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Open Rift in the Dimensions

The Absol's jaws clamped around the Psyduck's arm. It recoiled and its aura faded. It was soon sucked into Kirby's mouth and shot into the other Psyduck's gut. Both plopped into the water, but only one jumped back out.

The Golduck was being barraged with attacks and was beginning to wear down, but not by enough. It jumped in the air and fired several jets of water down at the group.

"Oh, no you don't!" Tails yelled as he grabbed Sonic by the wrist. Spinning him around and building inertia, Tails flung Sonic. He rolled into a ball and knocked the Golduck out of the sky. It fell into the water again, but still fueled by its rabid rage, it clawed back up onto the bridge.
((Not just you. I can understand one person waiting for an opportunity to do something, but every villain seems to have just stopped posting. It's weird...))
Doing a little dance, Kirby jumped into the air, this time not as high, and landed on a patch of land extending out onto the water. Kirby inhaled, sucking up several dozen gallons of water, and shot this water straight at the remaining Psyduck's back.
((Well I'm not entirely sure of what Mecha's supposed to be doing. He didn't battle Trace, so he's not with the group that goes out to fight the heroes))
Taunos defended against whatever blasts of water hit him. Kirby seemed to get most of it, though. He watched as Sonic bowled into the blue duck, knocking it back into the water. However, it clawed it's way back. Taunos pointed his staff at the blue Pokemon, which glowed, then discharged a single lightning bolt at it.
((Oh, okay. To clarify for the villains, the group that's with Smithy is currently in the Oodsphere, and the group with DarkArmour is still deciding which world to go to. You have the choice between Luigi's Mansion and The Galaxies at the moment, if I recall correctly))

Also, remember that if there's any concerns on how this RP is running, make sure to tell me about them so I can get it sorted out. I'm open to suggestions, complaints, whatever. :D))
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"You say that these portals can take us to these dimensions, do you not?"

Which one would have more biologicals to destroy is the main question...

"That one with the Galaxies. That looks like it would be a far more worthwhile dimension for my power."
((Holy cow! I've missed so much!... I guess I better start where I left off.....))

"No, I'm not a spirit... I mean, not that I know of anyways" Ibiku answered Link. He continued playing the odd melody before turning to glance at two new arivals. He packed up the instrument and jogged over to them. Ibiku sat there, still entranced by the song.
A Ninetales spirit nipped her tail and snapped her back into reality before dissapearing in a silver flash. That was strange ,thought Ibiku. She glanced over to the small group forming around what looked like a Torchic and a Chicorita.
The water nearby them rippled and a Golduck with a posse of Psyducks jumped out. Something was wrong with them, their eyes seemed oddly close together. To drive th point home they began to attack the group in a frezied rage.
Ibiku sat here unknowing what to do. She had battled Pokeducks, as she called them, before, but not like these. An unknown person unsheathed some daggers and began to unleash what seemed like a fury attack on the creatures. Link began to shoot arrows.
What the heck is going on!? Why all the violence?? Ibiku thought panicedly. A gastly floated from the distance and began to speak to her.
"Yep, it seems they've caught it to." it comented.
"Caught what?" Ibiku questoned
"We don't really have a name for it and we don't quite know how it spreads. It some strange thing that causes an uncontrollable rage. Those ducks are going to fight to the death because of it." He paused to watch Sonic and Tails unleash a duo attack on the Golduck. It didn't seem to do any real damage by the way the Golduck recovered, "See what I mean?"
"But, how do you know all this?" Ibiku wondered.
"Some of the Pokemon in my tower caught it. Quite a nasty thing, I hope you don't get it." With that the Gastly faded from view.
Ibiku sat there and surveyed the scene knowing that jumping in wouldn't really help. Who knows? An attack could infect her or something... Then again it didn't seem like a disese so much as a spell. Ibiku pondered what the Gastly had told her.
(I'm still here! I'm just excersizing with my Gallade, remember, mind blank, ignoring everyone for the moment? Nothing's really been going on with anyone else on the villans side so i've kinda just been waiting,)
"Th-they followed us here!" Torchic stammered. Quickly, Chikorita jumped into action. She fired off several Razor Leaves at several Psyduck and Golduck. Torchic charged at one of the Psyducks, threw her head back, and pecked it hard on the forhead.

((For whatever reason, I say Pokemon names as plural and singular, so.))
((Yay, battle still raging, I get a part!))
"Wha... PSYDUUUUUUUUCKK!" Taiko yelled. "I don't have any moves other than Fire... wait..." Taiko turned around and started slapping the Golduck with his tail.
((Darksong, you're with Trace, Claus and Von Karma in the Oodsphere and Cryptica, you're with Dark Samus and the rest.))
"Where are we, exactly?" Markha asked, puzzled. The Kangaskhan pulled on her left ear, as she always did when she was trying to think. She looked around but still did not gain any clues about her surroundings. "And why?"
Had Bara been alive, she would've hissed in pain, because the sheer power of the water would not only douse the fire, but aggravate her burns. She instead recoiled to her normal form. Temperately not caring that she would scare everyone else, she threw a dagger at the gem of the Golduck before reverting back to how she normally looked.
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The dagger connected directly on the Golduck's head gem. It screeched in pain as the gem shattered and the Golduck fell into the water with a splash. It didn't surface again.

The last Psyduck's eyes began to glow again, this time much more fiercely. An aura rushed out to encompass the entire team. Sonic felt this aura hit him and suddenly his legs locked up mid-run.

"AAAGH!" he yelled as he fell face-first. "What the HELL was that?!"

"I don't know!" Tails said, flying above the attack. He cut his flight short and fell into a kick, dropping down and booting the Psyduck in the head. It stumbled backwards, almost losing its balance at the edge of the bridge.
((Dammit stop ignoring my attacks. ;~;))

A force emanated from the remaining yellow duck Pokemon, Psyduck, and it had Taunos mostly paralyzed. However, it seemed Tails wasn't affected, as he delivered a kick to the Psyduck. Taunos felt the mental force from the Pokemon let up, and seized the chance, pointing his staff at the Psyduck and casting another lightning bolt.
((Whoops, sorry. D: I'll make sure this one hits.))

The lightning bolt slammed down on the remaining Psyduck and the electricity coursed through its body. It twitched about madly and fell into the water, sinking like a stone.

Sonic's legs loosened again. He pulled himself up. "Wow, that was really messed up."

"Yeah," Tails said. "Judging by the pokemon we've seen so far compared to these, these must have been washed in from closer to the decay, and I doubt this is as bad as they get..." Tails shuddered.
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