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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Galacta Knight's energy ball caught the centaur khan in the head, snapping it and bringing the brute down.

Geralt rushed the remaining centaur archer, leapt, and ran his blade through the centaur's chest, withdrawing it when he was sure the centaur was dead. Seeing no other ones, he walked back to where everyone else was.

Taunos sat down and sighed, "I'm getting old, aren't I?"
He then pulled both of the arrows stuck in his chest out, pulled out a bottle of water, and drained it.

"Heh, well I wouldn't know about that, you still seemed strong back there," Geralt told Taunos, then he turned to the others, "I trust everyone lived? No wounded or anything?"
((I think you misinterpreted the attack, but it doesn't matter.))

Galacta Knight swerved and landed back near the group. "Hmph. That was a waste of soldiers. I should have done it myself, as always." He looked back at the decapitated centaur khan. "Where do we go now? I would rather not stay if we don't have to. This place bores me." It was impossible to tell whether he was being sarcastic.

((Why is he always in such a hurry? :P))
Logoth was sure that none of the Centaurs had lived. He went through where he had obvoiusly been. He found his sword and picked it up. He cleaned it with a fist full of grass. Logoth then bent down and muttered
"Warriors never die." It was the barbarian way of burial. The body stayed where it died but was honored for fighting. He stood and walked back to the rest of the group.
((Well I got the intent down, didn't I?))

"Why," Taunos answered, "To the village. Though I suspect we're too late if this is any indication..."

Geralt looked down. On the ground near his feet lay one of the heads of the centaurs. He bent down and looked more closely.

"Taunos," Geralt said, "are the centaurs normally... cyclopean?"

He kicked the head over to where Taunos was sitting.

"No...", Taunos replied, "And that can only indicate one thing. I don't hear anything coming from the direction of the village, though, so maybe it's already reached that stage."

"That... stage?", Geralt asked with more than a slight concern.

"Yes.", Taunos explained, "Not as bad as it may sound. In Kanto we discovered a city wherein all the inhabitants were frozen. Not with ice or anything, just... seemingly stuck in time, if you will."

"I see...", Geralt simply replied.
((You changed your username right after I named my Pikachu after you. (don't ask)
You suck Why? D:))

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Galacta Knight barked. "You know where this village is! If you think it has become serious, then don't sit around and talk about it!"

Torchic's stomach turned. Those mutated humans from Kanto were horrifying. She dreaded having to see more like them. Chikorita was more worried about the dead and warped plants than anything else.
"Eyes?" Spire said, confused.

"Being exposed to the rift for too long will result in insanity as well as your eyes being fused," Ravage explained, "We've crossed guns with a godly being with similar effects."

"Oh," Spire muttered. Then he envisioned some of the more sickening creatures he'd encountered with those effects, and shuddered. "I can't imagine what would happen if it affected something with very little sanity to begin with."

"Neither can I," Ravage said, leaping onward, "Best to keep it that way."

The robot turned to Taunos, "What's the stage after the 'time freezing,' anyway?"
"Oh God, not already..." Sonic muttered, not terribly excited to have encountered the effects of the decay again. "We landed in just the right place, didn't we?"

Tails lowered his head sadly. If it had already reached Taunos's village, that meant that this all was striking closer to the team's heart than anyone would have hoped...

"After the time-freezing stage, it would probably be much like the encounter we had with Dialga." Tails answered Ravage. "A noticeable change in skin tone, completely fused eyes, and increased ferocity. That's all that I could tell, at least."
"Your guess is as good as mine.", Taunos told Ravage, "Not that I ever want to find out."

Taunos got up, took up his staff, and said, "Well, for what it's worth, we should check out the farmhouse for a bit."

"Something important?", Geralt asked.

"One of the most important things, Geralt," Taunos replied, "a family. Knowing the head of the house here, he probably died fighting, but his wife and children..."

"I see...", Geralt answered softly.
His thoughts suddenly went back to his own homeworld for a moment.

Taunos walked over to the nearby farmhouse. The door was locked, but after knocking to no avail, he ripped the doorknob out and pushed the door open. Everything seemed to be in pristine condition, except, of course, the folks living inside.

Geralt walked in behind Taunos. Stepping around the tauren, he caught the sight of the orc family for himself. A mother was embracing four little ones, but all of them were stuck in time, so it seemed.

"The spirits seem confused by this.", Taunos then said, "So it truly is an otherworldly force, huh. I've seen enough."

Geralt pointed to an ornate axe on the wall, "An heirloom?"

"Perhaps.", Taunos said, "This orc, however, took up the plow long ago."
He walked out. Geralt, though, kept investigating, curious as to how these orcs went about their lives.

"In the right place?", Taunos said to Sonic, "Did we ever."

He sighed, "Well I don't think the barn will have anything of interest. Geralt is investigating the farmhouse, feel free to join him."
Galacta Knight looked up at Taunos and just stared. "Fine. So are you done surveying damages? Or would you like to visit every little family so you can confirm what we already know?" he said, impatiently, "If you had any sense you would call back your friend and find someone who can do something about this."
Vai walked over to the orcs, and seriously considered pushing them over, but if they came back and attacked, she'd be screwed. Or maybe they'd shatter. It must suck to be them.

((This post means I'm alive. Uh, I'll be at camp for the next four days, so if you do anything cool just say I'm following you all around.))
((How many people are left here? I think we have to open this RP again after this...))

"Well, I'm done.", Taunos said, "I don't know about him, though. My village is right there, you should be able to see it from here."
He pointed to the west, and sure enough, there was a group of conical tents not too far away.

