciding votes still work on sheer majority -- the two with the highest number of votes on them die.

If there's a tie, a 24-hour extension will be given and, if the tie is not resolved by then, the lynched player will be chosen randomly from the tied.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

Hiikaru ♥;523669 said:
I don't know for Bobino, though. Ey apparently hasn't logged in the whole time, so ey isn't killing anyone. Which means we'd definitely be lynching someone who isn't hurting us, instead of only probably lynching someone who isn't hurting us! (and maybe lynching someone who is, instead)

If we have to kill someone then yes, getting rid of someone definitely useless is better than getting rid of someone useful, but it also means we have no chance of hitting a role that's hurting us. I guess Bobino could technically be innocent and then that would be a little helpful, but it would still be more helpful if we could lynch someone who's actually a problem.

Hm! I was thinking about targets for lynches only with the objective of minimising our losses. It probably would be smarter not to waste our time lynching Bobino (although hitting a role that's actually hurting us with a random lynch wouldn't be a very fun way of finding innocents, anyway :c), and I guess it's also possible that ey's got a temporary internet problem or something and might come back and actually contribute sometime, although that would kind of invalidate eir inability to actually do anything as a reason not to lynch em.

Um, I don't know if it would be better to go for someone who generally doesn't contribute to discussion or for someone who might but hasn't even been online and might not be online for a while (on the other hand, maybe ey could be). This would be an easier decision if I knew anything about how Bobino plays mafia, I guess. (does anyone?)

EDIT: Vote count, if anybody needs it: Glace: 2; Bobino: 4; Flower Doll: 4.
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