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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Bara shivered. "Not that far." Suddenly she gasped and stood still in mid-air. "Does that mean... Does that mean that Hoenn is nearly gone? Or worse?"
"Gee, thanks..." Torchic realized that she had forgotten to introduce herself. "Oh, and I'm Torchic. This is my friend, Chikorita!" she gestured over to Chikorita. "We're graduates of the Wigglytuff Guild. We're an exploration team and happy to help!" she chirped. Chikorita continued to examine the odd bunch of people that stood before her.
Had Bara been drinking something, she would've spit it out. In fact, she made some choking sounds before she spoke to the Pokémon she had not seen earlier. "You... you can talk?! I've never seen a Pokémon that could talk that wasn't a Psychic Pokémon! And even that was telepathy, not lips-move-and-sound-comes-out talking!"
Vai looked oddly at Bara.
"That's not normal...?" She looked ahead to see if Sonic was still- ah, great. She jumped into the air, still sped up by Haste, and rushed ahead of the others.
Taunos got a closer look at the two small, he stood at easily over 5 times their height, and returned the gesture, "I am Taunos, of the Runetotem tribe. Torchic and Chikorita. Interesting creatures, the two of you. Mind you, all of these, Pokemon, interest me, being an outsider here.", he said.
He then heard Bara say something in great surprise, "Hm? Do Pokemon normally not communicate with humans and other beings?", he asked.
"Um, well, yeah, we can talk. You mean humans can't normally understand us? Because, well, I've not actually met a human before. I've heard about them. And my friend, Chikorita, used to be one..." Torchic thought about it for a second and realized that probably confused her further.

Is that... what a human looks like? Chikorita was deep in thought, studying Bara's appearance. I... I don't even remember what I used to look like...
"I see we have some new members..." Sonic said. "Hi. The name's Sonic."

"What...oh! We do!" Tails finally noticed the two small creatures the others had been talking to. "Hello! And I'm Tails, by the way. Always good to have more join the cau-"

Tails was interrupted as a blue flash burst out of the water and slashed him across the face. He stumbled backwards as the figure landed on the bridge in front of the group. It was a very odd creature, not unlike a very tall, blue duck. On its forehead, a red gem flashed wildly.

Two more figures flashed from the water, yellow this time. They were much squatter and clumsy-looking than their graceful blue counterpart, but still had a crazed look in their eyes.

Their eyes...

Neither Sonic or Tails had ever seen anything like them before, but they could tell there was something seriously wrong with their eyes. Not only did they share the same rabid glint, they were also...fusing. The eyes were far too close together for any creature to rightly have.

"They...they're not supposed to look like that, are they?" Tails said, rightly freaked out. Sonic bristled, his spines straight out as he readied for a fight.

((First fight scene GO GO GO! Also, I'm assuming that since this bridge is wide enough to have a pokemon battle on, it's wide enough to have a decent-sized fight.))
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((Thassa Golduck and two Psyduck, right?))
Vai landed beside Sonic, and pulled out her daggers.
"Are these Pokemon," she asked Bara, also looking at uh, Torchic and Chikorita. No matter. Vai crossed her blades, spinning in a frenzied dance.
((Dagger Mastery, if you care >_O))
With a yell, a symbol flashed over her head and she struck the blue thing with her daggers six, seven, eight, nine times.
She spun around and slashed one of the smaller ducks across its chest.
"What's with their eyes," she muttered.
The look in the creature's eyes seemed familiar. It was similiar to the sort of frenzy a necromancer could instill in another being.
"Based on what I've seen, I suspect they've been altered, magically or otherwise.", Taunos replied to Tails.
He raised his staff in front of him, pointing it at the blue aquatic creature. Lightning jumped out of it, striking the blue creature, and retaining enough energy to bounce to the yellow creatures flanking it. Seeing how Vai fought, he pulled out an air totem, and dropped it, calling to a certain air spirit. The totem glowed and became active as a windfury totem. Taunos's staff became lighter and easier to swing, an effect duplicated to his allies within 30 yards or so.
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Vai felt her daggers get lighter. What? Well, it would take maybe two or three minutes to get used to, but that was okay. One of the yellow duck things leapt at her, latching on to her leg. Vai hissed.
"Stupid.." A quick slash opened a cut on its head, but the thing held on.
Right then, have it your way. She drew another symbol in the air, and quickly sheathed her daggers. Her body turned into a shadow, in a puff of smoke. The duck fell to the ground, having nothing to hold on to, but for now Vai couldn't talk or attack. She moved behind the blue duck, getting ready to attack when she turned back.. and there.

