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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"I've never heard of a Pokémon learning out language..." Sand said scratching his head. "Speaking of languages, how are we understanding each other? We can't all be speaking Japanese..."

((Yes, I believe that the Pokémon world speaks Japanese.))
"Probably the same way we have a ghost, some weird bull-thing, a bunch of pokemon, an elf, and...whatever Kirby is all in the same place..." Sonic mused.
Chikorita snapped at Sand, "H-how should I know?! I've been listening to Pokemon language ever since I can remember despite having known human language before my memory loss! And yet I still remembered how to speak after the amnesia! Well?!" Torchic's small beak was hanging open as she stared at her. Chikorita took a deep breath. "I... I'm sorry I snapped at you like that. I'm just still very confused, that's all..."
Kirby snorted and then popped awake, imediately jumping and landing in a tree. Shimmying across the brance, Kirby jumped off, intending to land on Tails's head.

Instead, Kirby fell right into Tails's backpack.
Taunos had to ponder that one. "That is certainly a strange occurance. Me, I've been speaking Common, I'll admit with an accent, but many intelligent races back home understand it, though it was originally just a human language. My native tongue would be Taur-ahe, the language of the shu'halo, and I speak Orcish well enough.", he explained, "Common may just be the language of all humans, but I'm lost as to how we communicate with those of us who are not human."
Taunos then tried to bring more relevant things to the forefront, "Where are we going, anyway?"
"Interesting." Bentley listened to Tails intently. "Sly and I also have trouble in the water. I knwo, people say, 'Well, you're a turtle, you should be able to swim!' Then I usually have to point at my chair. Sometimes, they get irrtated and try to throttle me, but that's partially why I installed Jets in the back of the chair to allow me to move at Super High speeds.' Benley gestured to two purple cones on the back of his chair. "And I have these if you're interested." Bentley handed Tails a bomb he made. It looked like a small metal ball with three red glowing smaller balls on it. "When it glows brightly, you can see the blast radius. It'll glow as soon as it drops out of this." A mechanical arm with a specially shaped hand for the bombs came out, empty. Bentley returned it quickly.

"Okay, Bentley, just shut up." Sly looked at Link. "I have to agree with you. But for one thing, Bentley and I have plans. We're looking for a big pink hippo, calls himself, 'The Murray'."
"Cool, cool..." Tails replied. He heard Sly's comment and rolled his eyes, putting away his machines. He then turned to Taunos.

"We're going south, towards the city there closer to the decay. If those duck things we fought are any indication, we've got quite a bit of trouble ahead of us."

With a soft thump, Kirby landed in Tails's backpack. He reached in and pulled him out, giggling a bit. He's a cute little guy. Kind of like a Chao, only with a crazy appetite.
...a big, pink talking hippo...-Kay then, not going to even think about it. What's an elf, anyway?
"I'll tell you if I see him," Link said, struggling to keep a straight face. This was starting to sound just plain silly. And nobody seemed to notice that the whole mission had apparently come to a screeching halt.
"We're not going to get anything accomplished anytime soon, are we?"
"Yeah," Sonic said, "Let's stop screwing around and get going!" He began to walk forward.

Tails, sighing, had to agree. "Yeah, we have to keep moving. We can talk more as we go." With that, he began to continue down the bridge.
"Haha, good to see someone else as worried about the worlds as I am.", Taunos said to Link, "The road seems to take a turn ahead, so we're probably getting somewhere.", he added, following Tails.
Well, actually, I'm just really easily bored.
"Yes, finally. I was afr-", Link started before someone had pulled on his arm hard enough to make him fall over backwards. It was Chell.
"Don't leave me alone here! She's gonna come back, she isn't dead, I swear!"
Link hesitated, having no idea how to react. He looked back at Taunos for help.
The neurotic orange-clad woman tugged at Link's arm, shouting something about someone who was going to come back, someone who wasn't dead. Link looked at Taunos.
"Humans are interesting, aren't they, high elf, no, ah, your name was, Link, right? I'd say they're one of the most animated intelligent races out there.", Taunos replied.
He then told the human in orange, "If you wish to join us on our journey, then I see no reason not to welcome you. May the Earth Mother smile upon you, as well."
"Yeah, come with us," Sonic said, "There'll be cake" ((No, he didn't really say that. >_>))

"There's nowhere an AI could set itself up anywhere, Tails added. "We're outside on a bridge in the wilderness. It'll be alright." The both of them felt very bad for the woman. Imagine what had to have happened to her for her to be so unstable...
Ming snaps out of her long trance and stops walking, looking around at her surroundings. From what she's gathered, she's been following the other in a mindless trance, never taking in what was around her. She sighs, shaking her head in disbelief.

Maybe this is what I'm like when I read....

she quickly looks for someone that can tell her where they are. After locating said person, in this case Taunos, she clears her thraot.

"Umm...where are we...I seem to have fallen into a trance of sorts and-"

She quickly looks around, her heart sinking.

"...Kate? God damn it, did i lose you already?!"
Chell apparently didn't get a word of what either of them said, but she instantly calmed down completely, following quietly behind Taunos and Link.
He was slightly creeped out by this, but at least she wasn't yelling or ripping off anyone's limbs. That had to be a good sign, right? At least, so far she didn't seem as bad as Ruto.
Just act normal.. this is weird.
"Um.. what's an elf? Or AI?"
"So...you're not an elf?" said Sonic. "Alrighty then..."

"AI stands for 'Artificial Intelligence," Tails explained, "It's basically a machine that's become self-aware."
"Where are we? Still on the bridge, still walking towards a city that's closer to the edge of the decay. Only things that've happened are that we've defeated a few creatures and our group has grown.", Taunos replied to Ming.
He turned towards Link, "Not an elf, then, huh? Or perhaps only elves exist in your world, so the term is foreign to you. In any case, elves refer to three races in modern-day Azeroth. They are all known for grace and perception. The night elves are the most ancient of races, along with us. They are the protectors of nature, a race of powerful druids and warriors steeped in the powers of nature, yet reclusive, distrustful of outsiders. A pity that the shu'halo and the kaldorei are on opposite sides in Azeroth right now. There are also high elves, banished from night elf society ten millenia ago for abusing magic to the point that the Burning Legion invaded, and blood elves, former high elves who have turned from the human Alliance and are, ostensibly, part of the Horde. Come to think of it, you appear to be a high elf, maybe a blood elf, and yet, your soul does not contain the stench of magic that the high elves and blood elves have.", he explained.
"Blah, blah, blah, stuff about races..." Sand said, hiding the fact that talk about races upset him. Well, kind of. He shook a bit.

"Oh, Sand~!" Bara sing-songed.

"What?" he replied.

"Is all this talk about races making you uncomfortable~?"



"Shut. Up."
((Well, I sure know what it's like to be ignored.))

"I agree. We really should be going..." Torchic murmurred impatiently.
"Oh!" Tails remembered after spacing out and noticing Chell's bloody feet. He turned to Taunos. "You're a healer, right? Do you have anything that might help her feet? Since I'm pretty sure none of us have an extra pair of shoes..."
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