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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"But what is a good aventure without danger?", Taunos mused, then he continued, "Must be an aura the decay emanates. If such is the case, then we really must take caution, and not lose our minds to the madness. The centaurs were bad enough, but now this..."
He then looked around, "Is everybody alright?", he asked.
"I... think..." Torchic muttered, still reeling from the unorthodox attack. "I've never seen anything like that before. What do you think that was?" she wondered out loud.
Ibiku watched as with daggers and lighting the ducks were defeated. She waltzed over to the group and attempted to act as if she had been there the entire time.
Link nodded slowly, appearing to be in shock as he watched the last Psyduck sink into the water. He'd faced far more powerful creatures than these countless times, but something about this fight seemed extremely disturbing to him. He shivered.
"We.. shouldn't have done that."
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Sly looked at his surroundings for a moment. He then turned to Bentley with a What the heck look. Bentley merely shrugged. Sly sighed, and sat down, setting his cane aside. Bentley pushed himself forward next to Sly, and they stared in a random direction. After a short while, Sly asked, "so where do you think Murray is?"
"Really, Sly, I told you that I don't know. I have yet to aquire enough data to locate him. why we ended up here without him is beyond me." Bentley brought up his Binocucom, which also served as a grapple cam monitor, and tossed his grapple cam out. Sly perched himself, as perfectley as a master thief could, on Bentley's wheelchair. Bentley's grapple cam soon disappeared from view, only to be monitered by Sly's crippled friend in on thes creen.

(I don't really know where I am exactly. Someone tell me if I need to Edit.)
((We're on the bridge south of Lavender Town and heading to Fuchsia. The portal will land you right north of Lavender.))

"They were trying to kill us!" Sonic said, still ticked off after being tripped by that stupid duck. He soon calmed down, though, "I don't like harming innocent creatures, either, but they were going to kill us. I know what you mean, though. That just wasn't right in any sense..."
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(Oh. OKAY!!! :3)
Sly watched Bentley's fingers moving across the keyboard over his lap. From his Binocucom, Bentley could see the grapple cam move from place to place, As caution, Bentley activated a microphone, with which he could lure someone to a place he wanted. He continued to move the grapple cam, having it go from tree to tree, and tried not to talk, although the temptation was great. Sly eventually slid off of Bentley's chair. He hopped up into a tree branch, where he lazily sat while Bently continued moving his fingers over his keyboard at 'lighting speed'.
Vai straightened, and sheathed her daggers.
"You normally don't fight to kill?" She asked Sonic. "Seems odd to me." Vai paused. "Well, the whole situation was odd."
"Yes. It was straAAAAANGE!" Bara yelled as she was pulled into the water. As her dagger was with her when she died she could not be separated from it. She was pulled down the water extremely fast until her hand was right over her dagger. She nervously looked around her. The corpses of the Pokémon she had just fought gave her the chills, along with the fact that she could see many Pokémon suffering from a similar condition as the ones that the group had just killed. Praying that she had not been spotted, she grabed the dagger and swam up.
"Bara!" Tails yelled as she was pulled under. Both Sonic and Tails stared at the water. Tails was about to jump in after her, but then she surfaced.

"What happened?" Sonic asked, slightly frantically.
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Taunos picked up his air totem and deactivated it. "We shouldn't have done that, you say? I certainly wish we had a choice. Anyway, I can purge most magical effects as a shaman, but I have a suspicion this affliction isn't anything a mere mortal can dispel on his own. For now, we press on.", he said to everyone.
He then sensed something, and saw Bara pulled into the water by another part of her being. She surfaced in a moment, though.
"You've got to be careful when you split your ethereal form.", Taunos said to her.
"Ah, no big deal." She held up the hand with the dagger in it. "I just can't be separated from objects I died with for long. I was going to go after it anyway." She paused and lifted herself out of the water and over the bridge. "But we have to be careful. I saw a lot of Pokémon with eyes like the Golduck and Psyduck. I don't know if any of them saw me." She smiled at Taunos. "I normally am, but I was getting a little bit desperate."
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"Gadzooks!" Bentley yelled out his favorite word to use when he was surprised.
"What is it Bentley?" Sly asked, still sitting in a tree.
"Uh... I don't really know..." What Bentley saw through his Grapple Cam, he couldn't think of any logical explanation for. As it happens, he saw a Pidgey having a fight with a Scyther.
"Well, then, keep going, it porbably isn't anything to worry about."
"Uh... Yeah... sure..." So, Bentley began moving his Grapple Cam Faster, going longer distances at a time. before long, he could see a bridge. What he saw on the bridge, however, made him have to use his inhaler.
Link shrugged, looking at the sky. "You're right."
He mentally kicked himself. This was not the time to start getting whiny. Or talk this much, for that matter. Anyway, they had to keep moving if they planned to get anything accomplished here.
"Shouldn't we keep going now?"
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"You say that these portals can take us to these dimensions, do you not?"

Which one would have more biologicals to destroy is the main question...

"That one with the Galaxies. That looks like it would be a far more worthwhile dimension for my power."

((Sorry, I've really been behind.))

Darksamus strided back to Subspace and walked into it in a matter of seconds. "Now... To business."

"The first party has already left off. They will establish more teleports to new worlds and conquer it-"

"Your job is to stomp out and destroy the other team, remember, this is our chance, we cannot claim all of these worlds if we have those idiots waddling around the place. Another party will be formed to destroy them, and the rest of you shall explore the other universes."

"We shan't waste any time, we shan't falter and we shan't fail, is that clear?" He said rather sinisterly.
Sly now watched with interest as Bentley shakily grabbed for his inhaler. After regaining his composure, he looked through the Grapple Cam again. There was a guy dressed in green. Bentley never thought elves existed, but he had though they would be pacifists if anything. He was scared of the Green one because of his sword. Then there was a human/bull hybrid, a two tailed fox-He looked absolutley nothing like Inspector Fox-a blue.... Whatever it was, a pink puffball, a little red chicken, a green plant thingy with a leaf on its head... Bentley continued to stare at these... things.He hit himself on the head lightly, so he could do what he had to. He prepared himself to speak into the microphone, and 'taunt' these creatures. So Bentley spoke, and it come rfom the Grapple Cam, sounding like he was speaking through a megaphone. "Hey, pay attention to me!" The Grapple cam shouted. "I'm over here!"
"What the..." Sonic and Tails said in unison, looking around for the sound of the voice.

"Sounds like it's coming from some sort of speaker..." Tails pointed out. Low quality...I could make one better than that....
Taunos heard a voice. Sonic and Tails heard it too, indicating it wasn't anything spiritual. He tuned in on the source and pointed in it's general direction, "I think it's coming from somewhere over there.", Taunos told the others.
Kiby hopped from the bank of the water and, following the path Taunos had pointed out, flew over to the source of the voice. Spotting a figure in the distance, Kirby turned around and looked at his groupmates.

"Come on!" he yelled, and floated over towards the figure.
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