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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Vai jumped as Sonic sprinted away... and her wings exploded out of her back instinctively.
"Damn," she muttered. "Why can you never keep them folded?" Turning to the others, she grinned sheepishly. "Uh, hi."
"Chikorita, I'm beat. Can't we stop here?" Torchic complained to her friend. They had been walking for quite a while, and to make matters worst, they hadn't the faintest idea where they were. They had no choice, however, as they were trying to escape the decay and the crazed Pokemon that were beginning to take over.

Chikorita turned around and looked at Torchic. She didn't even have to answer. Torchic sighed. "I know, no time to rest, no time for self-pity." Normally Torchic was very upbeat and optimistic, but the barren, depressing scenery had dampened her spirits. Suddenly, some blue blur seemed to dash past the two of them, headed off in the other direction.

"Whoa! Did you see that?" She spoke excitedly. Then they both realized that they were standing yards away from a group of strange looking people.
Taiko watched Sinic rush away. He then saw two figures - Pokemon in the distance. "Look! Looklooklook!!!" Taiko yelled as he ran toward the two in the distance. "Hi hi HAIHIHIHAAAAIIIII!" he yelled at them.
Link put away the ocarina and stood up, literally gasping as Sonic disappeared. Since when could any creature run that quickly? Magic maybe. Or he just.. could. Strange. Since there was no way to really keep up, he decided not to run.. until Taiko ran off screaming at some other creatures in the distance. He rolled his eyes and ran after the Pokemon.
"Look, Chikorita! Isn't it adorable?" she chirped. They then noticed a tall, elf like creature following behind. "Hello? Can you tell us where we are? We're kind of lost..." Torchic asked the humanoid.
Vai muttered something and jumped into the air. Might as not waste time.
"See you ahead," she called down to Link, or something, and looked ahead at Sonic. What the..? There were two Pokemon, maybe? close by, mulling around the bridge. She'd wanted to try fighting... but the group was moving. Maybe later. Vai pulled her wings in close and dived down, her feet skimming the water.
Taunos watched as the blue creature ran off at a simply inhuman pace. Not long afterward, two other creatures entered into view, also blown away by Sonic's speed. Vai unfolded a pair of previously hidden wings. I suppose I shouldn't be suprised we're all full of surprised., he thought, walking off at his own pace. Approaching the two creatures that had shown up, Pokemon.
"Lost? I'm kinda lost myself, if I think about it.", Taunos remarked to them.
Kirby stopped trying to get Bara's attention for a moment and spotted some new creatures off in the distance. Jumping into the air, Kirby floated over to them and tried to look as much like that Jiggly-thing he had swallowed as possible.
Bara blinked at the sheer speed Sonic ran at. Wow... Bara began to run after him when she remembered she could float. Mentally kicking herself, she floated after them, much faster than she could run.

"Wings, eh? That must mean you are powerful..."

OOC: Anyone who gets the trope I'm talking about gets a cookie.
Link shrugged helplessly. They'd asked the completely wrong person.
"No idea."
Meanwhile, the Ninetales spirit whined mournfully as everyone left. All at once, it and the other spirits Link had summoned disappeared in silvery flashes of light.
"Oh..." Torchic replied sadly. "How come everyone here is traveling in such a large group? Where are you guys headed?"
"Dunno. All I know is I got lost from the others of my kind and ended up here." Taiko replied. "By the way, I'm Taiko. Undiscovered... until now... but anyways, hi!"
"We're all going to stop the decay", Link started, hesitating. Would these Pokemon even know what it was? Heck, did he? He motioned towards the yellowish area in the sky.
"It's that. And we need to stop it.."
((Power gives you wiiiiiings~))
Vai looked back at the tower a second, seeing a momentarily silver flash. Could that be one of those spirits the others were talking about..? Or it could be an after effect of casting Dagger Mastery too much. Little sparks.
She looked down at the two Pokemon and decided she would find some Pokemon and fight them later. Wait a second... Dagger Mastery? Vai winced. Why was she going at this speed again? She drew a symbol in the air and muttered a few syllables, and her muscles went into overdrive. Below, she could almost see Sonic now...
That was better.
((Woo, Haste?))
Taunos smiled as he looked down and replied to the two Pokemon, "Simply put, we're here to save the world. Would you like to join us, little ones?"
"R-really? You're here to stop the decay?" Torchic turned her head to face Chikorita. "Chikorita, I think we should join them! After all, we have to do anything we can to stop our world, no, the universe, from coming apart at the seams! What do you think?" Chikorita nodded. Torchic turned back to face the others. "You have to let us join you! We may not look like it, but we're actually pretty tough! We've done this sort of thing before!"

Chikorita looked down at the ground, then at the sky. Everything looked so... frozen. Like death. She remembered what the world of the future had looked like. When time itself had become paralyzed and everything had been cast into darkness. She was afraid that if nothing was done, this world may become like that bleak future that, fortunately, never came to be. Or worse.
Sonic dashed right up the side of a small, nearby mountain and halted on the top of it, getting a better view of his surroundings. Closer to the advancing decay, the sky just kept getting darker and darker...despite all he had seen before, Sonic couldn't help but shudder a bit. Promptly he sealed away the fear and dashed back down the mountainside to meet back up with the others. Tails saw him approach and said nothing. He was far too used to it by now.

"See anything new?" Tails asked.

"Yeah," Sonic answered, "The bridge you saw leads to another city, but I'm still not sure how close that brings us to the decay."

Tails turned to Bara. "You said that the decay started south near some islands, right? About how far away are they from that city to the south?"
Vai landed, and looked the few meters back to where the others were. She snorted. These two little Pokemon, neither higher than her knee?

Then again, compared to Balrogs and Zakum, so was she. Vai shrugged, and walked over to them.
"Well, I'll accept you," she said with a grin. "I'm Vairocina Windra, or Vai. Bandit. Nice to meet you."
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