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Open Rift in the Dimensions

((I get it. Heh, nice one, Dragon. ;D))
"I believe nothing. There isn't any free will, either. I haven't ever had it. None of us really do. We're born or recreated from backup, participate in experiments, and when that's completed, are dropped in an i-"
Link cut her off, desperately trying to get them back on track."Okay then! Moving on, we seriously should do whatever we need to do here and get out. I don't want any of us getting frozen in time, assuming it's caused by just being here."
((Dragon needs to play less Maple Story DD:DD))
The corner of Vai's mouth twitched, and she pointed a dagger at a random building.
"Well, we better check the place out and move quickly, or fight whatever we have to. I'll see about those Pokemon... if they're not frozen too."
Geez, she's dark! Sonic said, Makes you wonder what horrible things happened to her in that test lab place...

"Well, the pokemon in the cages seem to be still moving and conscious," Tails said, "So someone should go check on them."
Vai nodded, and pointed a dagger up.
"I'll go free them," she offered, thinking, the locks will be easy as hell to pick. She walked over to the first pen, looking inside at the Pokemon.
((There's a Kangaskhan, right?))
The kangaroo looking thing groaned.
"Kangaskhan," it muttered.
"Is that your name?" Vai looked curiously at it. She'd never actually helped a monster, any who'd gotten too close died. Pulling a lockpick out of hammerspace her pocket, she made quick work of the lock and helped it out.
"Stay nearby, I'm going to get the others," she told the Kangaskhan. Vai moved over to the next pen, peering inside.
Taunos walked over to the Pokemon. This one was tall, perhaps only half a foot shorter than Taunos, the first being he'd seen so far of such a height.
"Kanga...", it said.
Unlike many others in his tribe, he didn't take up druidic study. "Could use a druid, alright.", Taunos said to himself.
He turned to the others. "I'm going to see if I can't treat any hurt Pokemon. Any of the Pokemon in our party, one of you want to help me communicate with them?", he asked.
((There's like.. a Chansey and Scyther or something here, right? Well, there are now. >_<))
Vai turned to the next pen, with a pink.. blob thing with short arms and legs in it.
"And what are you," she asked it, starting on the lock.
"Ch.. Chansey," it mumbled. Vai nodded, finishing with the lock and helping the Chansey out.
"Well, stay around, don't go too far off." She grinned at it, and moved to the next pen. A bipedal green bug-looking creature glared up at her, sitting against the pen. Vai moved carefully, wary of the blades on its arms.. still probably nothing she couldn't handle, but.
"I'm going to get you out," she told it, and its bladed arm twitched. The bug looked a bit weaker than the other Pokemon, and she picked the lock quickly.
"Can you come out on your own?" It nodded with a quiet grunt, moving past Vai without a look back.
((And Eevees! >>))
Link followed her lead and went over to some of the other cages. Instead of trying to pick the lock, he simply sliced open the locks as well as the doors themselves with his sword. While it worked well, it scared the Pokemon inside quite a lot. Inside of a few were small brown creatures that looked something like foxes. They whimpered and tried to hide in the corner of the cage.
"Hey, it's okay. We're helping you."
They eyed him warily for a few seconds and ran out of the cage, cowering in fear behind the Chansey.
((Oh! And there's a Salamence!))

Taiko, now that he was bigger, headed for a cage with a big blue dragon in it. He unsheathed one of his claws on his front right paw, and picked the lock with that. It opened with a soft click. Taiko then opened the door, and out came the big dragon.

((If Salamence is too big, I'll edit my post.))
((In Kanto? >_< Uh, Vai will be stupidly happy. For no reason.))
Vai looked over the cages, noting a blue and red dragon-like Pokemon moving out of its cage. Vai dipped her head slightly to it, and watched it pad away. How could the people in this world keep monsters in cages? In her world, there was one zoo, but the monsters were tamed.
((lolololz Aqua Road, Dragon is a loser~ :DDD))
With a sigh, she turned back to the cage she was working on and freed a cobra looking Pokemon.
"Arbok," it muttered, maybe thanks, and slithered into the trees behind the buildings. With a shrug Vai turned back to the group.
"I'm going to go check a few of these buildings out," she told them. "I won't take too long." With a few flaps of her wings, she landed on the roof of a large building on a hill, that.. didn't seem to have any windows.
((I forgot it was Kanto. Maybe... it was imported? They had a Hoenn Pokemon owned in Johto because a trainer had it, maybe that's what happened >.>))
Torchic, having been distracted by the frozen people, never noticed all the Pokemon in the cages. As they exitted the house, Torchic gasped in horror. "W-why are all those Pokemon caged up?!" She sprinted over to one of the cages as Chikorita followed behind. In the cage Torchic had found lay a purple rino-like creature with large ears and a horn. It wasn't actually asleep, just sprawled out on the ground looking depressed. "H-hey! W-we'll try and get you out!" She turned and saw Vai unlocking a cage with her lockpick. "Hey! Could you help this one out?" Chikorita sighed and continued to watch the Nidorino.
"Th-thank you..." The Nidorino said. He sighed feeling happy that there were actually normal people here. Yes, they looked strange, but they seemed friendly.
Vai watched from the roof of the building.
"Huh? Uh, okay." She glided down and moved to the cage Torchic pointed to.
"Okay, we'll get you out.." She twisted the lockpick and the lock opened with a click. The rhino thing seemed to smile, and came out.
Kirby floated over to one of the cages and looked inside. A small, purply bug covered in fur was panting and scrabbling at the bars.

"Ven! Nat Ven!" it panted excitedly as it saw Kirby. The red-eyed creature was practically begging to be let out.

Kirby tried to pull the lock off, but succeeded only in falling down, After thinking for a moment, Kirby grabbed a rock. He jumped high into the air, swallowed the rock, and came crashing down on the lock. Now resembling a large gray boulder, Kirby landed on the ground as the broken lock clattered down next to him. Hiccuping, Kirby returned to normal and waved at the Venonat that was now creeping out from the cage.
As Tails opened the cage of some odd...thing that looked like a red-and-white ball ((Voltorb! :D)), he noticed all the pokemon were out of their cages now. He nodded at Sonic.

"Listen to me, pokemon!" Sonic shouted to them, "We're here to help you! You've seen what happened here, and you definitely want to escape it! The decay is coming from the south, so if you head north, you should be fine until we find out how to stop it!!" Sonic pointed to the North and gestured towards it, in case they couldn't understand what he was saying.

They looked at him, quizzically at first, but slowly understood. They stayed for a moment to make sure their saviors were alright.

((If any character has any questions for the pokemon, now is the time to ask.))
"How the heck are we able to understand you?" Sand and Bara asked at the same time.

"And why aren't you affected?" Bara added.
"I...I don't know the answer to either of those questions..." the Salamence said, in a deep yet feminine voice. "I believe it's beyond all of our understanding, but at least this way some of us will make it out alive and spread the word to other pokemon before it's too late..."

An Eevee bounded up to Bara and attempted to lick her hand. Naturally, he fell right through her right onto his face. Shaking himself off, he licked Sand's instead.
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