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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Sly watched with a smug smile on his face as a shuriken buried itself in another tree.As Dad would have said, 'Close, but no cigar'. Sly had no idea that close but no cigar was a very popular saying.He continued watching the group of things lazily.He considered using his Shadow Power to turn invisble and scare them half to death, but they might kill him. Maybe I could... No. But... Uh-uh. Sly felt like someone was watching him. He couldn't see anyone looking at him, though. He felt uneasy.
((Benidt. Thief. Same thing. Almost.))
((Stupidly, that's what Vai's doing right now. >:3 And Bandits can kill things easier in Maple Story. Apparently.))
Vai felt her Dark Sight starting to fade, and she jumped in front of the raccoon thing. She turned visible, and pointed a blade at its chest.
"Boo." What is this? Where do all these people come from?
((This is the part where you make a witty comment.))
((And now, for my second character's not-so-grand entry..))

Chell wasn't sure how long she'd been running. She'd started out in the facility, still in the orange prison jumpsuit from the experiments, but she'd somehow ended up here, a place entirely alien. Maybe this was another test. She was going to start talking again at any second, or.. something. She'd have to stop soon. But then they'd come for her, and-
Chell slammed into another person, dropping the portal gun with a bang. Falling over backwards, she stared at it for a few seconds. Not a human. Some kind of animal. And another person with knives. This had to be another test.
"Go away! Don't touch me! I wanna go home, I finished, I'm free, where's all the people?! Wha.."
She shrieked, scrabbling away before she was forced to stop, completely out of breath.
((Did you run into Sly?))
"Well, nice to meet you to." Of course, Sly was scared out of his wits. Mostly anyway. He had enough to say that.But, Sly appeared to keep his cool. He put a hand to his ear, and began a small conversation with Bentley. "Bentley, you can come over here now. Only one person seems to hate me so far." Sly then looked back at Vai, Leaning on his cane now. "So, you like sharp things. Personally, I prefer to dodge the sharp things. My friend Bentley would have an asthma attack right now, and my friend Murray, who we lost track of, would probably punch you in the face. Sly Cooper." Sly introduced himself, bowing in a mock fashion. "Master thief." Sly suddenly had the wind knocked out of him as something ran into him. He stood up, dusting himself of, and picked up his cane. "Well, that's ONE way to meet someone."
Vai glared at Sly, and lowered her dagger an inch.
"I'm Vai, a Bandit," she said warily. "Master thief, are you? We'll see about that." Turning to the other girl. "Oh great, another one. Come to tag along too?"
Chell grabbed the portal gun and pointed it at Vai's head. Okay, so it wasn't a weapon like a real gun, but she wouldn't know that, and then they'd go away and leave her alone. She started screaming hysterically again,
"Shut- UP! Tell me what's going on! Stop-stop the experiment, or I'll shoot! I swear I'll shoot!"
"Yes, acutally, I AM a Master Thief. MY FAMILY has been master thieves for centuries. Since Egpytians were building pyramids." Sly tapped his boots a few times, then he suddenly shot off towards the bridge. I love rocket boots. He looked back in Vai's direction. He waved at her mockingly.
Link ran after Vai, thinking it was her screaming. Instead, a weird raccoon was talking to her, and suddenly zoomed away towards the bridge. And now, a hysterical girl in a bright orange jumpsuit was threatening to shoot someone. With what, he didn't know. She wasn't holding a bow.
What the heck is with this place? First weird animals and now maniacs.. are there any sane people anywhere anymore?!
Vai glared at the girl, and turned her daggers at her.
"I don't know what experiment you mean," she hissed, and backed away. Around a meter back, she spread her wings and jumped after Sly.
"I'm not done with you," she yelled, and took out the claw. Crap, running out of ilbis. This thing is getting a lot of exercise today. Vai threw a shuriken up, caught it, and aimed it towards Sly.

((Viscus asked about what exactly you guys are facing. Without spoiling it, give a general idea of what's going on and how you're looking for signs of the decay so you can track it down to the source.))

"Hello!" Tails said to the newcomers. Finally, some people who look at least vaguely normal... "My name is TaiWOAH!"

He stepped back as the hysterical human woman pointed her gun at Vai's head. "Hey!" he said, "D-don't do anything! We're not going to hurt you!" He couldn't stop staring at the gun. Why does it seem like that gun's not actually going to hurt her? Don't want to risk it if it will...
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Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. Chell pointed the portal gun at Tails, starting to cry.
"Yes you are! Th-that's what she said in the beginning, and she almost murdered me with turrets and f-ing neurotoxin!"
Link had no idea what any of those were. He stepped closer and tried to help her up.
"Shh.. calm down. I swear we're not-"
Chell whipped around and shot. He flinched, expecting something painful to happen, but he didn't feel anything. Quite literally. Almost like.. Link looked down. His entire body was gone..?!
What the heck?!
Wait.. it wasn't. A large blue circle covered almost his entire body, the inside being completely see-through. Magic?
Chell tried to run away, but stumbled and fell on the ground again. Her feet were completely covered in blood, apparently from running so far for a long time.
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Sonic and Tails winced as the gun fired...but looked back up when Link didn't fall over dead.

A...portal of some kind? What? Tails thought. "I knew i-Oh my God!" he said as Chell toppled over and he saw her bloodied, bare feet. He instinctively ran up to her, assured now that the gun would do no harm. "What happened to you? Who's this person you keep talking about?"
Chell snarled like a cornered animal, protectively hugging the portal gun. They weren't going to take it away. She wouldn't let them. She started mumbling incoherently to herself for several minutes. Finally, she started making just enough sense to be understood. Even then, she was staring at nothing, refusing to look at anyone.
"GLaDoS. She gave me the portal gun and Cube. But she made me kill him. She said I could go home. But I'm still in the experiment, and she's still ali-"
Link interrupted, still looking perplexed by the portal that had appeared.
"Gladys? Who or what is she?"
"GLaDoS. AI. Evil, evil, evil, she killed them all, and Cube, she made me burn him, and her, she burned too, she's watching me still. Make her stop talking, I want to go home!"
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Sly had stopped being a pest when he saw Chell an her... Strangness. "You can finish with me later." He told Vai. At that moment, Bentley wheeled up in his chair. He heard 'AI' from Chell, and then started thinking before he heard anything else.
Hm... Perhaps the artificial intelligence she's speaking of has enough intelligence to think creativly. Ill have to pursue that question later.
Sly quickly briefed Bentley about Vai, saying she had anger issues, and Bentley merely shook his head. "Sly, you haven't known this person for five minutes." Bentley rolled over to Chell. While I'm here, I might as well just act like I'm with them." Honestly, how do you think I would hurt you? I'm in a wheel chair. I have asthma. I have too many allergies to count. I'm half your size, for Pete's Sakes!" Bentley couldn't help but notice the gun. Seems like she's a little dillusional. She could think that we're something we're not. Maybe I should drop a sleep bomb on her... No.
Torchic glanced over at Chikorita. In all the excitement of these new people arriving, she must have fallen asleep. "Chikorita, wake up." she whispered in an impatient tone as she nudged Chikorita with her forehead.

Chikorita's eyelids flew open and she nearly screamed until she saw Torchic and the others. Occasions like these brought back memories of being in monster houses and waking up in time to continue being wailed on.

((Yeah, I haven't got much. Geez, this RP is moving nearly as fast as when mine first started up and we got over 100 replies in one day.))
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