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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

Ly felt somewhat disturbed about the fact that they might have to fight. She didn't like to. The only reason she was with this group was to find Janjay and Brockle.
She heard Fluffy talk to someone and turned around to see a Pachirisu.
"Hello." She greeted the Elesquirrel Pokemon.
Ly smiled.
"Why, yes we are." She said. "I'm Ly. It's nice to meet you Hikari." The Eevee introduced herself.
Nidoking turned to Hikari. "Nice to meet you. I'm Nidoking, of course."
The Drill Pokemon heard something and whirled around. "Who are you?" he asked.
Ugh, Blood thought. A newcomer. I guess I have to introduce myself.

"I'm Blood," he growled. He didn't exactly like socializing much.
"I'm Fluffy. Nice to meet you Hikari." Fluffy smiled and turned toward the back of the cave, seeing an Umbreon in their way. "And who are you?" she asked.
"I personally don't enjoy killing kids," Blaze said, "but I think pests should be taken care of before they become plagues." He got up and went to the cave entrance, and then used Extremespeed to Cerulean Cave.
Wah! Blood thought. So many new Pokemon! It was almost overwhelming. He was thinking about telling them to get lost, but then Fluffy wouldn't be happy.
Nidoking nodded. "Hello, Moonshine." Now there would be more members to fight against the Parent Stealers. "If you're thinking about joining, then go ahead."
"Preparing for base inspection"

ZZ floated deeper into the cave and veiwed the holding cells.

"Entering stealth mode. Preparing for observation."

The Porygon-Z turned transparent, and, hidden in the shadows, would be totally invisible unless it moved when someone was looking diretly at it.

(P.S How do you get the font size thing to work)
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(sorry,i've been kinda busy,but here I am!what's going on,i dont want to go reading the whole thing!P.S.I'm Masquerade)
Lila said, "Hello, Moonshine. I'm Lila Stars, but you can call me Ly."
The Eevee dipped her head in hello.
Fluffy nodded to the two newcomers. "If you would like to join us, then you two can be on the left and right of Nidoking. If not, then leave us alone." She smiled slightly.

((Mewtwo, I'll PM you))
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