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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"Don't touch that!" Obi-Wan slid his cloak over his side a little more to cover the lightsaber. "You do not just go and touch things that interest you." He briefly lectured. Too late, he caught himself. I spent too much time teaching Anakin.
From his reactions, Taunos rather liked his otherworldly human, though he seemed a bit stuffy.
"Haha, I was waiting for someone to say that.", Taunos said after seeing the human's response to Sly, "I'd say your, ah, ship, hit the ground pretty hard, are you alright?"
"My ears..." Sand complained, covering his head. He looked up the the newcomer and his crashed ship. "And now I've seen it all. Now excuse me as I jump off a building." Bara grabbed him.

"Oh, no you don't," she said before realizing she had touched him. "Sorry." Sand then at that moment realized he was on fire. He quickly dropped to the ground and started rolling.

Obi-Wan nodded in response to Taunos. He noticed Sand's fire, and shook his head. Just how hard did I hit my head when I landed? He leaned on a house, making sure to keep his saber covered to prevent the puffball from possibly activating it.

"By the way," Sly popped up next to Obi-Wan again. "My name is Sly Cooper, master thief."

"Interesting, now leave me alone." Obi-Wan pushed Sly back to give himself some space.

"Why, how rude." Sly mocked. His smug smile showed that he was pushing Obi-Wan's buttons, or at least trying to find them.

"You will leave me alone." Obi-Wan subtley waved his hand at Sly.

"Uh... No I won't."

Well, he's not weak-minded. Obi-Wan mused. It's getting pretty hot. He spared a brief look at the sun, and pulled down his hood. No need to hide his face. Considering that these people probably had no idea the jedi even existed.
Giygas looked at the human that had arrived, apparently from outer space. He looked into the sky, "Outer space, maybe that's where I'm from, I don't know"

There was some fighting going on, or going to happen at least. He wanted to change the subject. He then got an idea, and went up to Kirby, crouching to get his face in the same height as the little pink creature and said: "Hey Kirby, if you can copy powers, can't you try copying mine? Then we'll find out what kind of powers I have"
"Well, I'm Sonic," Sonic said to the newcomer. There was an air about the man that seemed impossible not to respect to some degree, so Sonic did the best he could. "And this is Tai-....hey, where is he?"

Tails, of course, had run over to look at the ship, scanning it carefully. It's kinda like something Eggman would build, only better...

"And that's Tails..." Sonic said, slightly exasperated. "Anyway, I don't believe we got your name."
((The powers are "inexplicable" according to the games, but really, his powers are PSI. He can use generic PSI waves like Ness's PK Rockin and he can also do PK Thunder. I'm sure Male Gardevoir has other things to add, but that's just to give you an idea))
The human's spirit emanated a certain aura. It felt only somewhat unfamiliar, strangely enough. Taunos figured he would ask him about it later.
"And I am Taunos, of the Runetotem tribe.", he introduced.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi." Obi-Wan bowed respectfully. He didn't add 'Jedi Master'. After all, these people seemed like the type who don't know one bit about the Jedi.

"So, you're from SPACE?" Sly leaned closer to Obi-Wan, a mocking smile across his face.

"Coruscant, in particular." He answered simply. Sly frowned at the lack of irritation. Normally, someone was trying to kill him by now.

"And what is 'Coruscant' look like? Hm?"

"The entire planet evolved into one city over time."

Sly seemed like he felt as though Obi-Wan belonged in an asylum. "Really?"


"And are there other planets you regularly visit?"

"Wherever I am needed, I go."

By now, Sly decided to give up. He wasn't going to be irritatred, which was no fun, and he wasn't going to let his mouth run, which was less fun. Obi-Wan chuckled at his disappointment. He turned back to Sonic and Taunos.

"A pleasure to meet you."
Kirby looked Giygas in the eyes for a moment, then nodded rapidly. Kirby stood back and inhaled. The blue person flipped into his mouth. Kirby swallowed quickly, and Giygas appeared several feet away.
In a puff of smoke, Kirby blinked and was immeadiately transformed. His skin was a pretty shade of blue, his legs slightly longer, and he had two puff-hair-things sticking out of his head.

All in all, not the weirdest form he'd ever taken.

Kirby stood stationary for a few moments, then screwed up his face for a moment. A large, blue orb of electricity popped out of his head. It proceeded to spin around in orbit around Kirby.
((They're ears for the record. :|))

It was a bit of a shock for Giygas what just happened, he more likely expected to be spat out then pop out a few feet away from Kirby. But he quickly stopped caring about that and turned to Kirby, who now had the same colour and ears as him. Giygas' ears twitched in response to this.

He was going to be even more shocked about the next thing Kirby did, as he clearly didn't expect him to release a ball of electricity from nowhere, but Giygas felt familiar with the orb, so he assumed he was also able to do that somehow.

"Wow" he eventually said, "That was pretty cool. But how can I do that?" His face took a very puzzled look.
Taunos had to cringe at the thought of a city-world, especially a human city. The thought of it went against everything the tauren believed in.
"So, what happens now? Do we tread southward, towards the ocean? Or head in some other direction?", Taunos asked everyone.
"Well, we haven't found anything really worthwhile in this city..." Tails said. "Apparently we're in the wrong area of the world to get the help of the dimensional pokemon...So at this point we could either attempt to go closer to the decay site and try to find out more about it or look for one of the local...really powerful pokemon to try and help us. Unless we could find a way to get to this other area of the world that wouldn't take too long or manage to summon the creatures from here."
Vai mocked bowed to Sly.

"Someone who won't cave under your pressure, Master Sly," she said sarcastically. "Always a first." Turning to Obi-Wan, she dipped her head. "I'm Vai, a bandit. One who knows what she's doing."
"Wait, what day is today? They have ferrys leaving for Sinnoh every other week, and today moght be the day..."
Sly grinned at Vai in a way that said, Yeah, keep laughing.

Obi-Wan searched the groupd somewhat skeptically. A thief, a Bandit, a large cow, a blue thing, an orange thing, something that looked somewhat human, save the ears, and a few others. He had no idea how this had worked out, but apparently, it was working, except for Sly and Vai. He sighed, staring up at the sky. Was this going to continue on forever? Would he travel with these people, or find his own way? He couldn't say. Only time could tell. He looked back down at the little puffball, who had, apparently, eaten something bad for him. He looked back up at clouds rolling by in the distance. He thought of the council. He thought of the temple. He thought of Anakin. Would he be needed there? He stopped, wrapping his cloak around him a little tighter. Too many questions. If only Qui-Gon was here.
The cloaked human, Obi-Wan, looked pensive, staring off into the sky.
"I sense you are unsure of your fate now.", Taunos said to him, "You're stranded here, ah, Obi-Wan?"
The human sure had a peculiar name.
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