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Open Rift in the Dimensions

((It's mostly me, Black Yoshi 99, and Evoli =D))
Vai hissed, and landed.
"Don't expect to get away," she snarled, and turned to Chell. "Calm DOWN, if we were going to hurt you we'd already have."
"It's not getting away that matters. It's getting OUT of the way." Sly told Vai. Bentley nodded his agreement at her.
"True. You can be sure that our intentions are completely hospital." Bentley looked around. From what he could SEE, none of these people were intelectually equal or superior to him. But you could never know. Bentley brought up his Binocucom on its mechanicl arm, and began typing rapidly on his keyboard. Sly had no idea what Bentley was up to, but Bentley was searching the different types of existing AI. He couldn't find anything that would think creativly enough to cause instanity. Suddenly he asked, "How do you spell GLaDoS? Tell me the capital letters to."
Have I walked into an asylum? Sand wondered, eyebrows twitching. Watching the general insanity unfold, he wondered what the heck he was going to do. So do I get a therapist? A voice that, sadly, reminded him of Nozomi popped in. Are you kidding? There are no therapists.

"Yeah. My full name is Sand Kentai. I'm a Pokémon Trainer," he said and turned to Bara. "Do you really travel with these people?" Bara nodded.

"It was less crazy before you showed up, though," she replied.

"And what are you people? I mean, I know what Bara is and I see a few humans, even if one is winged, and two Pokémon that I know about, but no one else," Sand asked.
Taiko walked up to Sand. He tugged on his panrs. "Excuse me, are you the humans that my tribe told me about?"

((I had to get back in this.))
((School for me is just inconveniently timed, isn't it?))

At some point, Taunos turned away from the madness of the racoon humanoid and the orange-clad human woman.
"I won't doubt that this will probably get out of hand at some point, but, if we stay focused on our goal, it should all work out.", Taunos said, "As for my race, as odd as explaining this to a human seems to me, my people call ourselves the shu'halo. The other races call us the tauren. Say whatever you please."
"Genetic Lifeform and something Operating something. She lies. Don't listen to anything she says."
Chell started to calm down, slightly. All the people and strange creatures here were making her nervous, but so far they weren't doing anything violent. Yet. Still, that person with the knives was probably lying. So maybe they were going to attack, when she didn't expect it. Until then, she couldn't try to escape, yet. They had to know where this was, and how to get home.
She flicked a switch on the portal gun. The portal from before disappeared.

Link had absolutely no idea what she or Bently were talking about. Apparently, "Aai" was some kind of evil creature. At least that portal was gone. Somehow. The next problem was what to do with whoever-this-was. They couldn't leave her here. Insane people with some strange magic weapon running around anywhere near people would be very, very bad. Plus the fact that she possibly wasn't from this dimension..
Just when things were getting back on track, somewhat.
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To Sand, Vai nodded.
"Well, I'm human," she said. "The wings, well, they were just always there." Vai flapped them, as if to prove her point. Well, we seem to have mostly calmed down.. but I'll get Sly later.
Sand sighed. Insanity was not his forte, even if some people would argue he was. "I see. It's nice to meet you," he said. He felt a tugging on his pant leg and looked down. He cleared his throat before replying. "Yes, I am a human. You're a Poké- Wait," He jumped back and pointed his finger at the Pokémon. "If you're a Pokémon, then why are you talking without telepathy?"
Kirby had heard this Sandy guy's question. Releasing his Jigglypuff powers with a hiccup, he stood and floated over to the human.