"Well I didn't see anything of interest," Geralt said suddenly, having come back from the farmhouse, "Let's press on, then."

Walking over to the gathering of tent-houses, Geralt saw that the village was a fair bit bigger than it appeared from the farm. He noted the cone-shaped tents, consisting of birch bark, or sometimes, animal skin, stretched over sticks that met at the top.
"Well I don't imagine there are a lot of building materials on the plains...", he said.

"We tauren were originally a nomadic peoples.", Taunos explained.
Besides that, there were very few residents out on the streets. Those that were out were, of course, stuck in time. There was even a burly group of orc warriors sitting at a tent bar, one with tankard in hand, simply hanging in the air.

"Well, this is it. Where I lived.", Taunos said to the others, "Anything of interest you want to see?"
For his part, Spire said nothing as he looked around the village.

This place... almost reminds me of Mondreus.

He'd been quiet ever since they'd seen that family in the farmhouse. Ever since then, he'd been thinking of his people, of everything that he'd lost.

When this is over; when this is under control, I'm going to find out what happened to them. Even if I have to travel to the edges of space itself.

His thoughts were interrupted by Ravage, who had just said: "There's just one thing I don't understand: How is it that the centaurs weren't affected by the time-stop, but all of these beings were frozen in time? Does that insanity grant them immunity from it?"
Sonic and Tails looked around the village. The people certainly were...odd. Many were large and threatening, but if Taunos trusted them, they couldn't be too bad.

"It's possible that those centaurs had wandered from an area with a more advanced state of the decay," Tails answered Ravage, "Something similar happened before in the last world we visited, and that was Dialga's situation, too."

"Or maybe they were just psycho to begin with and didn't need that much of a push..." Sonic added.

"Or that." Tails acknowledged.
Sly stared at the tents, the wheels in his head turning. He grinned, and, with his cane, and the help of the stitches on the tents, crawled op on top of one. He perched himself up there, looking around the village.
((Late post is late.))

"Why would I want to have a look inside your house?" said Galacta Knight, quickly loosing his patience. "What did we do last time that got us to where we could fix the decay?"

"Well," said Torchic, walking up to Galacta Knight with Chikorita in tow. "A Pokemon called Giratina appeared in this mirror, and it all happened pretty quickly, but I think it swept us up, dove through a pond, and then we went back to the Endless Plains. We picked you and a bunch of others up, Giratina took us this place I think was called Spear Pillar, and... well, you remember the rest, right?"

Galacta Knight stood silent for a moment. "...Well, clearly what we have to do then is stand by a mirror and wait for one of those deity-monsters to appear." he sneered. "Does anyone have any idea what we should be doing here?!"

((I know I don't))
"Perhaps a bit out of the question," Taunos replied, "Gods here don't just appear in the mortal realm. If they did, I suspect life would be a lot easier.", he chuckled.
"Though the Earth Mother is everywhere.", he waved out across a view of the savannah, "We see her spirit everywhere, for she is the embodiment of the land."
He walked over to a particularly large and elongated tent, shaped more like a conventional building.
"This is where the Chieftain runs our village from.", he explained, "I'm going to have a look, we may very well find some clues."

Geralt snickered at Galacta Knight, "Well at least your heart's in the right place.", he said, "I doubt we're supposed to have any idea. This isn't exactly my native world either."
Logoth looked around the village. He wondered what his own home world would be like. It may have been luck that put him with this group, or was it the gods. If this was their will than his whole world may be gone. He felt sorry for the village inhabitants.

((still alive))
"Well," said Galacta Knight, trying to keep his calm, "If you think it will help, go ahead. But I'm beginning to doubt your usefulness. Much more of this and I will go exploring on my own."

"Earth Mother", he thought. How primitive.
Heading inside the chieftain's tent, Taunos saw what he expected. The chieftain sat at the head of the table, and there was his fellow healers of the village, though one of them was a healer in title only. The other wasn't a shaman, but a druid rather. They were stuck there, with concerned looks. One of them was bleeding, strangely enough. He spotted something in the chieftain's hands.

Geralt looked around in curiosity. He noticed one of the tents had a flowerbox next to it. Then he noticed what was in the flowerbox. No flowers, just dead herbs. One of them, however, was growing into what appeared to be a gnarled, twisted mockery of an herb.
"That's probably not normal.", Geralt said to himself.

Taunos grabbed the sheet of paper in the chieftain's hand and read it. A fear rose in his eyes for a moment, then he calmed himself before walking back outside.
"Bad news, it would seem.", Taunos said, "As if we needed anymore."

"What?", Geralt asked.

"What my chieftain has written here.", he said, then read off the note, "Centaurs appear strange... Villagers have begun stopping completely... Jeddek and Marn report a demonic presence... Taunos... maybe Burning Legion's... return."

"Burning Legion...?", Geralt asked, "Doesn't sound good."

"The great legion of demons that has terrorized the denizens of this plane for countless millenia.", Taunos explained, "Of course they'd be resurgent now, their one goal is to undo the works of the Titans, thusly restoring the universe to it's original, chaotic state, before anything, such as the worlds themselves and all life, was shaped. This affliction isn't doing much more than just that, as far as the demons are probably concerned. Tread lightly, they are responsible for countless deaths, the extinction of who knows how many races."

"So... what now?", Geralt asked.

"Hah, if only it were that easy.", Taunos replied, "Perhaps the legion has setup a demonic gate somewhere around here... Destroying it would certainly help us a lot."
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