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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"My world is a good place to go. I have a friend there. He might help us, at lest for as long as we are there," Bara said, "Plus there are many powerful creatures in my world. While I don't think that outsiders like you all and ghosts like me can catch one, my friend has several." Bara thought back to the green grasses, tall forests, and huge cities from where she had came. The decay had started at the Sevii Islands are was slowly making its way up to Kanto itself. "Also, the gods of my land are used to the space-time continuum messing up. They are holding it back well. They can't stop it, but its not fast."
(DarkArmour, didn't Skymin say that something else was responsible for the decay, that we were a group trying to stop it? I'm confused now...)
((It's been sorted out and will be fixed shortly. :D))

Tails nodded at the ghost, "Yes, that sounds like a good place to start, since we have so much information on it."

"Alright! Finally!" Sonic exclaimed, "Let's get going!" Sonic and Tails started for the teleporter.
"You expect me to be satisfied with..." Mecha Sonic stopped as the being walked away.

Fine then. If you're going to play that way, fine. I guess I'll need to take down that "Trace" creature
Bara nodded. "Alright. As a word of warning, if we do land in Kanto and meet up with him, he might not trust you all at first. He respects my opinion, but you never know with him." Bara walked towards the teleporter.

If worst comes to worst, maybe we'll get lucky and get help from Palkia...
Taunos was about to suggest Azeroth, but he didn't want to argue with the apparition, "A sound suggestion. May I suggest my homeworld afterward? Support wouldn't be hard to come by, the world decaying could even unite all the races again. Even if we couldn't return with an army, I'm sure we'll come back with something of value.", he added.
"Certainly," Tails said, "Going to Bara's world first, if we'll have the assistance of the local gods, may give us vital information to help us better save the other worlds, as well as more insight of the nature of all this."
Kirby, after poking the green man for several minutes to no avail, gave up and floated over to the weirdo yellow fox and landed on his head.

"Hi!" Kirby said, and then pointing to himself, "Kirby!"
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Ibiku sat down and yawned. She wasn't much for talk even though she, ironicly, was a talking Mightyena. Her blue fur glistened in the odd light of the field. All around her creatures of different origins gathered around. She couldn't find any other imediate Pokemon, but thought nothing of it.
She walked up to the fox creature known as Tails and asked, "So are we really going to Kanto?" She had only been vaugly listening to the scattered conversations, but she did pick up something about a teleporter and Kanto, "Seriously? Are we really going to a Pokemon realm??"
Ibiku began to vibrate with contained excitment. A new place with new things to learn about, what a treat!
Tails turned his eyes up to the pink...thing on his head.

"So your name is Kirby?" he said, "Hello, Kirby." He smiled and gently lifted Kirby off his head and set him on the ground. Sure hope this guy is actually useful somehow...

"C'mon, guys! I'm waaaaaiting!" Sonic said, smiling. Tails sighed and jogged over to him. I thought he stopped doing that years ago...
((Blarghinheimer aaargh I missed a lot! Well, it helps that Link doesn't talk. Ever.))
Link did not, as usual, say much of anything while everyone else discussed where to go. It didn't matter much to him, they were going to go to Hyrule at some point. Probably. This was getting confusing. But Midna was here too (somehow), so things couldn't go too badly. Hopefully. He followed the blue hedgehog-creature obediently, still not entirely sure where they were going.
Hey! There's that greeny-meany who wouldn't look at me! I'll show him!

Kiby, scowling (but looking squishy as ever), marched over to Link and inhaled loudly. After swishing him around a bit, payback for what he did, Kirby swallowed.

Link appeared several feet away, and Kirby was wearing a green hat and had a sword.

((Sorry. Had to show off Kirby's powers somehow.))
Confused by the pink blob, Ibiku walked hesetantly to it. I don't want that thing engulfing me so I better be careful with my words... She thought. Unfortunently that thought lasted for only a second.
"HOLY COW!!" Ibiku blurted out while standing next to the blob, "How did you DO that!?"
Midna stared at the pink blob that called itself Kirby as it swallowed Link and now had a dupliate of its clothing. "HOLY CRUD THAT WAS AWESOME!!!"
Taunos chuckled, "Quite an interesting power you have there, ah, Kirby was it? That aside, I don't think heading out now would be a bad idea."
((Doesn't everybody need to be here for us to head out? Or at least Skymin? *is confused*))
((Hey, no fair, I didn't get to post until now! >>))
Link had no idea what just happened, but he was suddenly in a small dark space being shaken around very, very hard, then ending up a few feet away from where he'd been before. And that little pink creature was wearing a hat like his and holding a sword..
Scrambling to his feet, he drew his own sword and pointed it at what he guessed was it's throat. Lightly tapping the side of the blade against the top of Kirby's head, he said very softly, "It's not nice to attack when a person's back is turned. Liking the hat, though."
He chuckled and stuck out his tongue at the creature as it floated away, then followed. This was the first time since coming here that he'd said anything. And this was possibly the most he'd spoken since he was eight. For some reason, this seemed funny. His talking (or lack thereof) had become sort of a game, which Kirby had just won. Somehow.
Hmph. A new record. Midna should be annoyed. I've never said that much to her ever.
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