Pointing to himself, Kirby announced, "Me Kirby! You Sandy, right?"
Bentley judged that the name would be the first letters of each word. So he typed in the words. "G-L-a-D..."Benley whispered the letters to himself until then. He had no idea what the next letter was. He tried sveral variations until he came to G-L-a-D-o-S. Nothing. "I can't find anything on the web." He said finally. "What you're talking about must only be known where you come from or not even exist. Sometimes people think things are real when they see them in their dreams."
"Bentley, now is a good time to zip it." Sly told him.
"Oh. Yeah, right." Benley tapped a few buttons, and the Binocucom retracted into his chair. Bentley felt a little awkward at that moment. "Sly, over here." The two went over privatley by a couple of trees. Sly talked first.
"Maybe they've seen Murray."
"Maybe, but the chances are slim."
"If they'd seen a big pink hippo, I'm sure they'd remember. Especially Murray."
"Right." The two went over bavk to the group and acted as if they had never left. "Well, I think I should introduce myself as protocol dictates. My name is Bentley. I have an IQ over 140, and I usually spend my spare time building devices."
"Sly Cooper, Master thief." Sly could almost laugh in the caomparison of him and Bentley. Bentley went through a description of what he liked, and Sly said four words.
"Oh..." Kirby muttered, staring at the ground. "Okaay!" he finished, spinning around in midair and landing by a small brown thingy sticking out from the ground. Inhaling compulsively, Kirby swallowed the small Diglett. There was a loud *POP* and Kirby was suddenly half-buried in the ground, colored a muddy brown, and the new owner of a large reddish nose. Tasting dirt, Kirby hiccuped and turned back into himself, lifting his lower body out of the earth and dusting himself off.
"Dear Arcues!" Bara and Sand both exclaimed, "I didn't know they had bodies underneath the ground!" Sand looked down at Kirby. "And I guess that's what you do, right?" he added.
Kirby nodded, beaming that the Sand-Man had noticed. Just then Kirby noticed a small four-leafed clover on the ground, stooping to pick it up, Kirby fell over and fell lightly asleep, a small bubble coming out of his nose.

(This is my way of saying "I'm leaving the computor for the night".)
Tails's ears pricked up when he heard Bentley mention machinery.

"Devices, eh?" Tails said, Should have guessed with that souped-up chair he's got... "What do you specialize in? I'm into robotics and explosives myself..."

"Oh, goody, there he goes..." Sonic said, rolling his eyes. "He's geeking out again..."
"Actually, I happen to be an explosives specialist myself. I also create invention like this." Benley pushed one of many buttons on his wheelchair, and and a pole with a magnet on it came out. "I call it the Pick Pocket Pole. PPP for short." Bentley returned the PPP, and rolled up next to Tails, pulling out his binocucom to show Tails the Sleep Dart Function. "Before I was crippled, I used a crossbow. Then a few things happened, and I had to change almost everything in my field work. I even have jet boosters on my chair to allow me to jump. It can flare three times, giving me extrodinary height, AND there's an after burner. So mostly I'll make something, and enhance it until it's amazing." Sly rolled his eyes.
"This could be a loooooooooong day..."
"Tell me about it..." Sonic replied to Sly.

"So you also have a bunch of espionage stuff too. Awesome!" Tails said excitedly, happy to have someone he could speak geek with. "Well, I have this box here that I've rigged to have extra-dimensional space in it. ((If Jimmy Neutron can have one, so can Tails, dangit))" Tails pulled the box out of the small backpack he was wearing.

"It can't hold very much, but it can hold enough of my gadgets. I also have these..." He reached into the box and pulled out a tiny, mouse-like robot, "I call these Chu-Bombs. They make quite a bang, so I don't want to demonstrate here, but they have homing capabilities. I also have this." He pulled out a robot that looked like a tiny submarine. "This is the Sea-Tail. Since me and Sonic often have a hard time in the water, I invented this for retrieving and exploring underwater. It also has some land capabilities, making it useful for getting into tight spots." He sighed, "I wish I could have brought my plane, but it wouldn't fit..."

((I know, but I doubt Chell would. >>))
"Okay, it's wonderful that you guys are so smart and all that, but shouldn't we be leaving?", Link snapped, walking away and leaning against a tree. This was getting them nowhere, and wasting precious time.
Meanwhile, Chell was getting bored. All of these odd creatures were talking and doing nothing, so maybe they weren't dangerous. Other test subjects for a different experiment, maybe. But none of them had portal guns or anything. Weird. She got up, wobbling slightly, and started making portals appeared in random places on the ground with the portal gun, then disappearing and reappearing with them.
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Taiko jumped back when the human did.
"Well, maybe I'm special or something." Taiko said sarcastically. "No, the Eldest knows human language, and he taught it to us so we could umderstand them if they were coming. My kind has never been discovered by a human. But I took a step further. I actually learned to speak the language. So here I am, talking to you."
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