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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"Only when something that really makes him confused or angry happens," Bara replied still smiling. "We just knew a ghost who had amnesia and an evil, murderous split personality. Giratina has dragged her back to the underworld, though. I don't think you have that problem. Besides, the ghost had... Issues."

EDIT:((I totally did Sand's outburst without knowing anything about your character yet, I swear!))
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((That's pretty funny))

"Oh, I see" Giygas said, crossing his arms. "That kind of makes sense" his tail did a short swing from side to side. "Who's Giratina by the way? I've honestly never heard of him, or her"
To what seemed to be what Sly expected, Vai pointed her dagger at Sly's crotch.
"Try it. Watch. I hear a certain body part can be used to substitute for protein at meals." Did anthropomorphic raccoons have..? She was totally bluffing, but with luck he'd never know.
((Oh yes I did just go there, girlfrieeend >:3))
Sly's eyes widened to the size of mangos at the sight of the dagger. "Hold on there, THAT is against the rules!" He said, gripping his cane a little tighter. His hand casually was at his side, next to his pocket, which he fidgeted in for a smoke bomb. He gave up in a couple of seconds, and tapped his cane on the ground lightly. Elestricity shot through the top of it, coursing with lightning from the tip of the long handle up and around the cane. "I have a bunch of stuff from the turtle!" He wraned. Bentley was busy fumbling for his inhaler.
"Giratina is our god of nothingness and death," Bara informed Giygas.

((Yes, I know I have no proof of that, but it makes sense to me!))
Vai smirked, and sheathed her dagger.
"So shut up," she hissed at Sly, and tossed a shuriken up and down.
"Okay, you guys," Sonic said, getting a little annoyed with Sly and Vai's bickering. "Cut it out. Geez, if you keep this up, you'll end up killing each other before we even leave this place."
"And? That might be a good thing," Vai retorted. "He'd probably just run away. And what good has he done so far?"
((This is amusing? :D))
"Oh, god of death" Giygas said, sounding like he regretted asking it. "I get it" he look at Vai and Sly, who was having a bad argument. He didn't like that, it was unnecessary to fight others in the same group. It made him frustrated listening to. He suddenly stomped loudly, and yelled: "WOULD YOU TWO STOP SQUABBLING OVER NOTHING?! YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A PAIR OF THREE-YEAR-OLDS!" His right ear twitched a bit after, he wondered where he got the courage to do that from, because he felt incredibly stupid after, and quickly turned around,feeling his face turning bright red again. "What on earth was I thinking?"
Vai smirked at Giygas.
"You can try to crack his fourteen inch thick skull if you want," she motioned to Sly. "But whatever, let's not waste energy. I'll kill him when nobody's looking."
"Ah. But you say you're a bandit. All I've seen is sharp objects flying from your hands. I'd say you seem more like an assasin. I, however, will do whatever is needed when it comes to stealing. I crack safes, get behind enemy lines in a disguise, I act as a non-law operative." Sly explained this to Vai, and turned off the electricity in his cane.
Taunos felt around the invisible wall. It seemed to go on to connect with the wall in one direction, but he went the other way, and eventually found a gap. He suddenly bumped into a frozen human, and leapt back, having never seen one of them this close before. He then looked around again. Taunos stood close to the wall. All the humans here seemed to be dressed somewhat like assasins.
"A training facility of some sort?", Taunos pondered out loud.
Suddenly, something dropped from the ceiling. Taunos looked down to see a red-and-white ball, with eyes on it. Sparks flew, which Taunos never figured to be a good thing thanks to engineers back home, and he leapt backward. An explosion rocked the facility. Taunos took the brunt of it, but it seemed like he would survive. He grabbed a bottle of red fluid, a health potion, and drank. The warmth and painkilling feeling spread through his body immediately. He stood up and looked around to make sure nobody else was hurt.
Vai snickered.
"Then you've never seen the bandits and assassins in my world," she answered. "Assassins are useless hired out hands that end up homeless, while we do the real work."
((BWAHAHAHA Funny you mentioned bandits and assassins. Evoli get online and laugh with me))
((I see nothing funny about that, but... To Sly they're distinctly different.))
Sly chuckled. "You, my firend, wouldn't know, would you? Not that I would, but... The assasins would seem homeless to you, but for all you know, as soon as you turn your back, they slip away with a gun. They make tons of money, and stash it somewhere safe, then get back on the street."
((You don't get it because you don't play Maple Story DD:))
Vai smirked. "Yeah, you would know. If you ever even saw an assassin from my world, you'd know what I meant."
((I guess this is the part where the blood lust fades? And seriously, in Maple Story assassins become hermits >_>))
((You're right! I know absolutley nothing about Maple story! :D And no, the blood lust is just going to take a break.))
Sly was a little confused. But assasins where I come from go their whole lives shooting at people... He shook his head, and walked over to Bentley. He had a habit of just standing next to his friends. Bentley was entering something in his keybpard, probably trying to find ways to upgrade his chair, when there was a spark of electricity, and Bentley's screen, from his reaction, apparently went blank. Grumbling to himself, he tried to fix it while Sly tried to make conversation.

"Sly, I need a little quiet to fix this!" Bentley got very angry when he had technichal difficulties.

"Okay, okay. Just... Go over behind those bushes, it'll be plenty quiet there." Bentley took the advice, angrily pushing himself behind said brush.
((Okay.. I've been camping for the weekend. Now.. how to start posting again? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?! Oh and, I get it, Dragon. x3))
((Vai and Sly is fighting, while I, RPing as a amnesia'd Giygas joined up, and then there's been a alot of talking))
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