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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Tails nodded in sympathy "I don't know which one is responsible yet," he said, "And you're right, it could be a completely separate phenomenon altogether, but I have a feeling that it has a singular cause. Either way, it has to be stopped, or else all worlds will eventually die...

"And yes, we can control where we go." he pointed to a machine that resembled a large mirror on a marble base. "That's a teleporter. It can bring us to any crystal portal we want to go to. However, it doesn't seem to matter where we go first...we have to start somewhere if we're going to get to the bottom of this...anyone have any suggestions?"
((Hey Darksong, since none of us knows where to go lets make our characters meet each other))

Claus still sat on the grass, doing self pitying sounds. "Oh man, I'd love to have someone to talk to right now, or at least eat" he said, looking around the grassy plain despite having his eyes closed, again. And yet he still only saw grass and grass. "Can't I get to see something else then grass for a change?"

((I have to admit that Claus is probably the cutest little Typhlosion ever))
Vai thought a second.
"Well, we should go to one of our homeworlds," She suggested. "Maybe the place the most people here are from. We'll have an advantage, that you can not deny." Vai spun her daggers. "Or we could just randomly teleport... Wait, how do we get back? So we can go to other worlds?"
A small bluish creature descended toward a Typhlosion below. He gave off a soft, blue, sparkly glow as he flew. Once he was close enough, he announced telepathically, "Hello there. My name is Zook. I take it you're here the same as me?" The faerie dragon hovered in midair a couple of feet in front of the Typhlosion's face. His whole body was smaller than the Pokémon's head itself, but he didn't seem intimidated.
((No strange he wasn't intimidated, Claus is best described as a huge cuddle teddy bear, or teddy Typhlosion, Iunno))

Claus tilted his head, looking at the little blue flying thing in front of him. "Well if you're lost then yes, you're the same as me" he said, studying what he now described as a little blue lizard with butterfly wings. "I'm Claus. Might I ask what kind of creature you are? I haven't seen something like you from the place I come from, and there's a lot of creatures there!"
Zook made a couple of chirping sounds, like laughter, then disappeared from sight for a second. He reappeared just above Claus, and quickly laid down along the Typhlosion's head, his wings resting along next to Claus' ears. He spoke again through telepathy, as he did not have the vocal chords to emulate other creatures' sounds. "I like you. I'll tell you what, you can be my trusty steed. Then you won't be lost anymore."
"Well, that's not a problem in my case, since I barely feel I have anything on my head what so ever" Claus said, and stood up, "But do you have any idea where we should go? Unless you know that it still means we are lost" He was silent for a while, "Even if you're sitting on my head"

Markha's eyes flew open to reveal a large, grassy plain. It was too big and empty to be the Safari Zone, but she saw another Pokemon nearby...

Lumbering over to the Typhlosion, she asked, "Do you know where we are?"
Oreta watched the other three Pokémon from a distance. Having just woken up from some sort of sleep, his shoulder didn't hurt enough to make him say "ow." For now he could move it around a bit, but soon his arm would be lifelessly hanging down by his side just like always. He didn't really want a conversation right now; the only thing he wanted was directions.
Claus was happy to see the sight of something he recognized, as the grass didn't count. "To be honest I bet I'm just as confused as you are, I've been lost for a while, until this guy promised to help me out" he pointed at his head, and Zook. He lowered his arm, and smiled at the Kangaskhan in front of him, "I'm Claus, and you are?"
"I will tell you what I know, Claus." Zook replied in his standard telepathic 'voice'. He suddenly noticed another creature approaching, and began to speak to both of them. "Ah, good, more company. You may call me Zook. I am a Faerie Dragon. We are charged with keeping the balance between different realms. However, lately, something has upset that balance. I'm sure you have felt that something is amiss. I plan to discover what's going on." He hoped that explanation would be enough. Sure, that is what most Faerie Dragons did, but he was unlike most...
She nodded. "Markha. And Kiel." The Kangaskhan lowered her head to the child in her pouch, grinning. "I have felt something upset lately, but I had no idea it would be the balance between realms or universes." She looked back up to Zook, tilting her head perplexedly. "And I'm guessing this is a meeting place of those realms? These 'Endless Plains?'"
"This is a place of refuge." Zook replied. "If you were brought here, it is most likely because your own world was in danger. If something is to be done, I will need allies. I'm not sure yet who lured me to come to this location in particular, but I believe we will find out soon. For now, we should just wait." Zook yawned and laid his head down lazily on the Typhlosion's forehead. "Wake me up when others begin to come."
Ming glances at the mirror, slight interested in how it works. She folds her arms, her clawed metal hand resting on her flesh arm.

