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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Taunos thought on what the ghost said for a moment, then replied, "Guardians... The last time Azeroth was in danger of being torn asunder, no guardians were not around to stop the Burning Legion. Instead, the fate of the world rested on the shoulders of mortals. We were responsible for our own fate, and we won. Perhaps this time, as well, we mortals must save the world, or worlds, on our own."
He noticed a blue canine creature looking towards the decay.
"I would prepare for another fated battle.", he added.
"Huh?" Ibiku said confused, "Do you need something?"
Ibiku pranced up to the odd tauros-like creature who had spoken to her. "Eh, were you talking to me?"
Ibiku wasn't used to being talked to. Her odd fur color had made her an outcast in her own pack, it was strange for someone to talk to her, but not be insulting.
Before the creature had time to answer a bush nearby rustled. A rattata, startled, sprinted out of the bushes.
"HOLY COW!" Ibiku cried while her form melted into the ground. After staying a blue puddle for a moment, her molicules reasembled themselves into the same rattata they had just seen. The only difference was that she was still blue.
"Aw, I didn't want you guys to know my secret yet!" whined the blue rattata. Again Ibiku melted and reverted back into her usual form. "Don't tell anybody else that I can transform into different Pokemon. I want it to be a surprise!" she whispered to the tauros-like creature.
"Nope. I was talking with Bara over there.", Taunos replied.
A purple rat then leapt out of the bushes. It's tail curled at the end, and it's front teeth were large. Suddenly, the blue wolf melted and reformed into a rat identical to the one that leapt out of the bush, but blue instead. After transforming back, she asked Taunos not to tell anybody.
"I'll do my best.", Taunos smiled, "What is your name, anyway?"
"Eh, my name is Ibiku." She replied. "What's your name? I can't just keep calling you Tauros-like you know..." Ibiku thought out-loud.
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Viscus glared at the giants back as it said something to the other group, he fingered a pokeball at his belt, the one containing his Tyranitar, then stroked his Typhlosions. He wondered how much damage a Hyper Beam and Flamethrower combo would do to it. He quickly dismissed the idea though, no need to get his pokemon hurt, even if they could do some damage he was doubtful that it would hurt the metallic monster enough to keep him down.

He looked around his surroundings, it was mostly black, there were a few pinpoints of light shining, but they were far away. The only solid surface seemed to be where they were standing. He turned his gaze to the others that were standing around, ignoring the group.
He noticed a Marowak, who seemed to favor his left arm, as it's right hung loosely, as if it didn't work.
He turned his gaze and noticed a blue robotic thing with sharp blue spikes on it's head, Viscus wondered if it was a kind of pokemon, but decided that he didn't care.
There was also a humanoid thing that looked like it was made of blue electricity, it was taller than him, but not much else could be said for the creature.

Viscus sighed and sent out his Gallade, who immediately began stretching, and doing basic exercises, slowly moving his arms and body into several different offensive and defensive poses. Viscus joined in, in perfect sync with his pokemon. He decided that doing basic exercises was better than nothing, though he really wanted to see how well that Marowak did with only his left arm, he'd decided that it was better to wait and see what happened. He quickly emptied his head of all thoughts and focused entirely on the muscles in his arms and legs.
This was getting boring. Looking rather annoyed, Link watched everyone talking about who-knew-what, and nothing was happening. And he couldn't play any ocarina songs, because the only ones he knew would make it start raining, go back in time, or "kill" any nearby ghosts or spirits. Actually, all of those would be pretty funny, but still..
Let's go already! Arg.. hurryuphurryuphurryup..
Kirby puffed himself up at the strange, disembodied noises that seemed to be coming from the landscape. After realizing that this had absolutely no effect, Kirby grabbed hold of his feet and started to roll around randomly.

After rolling around for several minutes, Kirby bumped into something. Looking up, he realized it was that big bull-guy. Kirby floated himself up to the creature's eye level and then pointed to himself.

