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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Trace was taking surprisingly heavy damage from this band of villains. He hadn't expected them to be this strong. His master will be pleased. He grabbed hold of Markhas fist has if aimed it at him. He threw Markha round and kicked him in the face.
He saw Manfred unraveling his assortion of weapons. "A true warrior fights with his fists" and ran at his full speed and knocked him flying as Markha pounded at his again. Trace would have to keep an eye open for Manfred, he looked like a clever man with a trick up his sleeve, he turned his back and faced the other villains.
Bara stepped into the portal. Maybe if we meet up with Sand he'll join us... They would've stopped fighting for themselves and started fighting for others...
((Another friendly reminder: Attacks are to be written as attempts, not automatic successes. Automatically assuming the attack hits is considered powerplaying. So watch it.))
Manfred roared.

"Fools..." he muttered, a wound on his right shoulder, and memories came rushing back.

That day....

(Yes, he roared. He did it in the game...but not like Tigre in PW3)
Midna happily floated - glided, whatever - toward the portal. She stepped into it, muttering, "Sure, Link, just leave me here."
A light flashed. Everyone was blinded by the light and stopped fighting. The figure emerged again. DarkSamus. !See? You do have that fighting spirit in you, all of you. Trace, good work. I've been watching. You are good fighters. That is why Manfred, Markha, Claus and Zook you shall form the first party. Congratulations" as the hovering creature mockingly clapped his hands."You have shone out, you shall make the first party and search the universes, you will look for the enemy team who oppose us.I shall send Trace with you on your search. We must stop the decaying of worlds who find an even stronger force than ourselves. You ready? These mirrors will teleport to any and every universe. I will stay here and command the remaining villains.
Oreta watched the others fight Trace. Might as well join them... He held his left arm back, and swung with full force as the Bonemerang was launched towards the red being. In waiting for return, he was ready to catch it after it struck.
((Cryptica, you missed something, he said he stopped the fighting))

Claus just got up from hanging desperately at the edge of the platform, and since the fighting was over, he turned off the fire on his back and regained his silly smile and closed eyes and walked over to Markha and said: "So it seems like we're going to team up, together with that kind of creepy man Manfred and Zook" he spun his head around a bit, as some form of stretching, and coughed up some black smoke(He is a fire type after all) "There might be some trouble interacting with this Manfred though, I'm not sure if he can understand us what so ever"
(Urgh, i missed a lot. Sorry, i had to go somewhere and didn't get back until now.)

Viscus recalled Absol, and quietly watched as the red thing that loked somewhat like the story book pokemon, Deoxys, attacked everyone. Suddenly the towering figure from before appeared, what was his name? Darksamus or something like that. Four of the creatures that had been attacking the red thing were seperated into a group.

He didn't like the sound of being commanded, especally by some freakishly large monster thing, but said nothing. His hand had stopped bleeding, he moved the piece of his shirt and ran his fingers over the crust of blood that had formed. "I wonder where i can get something to eat?" he mumbled quietly.
((Aw man, I missed a lot! ^.^;;;))

Ibiku watched as several of the creatures around her walked up to the mirror device, touched it, and disapeared. All the while yelling "Kanto!". Puzzeled she walked up to the mirror herself and touched her nose to it.
"To Kirby!" she yelled. Nothing happened. "To Kirby!" She yelled again. Nothing happened.
"Fine.... TO KANTO!" She yelled loudly.
Her body developed a wieghtlessness as she watched her body dissapeare. KYA! I don't like this any more!! she thought panicdly. She was throuwn through a portal of sorts before ending up with everybody else.... in Kanto.
Getting up from her crouched position she ran twards Kirby, completly forgetting the fear she had felt.
"Kirby blob! Kirby blob! Reveal to me your transformation secrets!" She cried while running twords him.
Zook fluttered up onto Manfred's shoulder and spoke to him. "You seem like an intelligent individual. Since we're grouped together, how would you like to lead us? I bet you could pick up details that the rest of us would miss, that could help us solve this case." He then turned and whispered to Claus, speaking again telepathically. "If you have problems communicating, I can act as a translator. Manfred's a cunning, resourceful individual, but he has a big ego. Stroke his ego and make him feel like he has something worthwhile invested in the rest of us, and he will make a good addition to our team."
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