A mirror...looks different from the one you create Aslen...

Well of course it is. The mirror myself and Souh create is a device to look into the Alternate worlds of our own...but this one here moves people to other crystals...clever little fox this Tails

Ming nods, trusting her soul creature's words. This device was very clever for a chimera. She wonders who taught him how to be this clever with machines. She walks over to her sister and places a hand on her shoulder, her finger light brushing against the mark on the back of Kate's neck.

"Think we should trust the Chimera and take a trip in a mirror?"
Mecha Sonic examined the wide plain he was in, and caught sight of what appeared to be a bear-like creature talking to something that looked like a blue snake.

Biologicals, he thought with disgust, Still, it's better than nothing.

He activated his jetpack and flew toward the creatures
((Sorry to ruin everyones fun, but all villains listen up, this is your introduction thread))

*All villains are teleported to Subspace*

The shadows cover the ground. In the sky you see one humanoid body emerge in the distance. Suddenly as the figure faded in the space where the floating humanoid was exploded and the figure speed dashed to the ground as fast as lightning. A dark humanoid figure stares you in the face. He is extremely tall and looms over all of you. The explosion ashes fall over the humanoid. His feet start to expand like tentacles as they crawled over the floor, planting himself into the ground below.


"People of your worlds, I need explain" the figure said in a deep voice."You lucky villains have each been brought here to represent your universe, you shall have the power to rule all of the universes at once, You are here to stop the decaying of worlds. The time has come for us to save our universes from destruction, then we can survive and live on. This area is surrounded by crystals, crystals that have brought you all here. You, shall be the knights of the universe, every universe. Each of you are here for a different purpose."

"There are people, a small band of mini heroes who are searching through the universes, they must be destroyed and cast out, we are the saviours, we can destroy our enemies and stop the universes from collapsing, whichever universe they are in. Every universe shall be one in their own little way. "

Another figure emerged from the sky.

A red, creature, also humanoid in shape. "Dark Samus?" he bowed down.

"How are the universe teleporters faring?" Demanded Dark Samus.

"They were damaged in the teleport but they will work effeciently"

"Good work Trace, now"

Darksamus walked off into the shadows.

"Whoever takes down Trace down first gets the first target at the heroes."

He laughed as he walked off.
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((I can live with that))

Mecha Sonic had no idea what had happened.

One moment, he was in the plain area, the next, he had been teleported into a strange, purple dimension. Then, a dark humanoid creature appeared, and explained how he and others who were with him were to carry out what it called the "decaying of universes"

"And how are we supposed to destroy these universes and rule them at the same time," He said, "and what do you mean by 'knights of our universe?'"
((Actually, that's not how it's supposed to go. If you guys destroy the universe, you have nothing to try to take over but a big grassy field.

That said, I've assigned DarkArmour as a sort of co-DM to help run the villains' game, since both my characters are heroes. Still I will be overseeing both stories and making sure all rules are followed.))
Kate shivered a bit as her sister's finger grazed the sensitive mark, biting her lip a bit.

"Perhaps. It's not like it'll kill us easily..." She whispered, brushing some hair out of her face.

Suoh stirred inside her mind, looking out of her eyes at the group gathered. He snorted.

'What is the purpose of us all being here, anyway? What can a rag-tag group like these going to do?' He said to her.

Kate bit her lip a bit harder.

"Don't worry about that, Suoh." She said out loud, quietly.
Darksamus walked off into the darkness. "oh, you'll find out soon enough", and laughed as he blinked out of view.

((Smithy, your turn.))
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