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Open Rift in the Dimensions

((Yay, I'm back! :D))
Sly stared at the Pokemon. Bentley gawked. Bentley was especially surprised at the Salamence, for talking, for even existing. He was all about Logic, and Dragons defied logic. In every possible way. Of course, Sly thought it was awesome. "So, when do we leave?" Sly was already getting bored at this, but Bentley was still fascinated by the Salamence, and every other Pokemon that emerged from the cages.
"This... This is amazing!" Bentley whispered to himself.
Taunos noticed the turtle man, Bentley, gawked at the dragon Pokemon. He walked up to Bentley, "I take it dragons are unheard of in your realm?", Taunos asked.

((I feel silly, I was about to type the Bentley...))
Bentley nodded at Taunos. "Beings such as dragons and yourself are not normal where we're from."

Sly just nodded slightly in agreement. "But still, Bentley, you don't have to stare at it like that. Dragons are awesome, but not that awesome."
"Umm....no, thank you..." the Venonat said, shaky both from overall nervousness and the fact that the little pink thing had just asked if it was okay to eat him...
Taiko looked over at the Venonat. "Hey, what Kirby does is he just swallows them to get their powers. He doesn't eat you! I'll demonstrate. Kirby, would you demonstrate to this Venonat what you do?" Taiko asked, stepping up to Kirby.
"Dragons are too awesome," Vai grumbled. Hah. He wouldn't know anything. She glanced at the Venonat and Kirby, briefly acknowledging them.
"So I'm going to check out that building now. We are moving on soon..?" With a quick flurry of her wings, Vai landed on the roof of the same building again.
((The gym, if it matters..?))
Sly was, by now, about ready to smack Vai across the face a few times with his cane. He was about to snap from irritation. "Yeah, if we could leave, possibly with out her, that would be great."
Vai stuck her ring finger up at Sly from the building's roof.
((Yes, her ring finger. :DDDD))
"I've done more than you have, you.. two-bit spore," she yelled, unable to think of anything not too obscene. Jumping down to the door of the building, Vai kicked the door down and looked inside. Nothing too special.. a rather dark and empty building, one story, from what she could tell. Ah well. Turning around and flying back to the group, Vai accidentally bumped into Sly, seeing if he had anything of value.
"Oops," she muttered. Master thief, ha. At least he can protect his pockets.
Kirby nodded and inhaled deeply, immeadiately swallowing. A moment later the fire-tiger Taiko reappeared several feet away, and kirby now had stripes and whatever else might discern a Taiko. ((No idea)) He turned to the Venonat, hiccuped, and smiled.
Sly had no idea what kind of insult 'two-bit spore' was, but apparently it was supposed to be offensive. When Vai bumped into him, he was glad his only pocket was the pouch strpped to his leg. Although, being the kind of guy he was, he couldn't help but slide a dagger from one of its sheaths and walk away, studying it. Sharp. He silently commented, running his finger across the flat side of the blade. Sharp enough to give me good paper cut, that's for sure. Sly had tucked his cane under his arm for the moment, and soon took it back into his hand. He turned and waved the dagger at Vai. "Very nice thing you got here!"
Vai whipped around and threw four shuriken in rapid succession at Sly, before drawing the Haste symbol and grabbing her dagger back.
"Touch any of my stuff again, and I'll show you exactly how nice it is," she hissed, cutting seven slashes into the air in front of Sly's face. Great. She'd promised not to use Savage Blow that close to a person.. but he probably didn't count. Grabbing the shuriken back up, Vai jumped away. How did this trip turn into something.. so messed up?
((I wanted to say something about a certain bodily function, but couldn't see how'd that fit in DD:))
"Constant internal conflict will lead to the certain destruction of worlds."Taunos said in response to Sly and Vai's little fight.
He then headed over to the building that Vai had landed on top of, curious as it was the largest in the city. He looked inside, though it was dark. He returned outside, being unable to work in the dark, and produced, a mortar and pestle and two kinds of fungi, both glowing. He ground them down into a thick liquid, and poured it into a vial which was imbued with magic. The resulting mixture was red and glowed slightly.
"I'm going to explore that building," Taunos said, indicating the large building, "Anyone wish to accompany me?"
Sly mimcked a cat and hissed at Vai, showing his distaste. He heard Taunos' comment and shrugged. "Well, she should probably learn to live more." He wasn't trying to look innocent, just prove that Vai had some issues and needed to have fun. Bentley sat where he was, shaking his head. Sly glared at Vai angrily. He had about had it with her.
((What do you mean 'certain bodily functions'? *Isn't very smart with these things*))
"Ugh..." Tails said, seeing the little spat between Vai and Sly ((Heh, rhyming)) and facepalmed. The pokemon, seeing that their heroes were taking their leave, themselves began to go. They ran, crawled, swam, and flew northbound.

Sonic and Tails waved goodbye to them and turned to the others.

"We'll come with you," Sonic said to Taunos.
Ming, still worried about where her sister may be, turns to Taunos.

"I'll help you out with the building...maybe my sister is in there..."

For the first time, Ming actually looked worried about something. She paid no mind to the fighting chim-...Pokemon and looks up at the building in question. She folds her arms over her chest and lets her mind wander.

Aslen...any thoughts?

I believe we should follow the Taunos person. So far he's the only one you've talked too...As for me, I'll try to make contact with Souh and find Kate's whereabouts.

Ming closes her eyes and nods a little.

Thank you Aslen...I hope she's ok...

((Sorry about not posting. Been crazy for me))
((Hey guys))

Hiding behind a building was a thin, pale-blue humanoid with grey tail and big odd-shaped ears. He had been watching the group for a while now, but still wasn't sure if he was better off introducing himself to them or not.
He wasn't sure of anything in fact, he just woke up one day with no memories of what happened before, his mind was completely blank, as if it was a filled with drawings and then painted white all over it. He knew one thing, but he was not even sure of that either.
He tried to sneak just a little bit closer, to see more of what they did, but managed to do the feat of tripping on his tail, causing him to reveal his hiding spot. "Oh great" He thought, "now I'm not even sure what use my body parts actually have"
((*points uh, down*))
Vai watched the Salamence go, and turned to Taunos.
"It doesn't seem like anything's inside," she told him. A light flick of blue moved out of the corner of her eye, and she whipped around to see... an awkward looking blue person-thing. Vai sheathed her dagger, the one Sly took. Might as well wait to see what it, he would do. She'd probably accidentally go off on him...
((Look at my sign up post if you don't know what I look like by the way))

The blue humanoid groaned a little on the ground, his big ears twitched in the process. "ooow" he finally said, before looking up and realizing he was being looked at by a human, or at the very least a human being, he wasn't sure if humans usually had wings, but he wasn't sure of anything what so ever. He slowly got up, quickly asking himself what he was going to do at the same time. He tried to do the best of the situation, and slowly lifted his four-fingered hand as a greeting, while saying, with a awkward tone: "uum, hi?"
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