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Open Rift in the Dimensions

((Just to get back in..))
At some point after Giygas appeared, Chell got bored and wandered away for no particular reason. This town was strange looking, aside from the obvious people frozen in time. After a while, she found herself in front of a slightly familiar-looking building, with walls made of some type of metal. The doors opened automatically, but she wasn't stupid enough to go inside. It looked too much like the facility. And the computers inside..
Chell shivered and half-ran away.
((Sorry, guys, I've been busy trying to get a job and all that, so this RP might have to slow down a bit and you guys be a bit more patient with me. Rest assured that it will continue to run and yes, I do have objectives planned))

Sonic and Tails scooted alongside the invisible barriers, the potion they had been given letting them see in the dark, yet not see these walls.

"Say Bara," Tails asked, "Is there any way that we could summon these "Dialga" and "Palkia" creatures? If they're the rulers of space and time, then they might be able to help us, right?"

"If they haven't already been affected..." Sonic said under his breath.
"Oh, Dialga and palkia? I've heard of them in my tribe. They live in an alternate dimension, and can only be summoned through Mount Coronet, which is in Sinnoh. We are in Kanto. Sinnoh is far away. It would take months to get there!" Taiko said, overhearing Sonic and Tails.
"If it helps at all, I have buttloads of money." Sly really had no idea what they were talking about, but it seemed like if it would take months to get there, he could always whip up a disguise, and buy a bunch of plane tickets.

"Flying is for droids..." Obi-Wan muttered. Troops all around him were going beserk. Ever since the asteroid field appeared, they had been off course. What's worse was that the field had just appeared. One second, their radar was clear, the next, they were in a field. Literally. Now they had no idea where they were, and they were burning up in the atmosphere of an unknown planet. Their ship was hot, and bits of it were flying off as they careened through the atmosphere.


((Yes, I have switched. Bentley shall be forgotten. But Skymin doesn't really like it, so... Yeah, it's not too good of an idea, but Obi-Wan is such a huge improvement to Bentley.))
((What do you mean I don't like it? That message I posted about not switching characters too often was to everyone, not just you, to discourage them of abusing the option to choose a new character and abandon an old one. And if you want, you can make it to where Bentley met up with Murray and left with him or something, and we get indicated of that later.))
((Um... Yeah... That's what I meant, I just said that you don't like it because I'm a redneck, and that's a very simple, nondescriptive way to say it. Sorry. *Embarrassed*))
"If you didn't hear that, I suspect that won't be the last bomb trap here.", Taunos told the others with them.
He crept along, stopping to look up occasionally. There didn't seem to be anything of interest, but he pressed on anyway.
"But Dialga and Palkia also exist in our world. Of course, that's even further away than Sinnoh, but..." Torchic replied, wishing she had more to contribute. Meanwhile, Chikorita, who had nodded off again a couple of minutes ago, blinked awake. However, she didn't have anything to say.

((Failpost is fail, but there isn't much to post.))
"If we were to find some way of contacting them..." Tails mused, "Maybe we could get them to help us stabilize things here so we can move on. Are there any creatures in this part of your world that could help us?"
"Everyone! To the escape pods!" At least we wstill have those... Obi-Wan fought for control of the ship as they continued through the atmosphere.

"Sir, what coordinates shall we land at?" One of the soldiers asked Obi-Wan.

"I don't care, just get in the escape pods!" He snapped. Obi-Wan groaned when all the pods were launched, leaving him behind. He struggled with the wheel as the ship rocked, all the alarms going off, baring red lights shwoing that the ship was going to need a crash landing. The ship turned bright red, shooting towards the planet like a meteor. Once again, Obi-Wan found himself muttering, "Flying is for droids..."

Sly, still a bit confused at all this talk of 'Dialga and Palkia', considered his idea completely rejected. So, he simply leaned on his cane, twirling his hat on his finger.
Tails continued to look around, trying his best to avoid the reported bomb-traps, until...


"Tails!" Sonic yelled, going as fast as he could to his friend, "What's wrong?" But soon it hit him too.

They clutched their ears shut, their hearing being filled with an extremely high-pitched whistle. But through the pain, Tails recognized it as the sound of a machine falling from the upper atmosphere. He had to, after having the many Tornado prototypes fall and crash in a similar manner.

"Something's gonna crash!" Tails yelled to the rest of the group. "Outside!"
Chell started back towards where almost everyone had been, but now all the streets looked the same and she couldn't figure out where they were. There was a sudden high-pitched screech. She panicked and ran.
Link winced and covered his ears.
"What the heck..?"
Kirby covered the sides of his head with his scrawny arms and looked up. A large, shiny thing was falling quickly from the sky.

"Huh?" he said quietly, thinking about what it might be.

((Maybe Kirby could swallow the ship?))
Taunos covered his ears and sprinted out of the building, not easy due to the invisible walls. The high-pitched whistling, as with many other such strange phenomenon, Taunos chalked up to another failure of technology, not that he had a complete disdain for it. Outside, he spotted a large object, like a strangely shaped meteor, falling towards the ground from high in the sky.
((Um... Yes? But he'd have to walk/float/waddle a little ways. I don't what would happen to him, considering the ship is burning, but, whatever.))
Sly covered his ears, willing the sound away. Being a racoon, he had very sensitive ears, much as he expected Tails and Sonic to. Sometimes, it sucks to be me.

Obi-Wan cursed himself. There were no spaceports in this place, which tended to present a problem. There were no ships at the ready to cool him off, and he couldn't find a good place for a crash landing. Everything around him blared red, sweat beaded his forehead, and he remembered what Anakin had told him about vehicles.

They can always go just a little further if you know how to push them.

Obi-Wan thought of this as he neared the ground, which was rushing to embrace him. He pulled up sharply, the ship leveling as much as it could with burning engines. He saw everything slow down. The force was slowing down time for him. The ship came in first contact with the ground. He saw everything for a brief moment, then burst through the glass to his right. He accessed the force, propelling himself, and controlling his descent. He landed softly on the ground, and ran as far as he could from the wreckage of the screeching ship. Well, that thing is done for. He turned and watched as the ship screeched to a halt in the dirt, slowly cooling down where it sat.

Obi-Wan turned from the destruction, and walked briskly for a short time until he reached the first building of the nearby town. He gathered his cloak around him, flipped his hood up, and continued walking. After about a minute more of walking, he stopped. What are those?
Vai looked up, and watched the ship-like thing move below the tree line.

"What..?" She almost went off to go see what, or who it was, but remembered what happened last time with that, and looked at Sly out of the corner of her eye with an inward wince.

Doesn't matter, if the thing or person ends up with us, we'll have him show up like usual. With no explanation. Vai blinked and looked at the building again. So Tails and Sonic were out, and Taunos right behind.. They could move on soon. Or something.
By the Earth Mother..., Taunos thought as he watched the object go down in flames in a field nearby. He turned towards the direction of the wreckage, then noticed a cloaked human watching the group.
Taunos approached, "Another otherworldly human?", he asked tentatively.
"Intergalactic, as it would seem." Obi-Wan replied to the large cow. He had geussed 'intergalactic' from Taunos, mainly. "My ship crashed, and I lost track of my men, and now I'm a little lost."

"Well, my friend, you're in good company." Sly put his arm on Obi-Wan's shoulder. "My friend Bentley cou-Wait, where'd he go?"

"Honestly, I think your ego's a bit oversized." Obi-Wan pushed Sly's arm off his shoulder. "Perhaps you should get it checked."
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