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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Vai looked at the uh, thing.
"Hi?" She stared back, not really sure what to say. She turned back around, deciding it probably wasn't important. But slitting Sly's throat in the next possible moment... that was important.
The blue humanoid stood there, the human, or what he thought was human had most likely lost interest for him. "Maybe I should introduce myself" he thought, look down on the ground. "They don't seem like they want to do any harm, at the very least to me" he decided, maybe to his own dismay, to try to introduce himself. He took a deep breath, while preparing himself mentally, he wasn't secure if it was the right decision, but he knew he wasn't secure of anything anyway. "My name is Giygas" he said, before looking away, feeling his face turn bright red. "At least I think so, I'm not sure"
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Sonic and Tails just noticed the odd, blue, slightly catlike stranger. Since they had seen so much so far, they really weren't surprised.

"So...um, Giygas...you don't remember for sure if that's your real name?" Tails asked.
Giygas, or at least the one who thought his name was Giygas, look up again, at the two-tailed fox talking to him. "I'm not sure of anything, I have no idea who am I, or even less where I am and what I'm doing here" His grey tail swiped a bit, "But for some reason the name Giygas seems to be mine, so I'd suppose it's my name"
"Well, it's okay," Sonic said to him, "You're safe with us. You don't seem to be messed up like everyone else from this town. Are you a pokemon?" He asked, unsure whether Giygas was really from this world. Somehow, he didn't seem to fit in...
"I'm not sure what I am" Giygas said, " But my best guess would be I'm not a Pokémon, as I've seen there's more then one of most of them" He was quiet a short second, "When you say I'm safe with you, do you mean I can follow you guys? I have no where to go either way, and I can try to help. Even if I'm not sure if I can do more then trip on my own tail" His tail swung from side to side, as if it had a mind of its own and felt that Giygas just insulted it.
"Of course," Sonic said with a smile, "I'm sure there's something you can do. I mean, you managed to find us, right? You'll be fine."
"T-thanks!" Giygas said, and ran over to them, as he stood quite a bit away, there was all kinds of creatures in the group, so he wouldn't feel that he was different, something he was happy for. "Everybody here is different, so everyone got to have different got different abilities and powers, which helps at different times, so I got to be able to do something with the abilities I have" He thought, "whatever they are"
Giygas looked at the pink little ball that had walked up to him, which made him feel even less different, still much to his own joy. He sat down, and grabbed its hand, which was more like a stump then a hand, and shook it lightly. "Nice to meet you, Kirby, if you didn't hear it already, what I believe is my name is Giygas"
Sly watched Vai's dagger cautiosly. "Sly Cooper." He nodded briefly at Giygas. He directed his attention back at the dagger. His tail normally swished back and forth in a casual circle, although now it twitched every so often.

Bentley rolled closer to Giygas. "My name is Bentley." He said formally. Although he knew it wasn't polite, he couldn't help but examine Giygas. He was unfamiliar with life forms such as him.

"Oi, I know this is a 'touching moment' and all, but when do we go to really big city?"
((No seriously,will we go to a really big city that Sly can dominate in?))
"Nice to meet you, Sly and Bentley" Giygas said, his ears twitched in the process. It didn't take him to long to realize that Bentley was examining him. "If you're wondering what I am, then we are two, as I have no idea either" He said, as a way to respond to it. He suddenly got a puzzled look on his face, turned to Kirby and said: "What's your ability anyway? You don't really look like you can do much with those arms to say the least"
Kirby was getting a bit frustrated with having to show everyone his powers, but, hey, they weren't very obvious.

To demonstrate, Kirby approached a small plant with a big white flower on it. Inhaling, Kirby swallowed. In a puff of white smoke, Kirby transformed. As the smoke cleared, Kirby examined himself, noting the large, white petals surrrounding his face along with his newly green skin.
Giygas looked in awe at what Kirby just did, it wasn't like anything he had ever seen, not that he remembered seeing much anyway. "Wow, that got to come handy. Right?" He said, not thinking of anything to say either way.
((If you haven't figured it out, I can't access the forums from school. -_-))

Taunos nodded to the others, and quickly prepared three mroe vials of the elixir of the searching eye, which exhausted his supply to imbued vials. He handed one to Sonic, Tails, and Ming, then headed back into the building.
"That elixir lets you see in the dark for about 10 minutes.", Taunos instructed.
He drank it, causing his vision to gain a sort of 'backlight' effect, casting his vision under a blueish glow. He spotted mostly black-clad humans, frozen in time. He approached one nearby, and saw that his eyes were fused, as with the others.
"I hope we find the cause of this soon...", Taunos noted to himself.
He walked forward, but hit something. However, he didn't see anything. He tried to tap his staff against whatever was in the way.
"Seems to be some sort of invisible wall here.", Taunos told the others.
Ming looks at the vial given to her, and watches Taunos drink it. She lets out a sigh and open the vial, tipping it back as she drank it.

Ick...not the best tasting....

She looks at the building in question, her vision changing dramatically. She lifts her hand and looks at it, waving it bit in front of her.

Vai nodded to Giygas.
"Well, I'm Vai," she said shortly. "Uh, nice to meet you." Might as well look around while the others searched..
"Oh great!" Sand yelled. "Another person with amnesia! I bet he has an evil, murderous split personality too, just like her!" Sand waved his arms around while yelling about things like, "going insane", "Twilight Zone", and "The End of the World As We Know It, and I sure as day don't feel fine!"

Bara smiled at Giygas. "I'm sorry, my friend Sand here isn't coping well with this. I'm Bara. Pleased to meet you."
Giygas looked puzzled once again, "Another?" he said, and looked around, "There's another?" But he turned his attention to Bara, who was talking to him. "I'm pleased to meet you too, Bara. Is your friend always acting like that? I mean, it's not like I'm the reincarnation of the embodiment of evil or something"

((Horrible joke is horrible))
"No, that's Vai." Sly assured Giygas, grinning to himself. Sly knew that he would probably recieve a dagger in the gut one of these days, but it was totally worth it.

"Sly, don't you have somewhere to be?" Bentley asked, trying to save his hide.

"Yeah, I geuss I should go to church. The cross will repel her, huh?" Sly then waited to see Vai's reaction, which would probably be shurikens and daggers flying at him. He could deal with that. Inspector fox used to shoot at him with a shock pistol.
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