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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"Did you not see my ship over there?" Obi-Wan gestured to the wreckage. "I have no way out. Unless a spaceport is suddenly created and I have access, then I geuss I'm either stuck ith you, or wandering the world alone."
Taunos wasn't sure what sort of port a spaceport was, but did have some idea of where that ship came from.
"I can't guarantee your safety if you choose to wander alone. Something has gripped this world, I'm not native to this place either, by the way, and it is consuming it. Local creatures seem too have been driven mad at some points due to this realm's decay. We are also otherworldly, most of us, at least, and are out to fight it off.", he told Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan considered what Taunos said for amoment. Were it just unfriendly forces patrolling the world, instilling fear on everyone, he could handle it himself. THIS was a whole different matter. "I think I'll stay with you."
"Well that's good. You seem fairly level-headed, as opposed to some of the others, but I don't let that get in my way, in any case.", Taunos replied, "We came here through a portal, though I am actually at a loss as to how we return. Your civilization must be very advanced if you can construct ships that can travel through the Great Dark. Why, many on Azeroth have trouble fathoming what exactly the Great Dark is."

((No, seriously, how do we get back? Is there a return portal on this thing?))
((Go go gadget ass-pull!))

"That's a good question..." Tails began to explain. "Normally the Endless Plains is something that only those with extradimensional powers, like those on our world that can use Chaos Control, can access, but something about the decay has weakened the barriers, allowing just about anyone who thought of it to escape to that dimension. So, by all logic, we should be able to leave this world at any time. The question now is how. When me and Sonic escaped, everything was such a blur that I barely remember it."

"I do," Sonic answered quite predictably. "It was like going through those weird teleportation rings from our world. It was like all of a sudden, the possibility that we could just escape went through my head. So I jumped in the air and concentrated...and then I landed in the Plains." I only hope the rest figured it out...

((There. It's kind of cheap, but it explains how everyone could have gotten to the Plains in the first place. :D))
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Ming leans on an object and watches the one called tails.

creative name by the way

She hears how they got to the plains and smiles a bit. She taps the side of her head and whispers.

"Alsen...you still there?"


"Think you can do me a favour?"

of course...and I know what you are to ask.

There was a flash of light in which a crane emerged, standing next to Ming. He has long tail feather and deep blue eyes. He looks at the others with silent intelligence. Ming on the other hand whistles to get Tail's attention.

"In my world, all I did was walk through this shimmering air ripple...but I -do- have another idea that might work..maybe. It wouldn't be as strong since it seems my sister doesn't plan to appear anytime soon...but it's a special quark that Aslen and Souh share"

The crane nods his head.

"I'm Alsen...Souh is another being like myself."

Ming chuckles a little, looking down at him.

"Well..like I said...I might have another way if yours doesn't work so well"
Chell yelped and hid behind Link. When nothing happened except more talking, she decided it was safe. She stepped out from behind him and stared in surprise at the newcomer.
"Oh! You look sorta familiar.."
Link backed away slightly, looking uncomfortable and not happy about being used as a human shield.
"Um, I really don't think you have s-"
"Oh right, I haven't. Well, hi!"
Tails was a little taken aback at the sudden appearance of this crane creature, but he was interested in Ming's theory.

"Really?" he asked with interest, "Explain."
"I can't remember squat about how I go-WHOA, when did a crane get here?" Sly stared at the crane. "....He gives me the hebidibigeebies."

