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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Tails slowly approached one of the frozen humans...and recoiled.

His eyes were completely fused together, making him look like some odd cyclops.

"Oh....oh my God..."
Taunos walked over to Tails upon hearing him. He saw what happened to the human Tails was gaping at. His eyes became one, looking like a one-eyed ogre back home.
"Yes, strange affliction indeed. We should see if anything isn't affected by this.", Taunos said.
Bara covered her mouth and Sand just stood, mouth open. "How did this happen? Is something wrong with Dialga?" he asked. Bara bought her hands back down.

"So this is what happens when the eyes fuse..." she muttered to herself. "But how is the decay doing this?"
Vai squinted.
"They're like the duck things," she muttered, trying to look calm. What would happen if I pushed one over, she thought, almost with a grin. Walking up to a frozen person, Vai poked him with a stick she picked off the ground.
"Y-yeah.." Tails said, shaken. "We should look for survivors..."

"Like those?" Sonic pointed towards some enclosures that were scattered across the area. Within them were different species of pokemon, most of whom seemed to be panicking. The looks on their faces weren't the same as those of the ducks from before. No, they were frightened, as if something was terribly wrong.

Tails turned to Chikorita and Torchic. "Do you think you could possibly speak to them?"

Sonic heard a rustling in a nearby house, as if someone was still alive in there...

"Hey, I think there's someone in this house, too!"
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Huffing and panting, Torchic struggled to keep up with the others and, of course, couldn't. Chikorita kept a steady gallop-like motion until they reached their destination. Noticing all the frozen humans, it gave Torchic the shivers. "Say Chikorita, what do you think has happened to everyone?" she asked, voice slightly shaky. The atmosphere was unnerving. Chikorita replied merely by giving Torchic a concerned look. Hearing Tails' question, Torchic answered uncertainly, "I guess..." She turned to Chikorita. "Let's start in that house first." She pushed the door open carefully forward and turned around, gesturing for Chikorita to follow. They both headed inside.

((Say, maybe we could visit Treasure Town fourth? Just a thought.))
((Sounds good to me. And I kind of planned for the house's door to be locked, but this'll work, too.))

"Hello?" Sonic called out, "Is anyone here? It's alright! We're not going to hurt you!"

A figure was huddled in the corner, clutching his hair. "Better safe than sorry, better safe than sorry..." he was saying over and over. He was shaking badly. "They're all frozen...except me...The pokemon are panicking...I can't believe one bit me! Better safe than sorry..."

"Listen," Tails said, "We're here to help, so if you could come with us..."

"No, NO!" he screamed, "Y-you're all like those crazy pokemon that came through here before! Well, I'm not going to listen to you!" he turned around viciously, and there were the half-fused eyes again. Tails jumped back. Bursting out from another room of the house was a pokemon, only this one was sleek and catlike. Is fur was white, and its face and claws black. Jutting out of its head was a scythe-like growth that gave its face and odd yin-yang appearance. It snarled and lunged at the group.

((Yay another fight scene! A cookie if you get what this scene was inspired by))
Taunos watched as Torchic and Chikorita entered a house, and stood by the doorway. The eerie silence was broken by a human scream. Something leapt out of another room.
"Look out!", Taunos shouted as he ran inside the house. There, he was confronted by another Pokemon, this one far more beastial, with a peculiar scythe-like growth coming from it's head. Taunos reacted quickly, casting a spell, which instantly hit the Pokemon with a blast of frost. However, the Pokemon still managed to lunge at him. Taunos tried to push it away with his staff.
Vai grinned. Another chance to really fight a Pokemon.. She twirled her daggers in her fingers, and slashed at the thing six, seven, eight times.
"This is illegal!" Sand yelled.

"We don't have much of a choice, Sand," Bara replied throwing a knife. Sand bit his lip and pulled out a Pokéball.

"Go, Froslass!" he yelled and a white ghost Pokémon in what appeared to be traditional Japanese clothing appeared. "Use Hail! Er... Everyone else, watch out for Hailstones."
Torchic gasped in terror as the Absol leaped out at her. Thinking quickly, Chikorita closed her eyes in concentration as psychic energy surrounded her and her teamates. Soon they were surrounded by blue, glass-like hexagons that formed a sphere. Torchic immediately jumped up and shot three embers at the Absol.
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((It's an Absol...))

The Absol powered right through Taunos's Frost attack, but was flung away by his staff. Sliding backwards, it then went for Chikorita, but was caught in the face with red-hot embers. It shook its head wildly, trying to clear its eyes and soon found it being slammed with hailstones. Getting very, very angry, it powered up for a second, then blasted out a slicing wind.

"Aagh!" Sonic and Tails tried to cover their faces...only to have it mostly blocked by some sort of odd shield that had materialized around them. Taking advantage of this, Sonic rolled into a ball and spin-dashed straight at the creature's face, and Tails soon followed suit.
Link wandered away from the group, staring with morbid fascination at the frozen town. How did this happen?!
He tried playing the song of time on the ocarina, but even that had no apparent effect. That wasn't right. He stayed there until hearing the commotion from the fight and ran back to the others.

Chell looked terrified about everything here. She was careful so stay very close to the group, looking around nervously as if something would jump out at them from nowhere at any moment. When the Absol attacked, though, she reacted immediately. She created a portal on the ceiling above it's head and underneath a frozen person ("Sorry!") to drop them on it's head.
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"Now Frosslass, use Blizzard!" Sand yelled and sure enough the room began to grow colder. Thank Arceus for Bara's fire... Sand thought to himself.
The Absol ducked right under Sonic's blow, but Tails caught it in its back, which brought it down for a moment. It was then that something very, very heavy (A person, in fact) struck him on the head alongside the hailstones. With a brief yelp, it pulled itself up and snarled. It was unaffected by the growing cold in the room, but was soon blown back by a blast of super-chilled air. For a few moments it moved very sluggishly, but soon retained its movement as it lunged, fangs out, at Link.
Taunos felt a strong gust, but nothing of it hurt him due to a transparent blue shield which deflected the worst of it. He took out a fire totem and set it on the ground. The spell he set, searing totem, activated, causing it to glow red and spit a continuous steam of fire at the Pokemon.
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