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Open Rift in the Dimensions

((Missed a lot.))

"Yeah. I am one of the very few Tycub. Undiscovered as of now. I was out exploring as I am finally old enough." He replied to the one who spoke to him.
((But the stop-the-fighting thing is character control.))

Markha was startled but still attempted to aim her attack. She stopped when the other person began speaking. "All right," the Kangaskhan sighed, crossing her arms and not making eye contact with Trace. She looked around at the mirrors and prepared for some kind of journey.
((Wow, just... wow. I'm gone for a few hours and this happens.))

So, I'm going to be taking orders from the shadow creature rather than the biological. Very well. Infuriating as that is, I'll have to accept it.

"So, what plans do you have ready for us?"
Taunos smiled, "An exciting time in one's life.", he remarked. Taunos then walked up to the crystal. He watched the ghost pass through, then walked into it himself. In a near instant, he was somewhere else...

((Where in Kanto are we?))
((Ketsu never specified, so I'm going to place us somewhere to the north of Lavender Town, as that's a logical place for a ghost to be centered around. If not, well Kanto is fairly easy to travel around in a short amount of time.))

Sonic and Tails walked through the portal and felt themselves gently drop off, as if they had jumped off a single stair. They found themselves in a small clearing surrounded by short trees. To their north they saw a large rock formation to their north, and a tall tower to their south. The sky was a slightly clouded blue, though there was a tiny, off-yellow tinge towards the southeast. The decay... Tails thought.

"Still looks peaceful enough," Sonic noted with a very slight whine, mostly just itching to get his legs going again. Tails nodded, but still was cautious. They both continued to wait for the others to show up.
Link appeared near Sonic and Tails a few moments later, slowly taking in his surroundings. The sky looked yellow-ish far off.. not a good sign. He could see a tower not too far away. When he focused on it, he thought he heard many people or creatures murmuring. That was odd.. maybe there were spirits there. He was tempted to go off and explore this new place; or go in that tower and play the song of healing on ocarina for whatever was there and see what happened. But they were here for a reason, and running off alone to do stupid things wouldn't help anyone. The elf sat down on a rock, impatient for everyone to appear so they could go already.
Taunos appeared. He saw Sonic, Tails, and the high elf from before. He looked where the others were looking. The sky had a slight yellow tinge in one small area to the southwest. He then spotted a tower off in another direction. They weren't far from it. Taunos listened intently, listening to the problems of the local spirits.
"The spirits are in disarray over the world's situation.", he announced.
"It figures that the ghosts and Ghost Pokémon would be unhappy..." Bara murmured. "But has something happened to Palkia and Dalgia? This shouldn't be advancing this quickly..."

And where could Sand be?

You know where he is, idiot Bara. He's wherever Team Pocket is, hunting them down; waiting for the moment to strike...
She shivered. Or if I'm lucky, he's out training.

"But when have I ever been lucky?"
Taiko jumped through the portal. It's good to finally be around people that aren't my family! He thought as he sat down on another rock near a person that was clothed in all green. He walked over. "Excuse me, but are you Grass-type?" Not realizing not everyone was a Pokemon; only a few in the bunch were Pokemon. Taiko had never seen anything beyond his own species.
Darksamus looked down at the creatures, the first party were grouping up. He would settle things with the remaining villains before they got restless. He floated down to them and planted him feet on the platform." You, you eventually shall go out on hunts and capture various homeworlds and universes. The first partys aim is to destroy the enemy team. Is that clear?" He said almost angrily.

He went to the first attack party.
"Trace shall be your leader on the expedition but I shall be watching, get into any trouble I trust you can protect yourselves." He chuckled. "Is the party ready for the teleport?"

((I need your confirmation before we can go.))
"I am always ready," Zook replied, before flying off of the human's shoulder. He made his way to the Typhlosion, where he perched himself on top of Claus' head. "Have you determined the location of the rival group, sir?"
no, I can roughly see them but not which dimension they happen to be in. We only have links to 3 worlds, they must be more links in the other worlds, that is why we must find them first.
Vai glared at the creepy-looking tower to the south, and squeezed the handle of her dagger. This place- Kanto, seemed alright, but how could Bara train, with no monsters?
((Can we be near some tall grass? With Pokemon? >:3))
Oreta nodded in response. As always, he was apathetic about whether or not there was some sort of mission that needed doing.
Markha nodded also. "I'm ready, and I have some darkness at hand if any psychic energy becomes too powerful." The others probably had no idea what she meant about that, but it was all she could think of to reassure them. To demonstrate, she put her hands together, and when she opened them, spreading them apart, there was a rotating ball of dark, shadowy energy. "Like that," she said as the blob dissipated.
((Can we be near some tall grass? With Pokemon? >:3))

((Well, actually if we're north of Lavender, but within sight of the tower, then we're most likely on the bit of Route 10 that has no grassy area at all. It's Skymin's call, though.))

"You seem concerned at the rate this decay is growing.", Taunos said to Bara, "Are the world's guardians not stopping it as expected?"
Trace looked at Manfred.
"I like your style."

"Yes it looks like we're almost ready," his body was forming around his flesh wound slowly but it obviously still hurt as he was clutching it.
Bara nodded. "They are very powerful. They've even fixed things like this. I wonder what's up with them..."
Ibiku stopped barraling twords Kirby to survay her suroundings. The area was odd, there was a small town and a tower to the south. She heard many voices, but they all seemed scattered and incoherant. She looked around and noticed an off-white area near the town. It looked out of place and she felt it radiate a strange presence. It shouldn't have been there.
"Is that the decay" Ibiku wondered aloud, a problem of hers.
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