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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Link turned around and answered Ibiku walking backwards. Finally, they were leaving, to.. where ever they were going. He was still a bit sketchy about that. But they were going somewhere! Exploring..
"Dragons.. sort of like dragon Pokemon. Zora, Gorons, Kokiri too. They're sort of like people but with types like Pokemon. Water, fire and grass. Sort of."
He tripped over a small, round pink creature running away. It looked sort of like Kirby. Was that a Pokemon, too?
"And fairies and Spirits. You have Spirits here, too."
"Yes. Some Pokemon look like they're not an animal, take Muk and Grimer, for example. They are piles of sludge." Taiko said.
"Hm... Well, I personally would like to believe every populated world has spirits. Now, Azeroth is home to far too wide a collection of races for me to even scratch the surface. Some of the civilized races include tauren, such as myself, orcs, high elves, blood elves, though they aren't a separate race, really, and night elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes and trolls. We also have many undead amoung our ranks.", Taunos replied.
He headed off with the group and looked around. The grown here seemed rather uninteresting as far as flora went.
"One more thing, Bara, what sort of herbs grow here? I only have so many herbs with me right now. And do you know of any local alchemical reagents?", Taunos asked.
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Ming remain silent.

The moment see enter this wrold she fell silent. She watched the others go on their business at hand, but was more interested at the things flying in the sky.

"....That...is one hell of a butterfly..."

She looks down at her sister, noticing a small purplr rat of sorts.

"...must be a Chimera...has to be....This whole world is filled with them"

She then hears one of the others mention Alchemy. Her hide wipes around and starts at the Chimera before her. A big one that called himself a tauren.

"What do you know about Alchemy?"
"This place is insane. We need to fix whatever we have to fix and get home." Kate mumbled to herself, staring at the little mouse-like creature. Then she heard her sister speak.

"Not everything is a chimera you know. Other woulds have other animals I guess. It is odd though." Sh said, leaning down to the rodent and offering a hand. "C'mere, little guy."
"Alchemy, eh? What do I know? Well, I'm a master of potions, so don't expect me to transmute anything, though I can. I specialize in potions, but I can make elixirs and oils as well. I mainly trained in it to make medicines for the village.", Taunos replied to the human that asked him, "I take it there is alchemy in your world as well, by the fact that you are asking me?"
Ming finally shows a emotion. A grin curls her face and she crosses her arms, metal hand resting over her flesh arm.

"Yeah. My entire world exists on it. Me and my Sister are skilled Alchemists, masters in our own fields...though when it comes to alchemic abilities that don't require mind manipulation, I'm not as strong. But my sister can back me up when I'm in a weak field. Nice and balanced we are"

She then gives him a closer look, studying him closely.

"So...My name is Ming."
Taunos smiled, "Interesting, as alchemy is something that requires special training back in Azeroth. Masters of transmutation create metals that only alchemists can make. A world wherein alchemy is it's crutch certainly sounds interesting.", he told Ming.
"My name is Taunos, of the Runetotem tribe. A pleasure to meet a human that doesn't consider me the enemy.", he added, chuckling.
Ming chuckles a bit, holding her hand out to him.

"Taunos, back home I've faced Chimeras, Humonculus, and psychos with butcher knives as well as mad scientists. You don't surprise me. Though, if you were to take a walk in my world...you might be captured and placed in a military lab to be dissected. But you're normal to me"

She grins.
((Who- Wha- Oh, whoops. Sorry.))

"Well, here we are."

"Not much, is there?"

The group stepped into the town after the brief walk. It was a very modest city with a very rustic, almost ethereal feel. Dominating the skyline was the ghostly tower, which made Tails' fur prickle a bit.

"So...where to from here, Bara?" Tails asked.
((Villains can go on ahead when you're ready. And if you guys need me to drop in my own villain character to help run things, let me know.))
"Well from here we can go west to Saffron City and from there we can go many places." Bara looked at Sonic and Tails. "If you see any red and white balls flying at you, dodge them. I don't know if they can capture you or not."
Kirby was starting to get frustrated. He had been trying to get Bara's attention for a while now, and he really wanted to show her his disguise.

"Baraaa!" Kirby whined, trying to draw her attention to his Jigglypuff disguise.
Ibiku, after listening to Link, sped ahead to walk with Tails. She liked the strange fox, it reminded her of her own kind a bit.
They entered a town. The voices in Ibiku's ears became a din and she could barley her anything else. She looked around to figure out where it was all coming from. There wern't a lot of humans in the area so that couldn't be it. There didn't seem to be much of anything in this rustic place other than the large stone tower to the side.
Ibiku walked twords the tower and the noise intencified. She didn't like the tower, it was filled with angry spirits both human and pokemon. What had Link said about spirits? Did it matter? Ibiku couldn't think strate, all she wanted was for the noise to stop.
"KYA!! SHUT-UP!!" She barked at the tower biting and snarling at the air.
She was ready to rip apart the next thing that ticked her off.
A Ghastly watched in the distance.
As Taunos walked into the city with the others, the spiritual presense increased notably. A few seemed drawn to him by his shaman aura. He then looked at a big house in the middle of the town. While the tower seemed to had a medley of feelings about it, the house emanated a positive aura.
He pointed at the house with his staff, "What is that house used for?", Taunos asked.
It's where abandoned Pokemon can live and be trated with kindness., a child's voice replied, a spirit. Taunos looked down to see a ghostly figure of a short brown creature who wore a skull as a helm and wielded a bone as a club.
"I see. A former resident, I presume?", Taunos replied to the spirit.
Yeah. There's a kind old human who lives there with us., the spirit returned.
"A noble cause.", Taunos smiled.
He turned back to the group, "So, where do we begin looking? While we could head to a city, I believe we should ask around here, first. Spirits of these creatures known as Pokemon are abundant, and spirits, in my experience, are a wonderful source of information.", he told them.
"Nice place to live," Vai commented. "Well, it is rather quiet, even for a small town." And what would you know about small towns? Dungeon? Vai flicked her wrist. "Well, if anything attacks, we kill it. Or disable it."
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