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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Vai watched as Tails and Sonic disappeared after Taunos or something, and waited for the other two, Ming and Kate? to go. She grinned. These people were obviously not used to teleporting, much. Vai went up to the mirror. She would usually step in, but this looked solid... Vai tested it with her dagger, and laid her hand on the mirror's surface.
"Kanto," she tried, and disappeared. There was the usual two second lag, nothing special... and she was standing beside Tails.
"Mmm," Vai mumbled. Don't see what's so hard about that.
Taiko watched in amazement as person after person disappeared. "I wanna go too!" Taiko yelled as he ran over to the crystal thingy. I heard them say something about Kanto... "Kanto!" He yelled as, two seconds later, he was next to an orangs fox with two tails.
((Like I said, he stays hidden as he is an undiscovered Pokemon. And my sister hid my glasses, sorry for any typos.))
((We're still waiting for a villain to attack Trace, I mean he has just transported you all onto a moving platform and attacked you all at once, you're gonna do something.))
Zook instinctively phased when he realized that they were being attacked by this 'Trace' fellow, reappearing soon after Trace had begun his taunt. "It's too bad you wish to die," he spoke in his telepathic 'voice', to the red creature. "You could have been a great help in our quest." He fluttered through the air and landed on top of the nearby Typhlosion's head, watching Trace's movements on the way. Being small did have it's advantages, like quicker reaction times.
Trace jumped swiftly as he saw the being react. He grabbed him with his thin, bony legs and dragged him to the floor. He grabbed him by the neck and sent him flying back where he started. "I am and always have been part of the quest."
Bara gently reached out to the mirror. Please let me not melt this... She touched the mirror. Very quickly she said, "Kanto!" She teleported next to the others. "I hope I didn't melt it..." she said.

OCC: Firefox, teleported is a word. D<
Manfeed whipped out a taser.

"Don't worry, people don't die....much..." he snickered, shooting the electricity.
((I'm allowed to. I'm Darkarmours assissant. I'll power down later obviously but i'm showing the threat first.))

The eletricity struck Trace. He started to grimace and the electricity spread throughout his body. He crouched than sprang back up and whacked the taser out of hand and down onto the platform below.
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"Hey, don't you dare hurt my friend!" Claus yelled, as his collar burst into flames, he had his eyes slightly open with a serious look. The Typhlosion charged at the creature called Trace, grabbing it and began forcing it down to the ground with his massive size and strength.
Trace was overewhelmed by the size of the creature and tried to force itself back up, It whacked it round the face with its sword-like arm. Suddenly when he realised he couldn't get back up he made the Final Destination platform speed up even faster, so fast that they couldn't hear anything but the woosh of the fast wind. Tyhplosion hurtled out of control, and Trace picked himself back up. "Yes, thats it."
Link shrugged and imitated everyone else, tapping the mirror lightly. In a few seconds, he reappeared near the yellow fox-creature. He didn't see why everyone was surprised by it. This sort of thing was normal in Hyrule.
Claus gave him the opportunity he was waiting for. As Trace was standing, Zook appeared just behind him and latched himself onto the back of the red creature's armor, on top of the long, horizontal strip and just behind his neck. He quickly put up his energy shield, then fired a concentrated blast of energy downward to try to drill a small hole in his armor.
Taunos looked down at Sonic and Tails after they appeared. "Worlds can be fine within settlements, but dangerous outside of it.", he noted, "But of course we can't know until..."
Bara, the ghost, appeared next to them, "Until our resident is here.", Taunos added at that.
Then, something else appeared at Tails' feet. It was the tiger cub, and upon closer inspection, a very strange looking one, with redder coloration, triangle patterns on his back, and a irregular-seeming pattern on his tail.
Taunos smiled at the cub, "Well hello, little fellow. Have you been separated from your family?", he asked.
Trace shrieked an unearthly roar. That wasn't his armour, that was his body. He charged the electricity of the taser and directed it at his back, which sent Claus flying backwards. Trace stormed up at Claus, full of anger. He grabbed hold of Claus and threw him off of the platform to fall to his death. The shadows grabbed hold of him and placed him back on the platform. "You're lucky my master needs you all alive." As he held his somhow bleeding metal body.
Now she realized what was going on. The Kangaskhan thought for a moment, and then struck. Quickly, Markha did a Fake Out to Trace, then aimed a Dizzy Punch right in his chest.
"Fool..." Manfred said, "You think I would only bring one weapon."

He had weapons. All evidence from prior cases. Guns, pistols, knives, and more. He stole them before he was teleported here.
((Okay, villains, just a friendly reminder to please not spend all your time killing each other. It's okay to fight amongst yourselves a bit, but no powerplaying and no killing Gandalf. And thanks for reminding me how von Karma will actually survive all this, Flareth. :P))
Kirby hiccuped slightly, and a star flew out of his mouth and towards the Greeny-Meany. Kirby's new hat and sword dissapeared, and Kirby puffed himself up and hovered over Tails' shoulder.

"We go now?" he asked, pointing at the portal.
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