Vai stabbed at the duck twice, and twice again, before jumping back. These Pokemon weren't too hard opponents.
"No, they just say their names." She looked at the Psyduck and Golduck that had appeared. "And no, their eyes aren't supposed to be like that." Bara snatched a knife from under her sleeves, and threw it at one of the Psyduck. It dodged and Bara mentally cursed before retrieving her knife.
What was that?!
Link thought quickly. None of the magic he really knew would help here, and attacking with a sword would get him too close to creatures that he knew nothing about, and in the way of team mates. Bow and arrows would be the best at the moment. But.. something nagged at the back of his mind. Something was terribly wrong with these creatures. Maybe killing them wasn't a good idea. But everyone else was just attacking, so..
He grabbed a handful of arrows and carefully snapped off all of the arrowheads, then shot them at the large blue creature in the middle. Each arrow was suddenly engulfed in flames a second before connecting, knocking the creature off balance and almost off the bridge. It probably hurt quite a bit, but wouldn't kill. Something just seemed wrong about that. These creatures seemed defenseless. Link thought about yelling at everyone to stop, but it seemed too late at this point..
((Gosh dern post-ninjas))

The Golduck felt the daggers and the arrows pierce its skin, but was so fueled by rage that it didn't care. It was wounded, but burst back from the water near Link and slashed at him, then turned on Vai. The two Psyduck split up, one lunging at Sonic, who of course sidestepped it faster than the eye could see and punted it in the back. It landed with a splash in the water, but it wasn't long before it clawed its way back up onto the bridge and rushed him again. Soon, Sonic and Tails felt themselves get much, much lighter thanks to Taunos's spell.

The other Psyduck was standing perfectly still. Its eyes glowed a fierce blue as an aura rushed out from every inch of its being.
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Vai hissed as the duck thing slashed her across the chest, and she skipped to face the thing's back. An emblem appeared over her head, and she hit it nine times in a row, jumped back and dashed forward for another nine hits. With a sharp breath, Vai pulled a blue pill from her pocket and swallowed it.
They probably don't sell pills here, she thought. Better save these.
Link yelped and tried to dodge the attack, ending up with a rather small slash across his arm. Probably not too serious. His misgivings about hurting these creatures vanished almost instantly. This was a fight, and he wasn't about to chicken out. Following Vai's lead, he slashed at the creature's face multiple times with the Master Sword, the triforce mark on his hand glowing brightly.
Bara's eyes narrowed. "They're about to attack with a Confusion attack!" Bara quickly reformed her ectoplasm into the shape of an Absol before launching a Crunch attack against the Psyduck using Confusion.
"Confusion?" Vai leapt back. Likely a mental attack, so.. shadows couldn't get hurt. She drew the same symbol from before in the air, and sheathed her daggers. Vai watched as her body drew out, and became transparent. But she couldn't talk or attack.. Ah well. The symbol above her head pulsed slowly.
((I have no idea where all the villains went. You already established where they all went, right? Did they just all give up? o_O))
Kirby leaped into the air, expecting to stop about twelve feet up, but instead flew much, much higher than he normally would have.

Wha? he thought, slowly floating back down. Well, he would have to do something else! But what.... That was it!

Kirby dashed forward and sucked up one of the yellow duckies. Instead of swallowing, he shot the duck into the other yellow duck's stomach.
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