"Yes, we are highly adcanced. Although, personally, I think flying is for droids." He looked at the crane briefly. Of course, he didn't know what it was. .... Do I smell a Bantha? He wondered, sniffing lightly.
"Droids? Like androids and AI and computers and stuff? You trust them?!"
Link shook his head, giving up on any imagined attempted to control Chell or make any sense out of this conversation. He wasn't getting any of this.
Droids, computers... jeez, what is with these people?
"Well, not battle Droids. Astrodroids, med-droids, pit droids, protocol droids, those kinds of droids. Yes, we trust them. Of course, battle droids ar trying to kill us most of the time, but they're unable to think creativley." Obi-Wan explained to Chell. "Why, do all droids attack people where you're from?
"Dimensional travel is a very complex art abck home. The other dimension of our universe is the Twisting Nether, a plane that embodies everything the material plane isn't, a twisting, chaotic plane of pure chaos and magic, the spawning point of demons. It overlaps the Great Dark, yet they are separate. To travel between worlds on the material plane, such as Azeroth and the Outland, great portals must be constructed, such as the one that brought the orcs to Azeroth. I have heard the draenei, the originals now on Azeroth, however have constructed ships that can traverse the Twisting Nether and the Great Dark, avoiding portals.", Taunos explained.
"So, are we to summon the aid of the, ah, greatest gods of this land? I imagine any ferry wouldn't be operating if all the human operators are unable to, well, do much of anything.", Taunos told everyone, "And so, it's going to be tricky for us to travel to another continent."
"Thinking creatively, that's why they had the phones, in case she started to think for herself, but she ripped out the phone lines and nerve gassed them. And the turrets, too. They're evil." Chell started rambling again.
"Er, I'm going to assume that's a very yes. Moving on.. I think I can warp all of us to the other continent or whatnot, but there'd be a pretty good chance of messing up and falling into the ocean."
"Or getting seperated... Say... From Vai!" Sly added cheerfully.

Obi-Wan thought for a moment. "Listen. Whatever you speak of isn't here now, and that's all that matters. Focus on the present moment. Pay no heed to the past or future." Obi-Wan couldn't help but give a lot of advice to people. He had gotten very used to saying things like that to Anakin, and it was a hard habit to break.
"Heh, I do have a spell that allows you to walk on water for about ten minutes," Taunos explained, "but I require fish oil to cast it, and a lot to cover everyone."
((*pokes Vai* Hey hey pay attention to the anthropomorphic raccoon insulting you >:/))

Vai looked at Obi-Wan. "Actually, she is here. I'm Vai... And if Master Sly here would die, then we could get separated easily," she said cheerfully. "And Taunos, I don't think.. there are fish kinds of fish here." She glared at the trees. "We could just continue on foot.."
((oh my god arrrg I'm so behind but oh hell I'll just pretend I got lost or something and show up now))

Kate came trotting up to the group cheerfully. She had dirt on her knees and some on her face as well.

"I thought I'd lost you all!" She called, quite out of breath. "Took me forever to find you. Suoh had to probe for Ming's mind so I could get here!"

She smiled.

((oh my god this post sucks))
Sonic saw the newcomer in the corner of his eye and turned quickly, ready to fight...until he realized it was just Kate.

"Well, you certainly fell behind, didn't you?" he grinned at her teasingly. "Just a good thing one of those monsters didn't get you....wait a minute..." he thought for a moment. Then it hit him.

"Hey, what if we found the way to get back to the Plains and use the teleporter to go to that continent?" It was so simple! Why hadn't he thought of it before? "What was it called again?"

((We may have to go back there anyway. I just shut down the Villain's section and it's likely we may get a flood of newcomers))
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"Shinoh," Bara replied. She turned to Obi-Wan. "I'm Bara. I'm native to here and a ghost. It's nice to meet you." Sand had finished rolling and sat back up.

"This was my favorite shirt!" he complained. He looked at Obi-Wan. "Name's Sand Kentai, Spaceman."

"He's native here, as well," Bara added.

((Being banned from the computer for three days sucks!))
Taunos laughed, "Oh no, Vai. Most ordinary fish in Azeroth don't yield enough oil.", he explained, "No, we have to gather oil from the bodies of amphibious humanoids, like murlocs and naga."
Taunos also looked around. Then, he raised his staff and cast a spell, far sight. His eyes glowed slightly as he peered far into the distance.
"The path out of the other side of this city leads to... a great causeway, a steep one, at that.", he told the others.
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