"Kirby!" he said.
Pointing to the bull-man, Kirby said, "You?"
Sonic looked over at the elf and saw a sort of annoyed, impatient look on his face.

Ugh, I know... he thought, We need to hurry this up...
"Taunos, of the Runetotem tribe.", Taunos introduced. He looked around again. The high elf and Sonic looked very, very anxious, ready to spring at anything. The spirits were now looking to him for action as well.
"Well, what do you suppose we do first? There's a cave to the north, and a little town to the south.", Taunos said.
Ibiku was becoming axiouse to go. She had met everybody of intrest for the moment, and Kirby wasn't talking about any of his transformation secrets.
Wait, no. There was one left that she wanted to meet. Ibiku walked over to what looked like a green clothed elf and sat down.
"Hi!" She said perkly, "I'm Ibiku, what's your name and do you have any food?" Her stomach growled.
"Well, the town might not accept us, we are not exactly the most inconspicuous group," Vai reasoned. "Maybe.. We can try the cave?" She jumped as a large mouse thing dashed out of the grass and the wolf- Ibiku, if she heard right? shifted into one. "Interesting," Vai mused. So there were monsters here. The rat thing didn't look particularly strong, so there had to be more powerful creatures. Nice world.
"Hmm..." Tails says. "Bara's likely to be familiar with the area, so she should be able to tell us where to go."

Link was grateful that someone was talking to him. Sure, that meant he had to actually.. talk, but it was something to do. If he got any more bored, he'd have to start breaking things. Again. And now a kitten-thing was talking to him about.. grass?
And now a wolf. Talking animals seemed normal around here, strangely enough, though it was pretty cool that a wolf of all creatures was talking to him.
"Link. I do."
He dropped his sword and shield on the ground and went through his pack for a moment, pulling out a small paper package containing several pieces of jerky. He held it out to Ibiku.
"Only thing you'd like. Want it?"
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"If you are all ready then we shall depart, Trace?"
They walked into the darkness and suddenly arrived in a hall of mirrors, set up as machinery, dusty and broken, they hadn't been used in centuries. "Your job as the first party is to search the universes, destroy anything that lurks in them, conquer it and find further teleports that lead to universes that we have yet to discover." He commanded Trace to set all three of the teleports up. " Anything could lie behind this teleport, a whole new universe that we have never seen before, whatever mighty creature has done this will easily crush you in a matter of seconds, I will watch but I won't show any pity when you lose your lives." He laughed" Anyone want to go first?"

He gave Trace a glance.

There are only three universes that we have access to at present. You must go iinto the other universes and find more, then I can link them to here and with the power of subspace , link them to here.

The first is a large house, a unused mansion, abandoned long ago. Spirits form beyond haunt the corridors, fooling around with any visitors that may enter, if we can get up to the higher floors then we might have a chance of finding the teleport. But the mansion seems to have a life essence of its own and may try to attack you itself.

The second is a series of galaxies that all orbit one major planet, the teleports lie on certain galaxies and it shall be hard getting to them. Creatures called Lumas live on the galaxies, spreading themselves out like rats. They'll eiither be scavenging the land or hiding in their home, the observatory. They shouldn't be a problem.

The third I have been to myself. A planet far away, icecaps and snowy mountains cover the land, creatures called ood live in the landscape but they are a peaceful race. It would still be wise to avoid them. There are remains of civilisation and factories at the top of the mountains, a most beautiful world." He paused. "That is what we must do. This is our chance" He started to shout, as if he was getting emotional. "This is our chance to save the universes, wipe out everything inside them and reclaim them for ourselves."

"So." Regaining himself. "Which universe shall you go to first?"
Trace finished setting up the equipment and stood back. He stared at his party.
"If I may comment master." "The third universe seems the most suffeicent, there seems to be less opposition, I propose we go there."
((Look on page three, second to the bottom post. Taiko is talking to Link.))
((EDIT: Whoops, I thought I saw Link in your post. Guess you were Kirby. BUT WHOEVER IS LINK, HURRY UP AND RESPOND.))
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