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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

"Why are you attacking someone from our team? We thought you were friendly!" Zita yelled, she wanted to shock Masquerade there and now.
((Um,I teleported away.And I thought Blood was the enemy))
Masquerade was back where she started.The little part of the cave she used to live in,no friends.She had had a rough day,and decided to take a nap.
((He's been on our team. Blood is a Zangoose, the enemy is an Arcanine.))

Fluffy looked at her team mates. "STOP! He hasn't hurt us, so don't hurt him." She ran in front of the Arcanine.
((But Zita didn't notice :P))
"Gaah! And I thought she was a friend!" Zita said depressed and angry at the same time.
((I thought Blood was the name of the Arcanine,oops))
Masquerade woke up,and decided to psychicly check on Ly and the others."What do they know,I shouldn't even be doing this."mumbled Masquerade to herself,teleporting out of the cave for some sunshine.
Masquerade got bored.Life wil never be the same without them...thought Masquerade to herself.I'll secretly follow them by being invisible!she thought before turning invisible and teleporting to Ly and the others.
Nidoking stopped attacking the Arcanine. Not like he was in the first place. Masquerade had teleported away. Now there's no one to cause trouble. He turned to the Arcanine. "Who are you?"
Blood was startled by Masquerade's cry. He immediately pulled his claws back and put a foot on the ground, skidding to a stop. "What the commotion was that for?"
((O.o so many posts...))
Blaze relaxed a bit after the Pokemon stopped their attacks. It seemed they wanted to talk. He turned to the Nidoking who asked him for identification.
"I am Blaze, one of the chiefs of the organization you know as Parent Stealers. And that poor excuse of a Mewtwo should be on our side. Should I also ask who you are?"
When Nidoking heard the words "Parent Stealer," he growled, "It doesn't matter who you are if you're a Parent Stealer." He turned to his leader. "Should we attack, Fluffy? Blaze claims the title of Parent Stealer." He snarled the last two words.
Masquerade knew they didn't know she was following them.When she heard what Blaze((i thought his name was blood,that's why I accidentally attacked Zangoose))had said,she almost yelled"WHAT DO YOU MEAN,POOR EXCUSE?!?!"but she managed to keep her cool.((note,I'm invisible))She took deep breaths,and teleported silently and unnoticed back to her part of the cave.
I shall get my revenge on Blazethought Masquerade to herself.I WILL!!!((note,Masquerade doesn't like fighting,so this is saying something!))She decided to do it when Blaze was alone,so no one can protect him.She wasn't going to kill him,just make him pay for calling her a poor excuse.
"Yes, attack at will. But first answer me. Who are you and why do you fight us?" Then, an additional scent Blaze knew flew to him. He could sense rage from where it came. "Oh, that was for what you did. I thought you also hated parents, but here I find you, talking peacefully with some kids that want to ruin our project." Blaze's attention returned to the group. "So... will you answer me?"
I never had parents,therefore have no reason to hate them.Masquerade telepathically said to Blaze.Why do you insist in having me come with you?she asked telepathically.
Oh, no , you have it wrong. I don't want to come with me. I want you to stay here, stopping kids like these from rescuing our prisioners. If that's a problem, I'm sure Pyrros would want to test his strength with a legendary.
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