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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Intriuged by this Kirby blob Ibiku followed it into the gate, all the while blurting out a seemingly endless stream of questons.
((Doesn't everybody need to be here for us to head out? Or at least Skymin? *is confused*))

((Not really. Anyone who comes in late can just poof along with us.

I'm going to be gone for a while, so just go on. The machine will teleport you to the crystal you want, and yo all can go from there. In other news, geez, can't believe I missed that Kirby bit))

Sonic and Tails stared blankly, slack-jawed at what little Kirby had done.

"I guess that answers my question..." Tails said.
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((Kay. BTW, Tycub is a Fire-type Pokemon.))
Tycub hid in the bushes. He saw a pink blobby thing,a guy in green clothes, and others. He had stayed in the shadows until now... should he show himself?
((Sorry if there isn't any bushes, I assumed. It's what I get when I assume. Can someone please spot me and point me out?))
Oreta was still sitting down, his gaze empty as he stared ahead. He didn't really care about orders, but he might as well follow them. What benefit might be his?
Vai nodded to Bara.
"Well, you seemed to be trained in the use of small pointy weapons too, so I think we will get along." She grinned. "Your homeworld sounds fine."
Taunos then examined the teleporter machine that Tails had. However, he had very limited experience with goblin machinery back home, and could not make heads or tails of the device.
"How do we use this teleporter device?", he asked.
He then looked past the group, some grass shifted the wrong way. He spotted a small beast, what appeared to be a tiger cub.
Bara was still shocked by the display of Kirby's powers. "Um... Well then, according to a, slightly annoying I may add, friend of mine says that all time and dimension travelers fall straight to the Legdendaries-our gods. As long as we don't anger Rayquaza or Giratina-if he's visiting that is-we should be fine."

OCC: Now we all know the Legdendaries, but the ones that are there would be Arceus, Mew, Celebi, Rayquaza, and the Dragons/Fairies if they're visiting (and not fighting in the case of the Dragons). Everyone else are in the areas we already know about. Of course, the Dragons and Fairies don't HAVE to be there.
"Now...I will make the plan." Manfred snapped, "I will not settle for anything but perfection."

He snapped his fingers.

(Ah...Manny...always so much of a jerk)
Immediately, Markha recognized a Marowak. "And you..." she asked, "What is your name?"

She then turned to the tunnel. "Honestly, I don't really get what just happened. We're supposed to track someone down and defeat them?"
"Accept a plan form a biological?' Mecha Sonic said in shock, "Never. You can go along with your little 'plans,' while I figure out my own way to destroy this Trace creature."
"Oh!" Tails answered, "We can use it by touching the mirror surface. Anyone who touches it or is in contact with whoever touches it will be teleported to the crystal they want."
Gods? There are gods where we're going?

Apparently so...but we are used to seeing gods...even if they look like energy beings of light.

Ming brushes her finger over Kate's mark once more, staring at the mirror. She then takes her arm and drags her to the mirror, holding onto her tight.

"Touch mirror and poof. There is no science in this...but weird stuff does happen. Let's go, Dear Sister"

Be careful...
Taunos nodded in respect at the mentioning of other gods. He, like any of his race, believed they are descendant of the Earth Mother, such as An'she, the sun, Mu'sha, the moon, and Ap'aro, protector of nature. He also nodded at Tails' explaination of the teleporter.
"May the Earth Mother smile upon us during our journey, then.", Taunos said. He recalled the name of the world they were to visit, Kan...to, I hope., and reached out with his big, three-fingered hand, and touched the mirror.
Everybody else was gone. In front of him stood a crystal. Reflected in the case of the crystal was not him, but a reflection of another world. The city on the other side appeared strange, very strange. There were humans about, but their dress was highly unusual compared to the humans Taunos had seen, though most of the ones he'd seen were trying to kill him at the time. Strange creatures of all sorts, some similar to creatures Taunos was familiar with, were abound as well.
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"Ming stop touching my neck." Kate hissed, prodding Ming in the ribs.

"So how do we know this will work? That we won't be... Turned inside out or anything?" She asked, mostly talking to Ming. She frowned.
Both Sonic and Tails smiled and nodded respectfully at Taunos' blessing. They saw him rest his fingers against the mirror and then...


He flickered a bit, then faded out of existence. The two stared a bit, surprised at the sight of someone just...disappearing. But it wasn't long before they snapped out of it.

"Aww! He beat me to it!" Sonic said, poking the mirror gingerly. "Kanto!" he said.


Sonic flickered a bit, then disappeared.

"Hey Sonic, wait for me!" Tails said. He turned to Ming and Kate. "Don't worry, it's safe. I've tried it myself, before. I woun't be so confident if I knew it were dangerous." He turned back to the portal. Kanto! he thought as he pressed his hand to the glass...


He found himself next to Sonic and Taunos and noticed them both peering into the crystal.

"It doesn't look too bad," Sonic commented, "Even sort of peaceful. More than our own world, anyway..."

Looks can be deceiving, Sonic... Tails thought. I think Kirby taught us that... They hung back, waiting for the others to join them.
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Ming blinks a few times at the place where the Chimeras were.

"...did...they just poof?"

She walks over the the mirror, still holding onto Kate.

What was it they said?

Kanto, my dear. Kanto. Touch it and both of you shall teleport.

Ming shurgs and places her metal hand on the mirror's surface.


She feels like she was getting lighter, more spaced, more...see-through?

"Aw crap....Hold on Kate!"

She disappears with her Sister firmly in her grasp, her grip tightening so she couldn't lose her in the process.
"Holy mother of-" Kate hissed as Ming dragged her into the mirror, clinging to her sister's arm. Her metal fingers must have been digging in to Ming's arm but she didn't notice.

"I'm going to kill you!"
After what seemed to be the time it take to breath, Ming and Kate appear where the others were brought. She lets out her breath and looks at the Chimeras before looking at the crystal.

"Interesting...it looks like a ti- YEOWCH~!"

Ming grabs Kate's hand and tries to pry her off.

"Careful of the bloody mark, Sis, or you really will kill me!"

Well...that's what you get when you drag people into the unknown, my dear.

"Shut up Aslen."


He viewed the pitiless creatures in a glance, swiftly turning his head to view each and every one of them, suddenly, a platform rised beneath them and the platform started to travel at sonic speed. Trace watched the creatures watch in wonder
"Welcome, to Final Destination"
Trace sped through the mystified crowd with his scythes and knocked them all flying before they could see him. He held both of his scythes in the air and roared in a parasite-like voice, "Let the clash of knights begin!"
Darksamus appeared out of the darkness away from Sub-Space, he walked through one of the mirrors, he walked on his own in a snowy blizzardous universe. Big futuristic buildings were mounted on top of the snowy icecaps. He looked around. These different worlds. What did they have in common? Why were they collapsing? Just what had set this decaying problem on all the unvierse, but more importantly, what had the power to do such a thing? He smirked. He'd very much like to meet this being. But first he had to destroy those who oppose their victory and shake up the beings in our part. Trace should be taking care of that. He sighed. He couldn't feel the coldness due to his virus body but he still knew that these worlds, these universes were worth saving. They were worth ruling. And nothing could stop that. Slowly Dark Samus started to wander into the frozen mountains.
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