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Uh, I didn't do it.
Do you have any interesting scars? Really weird question I know. But I just met a person who has a birth mark in the shape of California, it was really weird.

Let's see I have a birthmark on my eyelid I always forget about. Just a little red speck.

I also have a scar on my leg from when I was working at my grandparents foodshelf and I swung a trash bag so I could carry it on my back, but it hung a bit and a shard of glass that was inside cut my calf.

I also have marks on both my wrists from hand cuffs. Working in police explorers all the time and role playing for the new kids and they are a little over excited when cuffing someone. The big ones are from my hazing in explorers when I was cuffed with hinge cuffs and had to get out of them... I used butter and was bleeding a bit after. But I got them off!!! After six hours

I also have a large gash on my arm from when I accidentally stabbed myself when I was cutting a tent free... That was an "ouch" if I ever had one.

I probably missed some.
eh, I don't have any, but my friend has a huge one on his left thigh when he accidentally got himself with a chainsaw. He was cutting down a tree and the chainsaw bounced back from the tree and onto his leg.
I used to have on on my left hand middle finger tendon because I was reaching blindly for a zipper on a backpack and forgot the handle thing had broken off and become a sharp metal shard, but that faded. Other than that, I have none.
One on my left arm for BCG, one on my right for Smallpox. Or is it the other way around?
One old, white, mostly faded scar on my right elbow from a scab I peeled off years ago, one more recent red scar an inch to the left of the other (and more faded) [both have about an inch diameter] and finally a small, oblong patch of skin that I don't know if it is going to be a scar.
I have a birthmark the shape of a heart on my neck. My friends always joke that I "wear my heart on my neck". I also have two perfectly round scars on my right ankle. My friends call it my snakebite, but they are actually from buggie bites.
I have the tiniest of scars on the bridge of my nose, caused from banging my face against a chair leg and having the frame of my glasses dig right into my skin. If I recall I was spurting a hell of a lot of blood.
I have a big one on my chest where my dad smashed a plate over my head; a faint but visible one where I was bouncing on the bed, fell off, smashed into the corner of a table, and tore my lower lip clean in two; a J-shaped scar from Jake, various from poxes, burns and my clumsiness; and a couple of miscellaneous ones also from my time with Jake.

It's kind of depressing how many I have, really.

EDIT: and a now-faint one on my right arm where, when I was tiny, a dog savaged me so badly as to tear the majority of my muscles in two. I don't know how I forgot it, since I still have fine-motor-control issues in that hand.
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The biggest and most noticable is across the right side of my face from a dog attack when I was little (56 stitches). I've also got one that goes from my nose to my lip, one across my forehead (usually covered by fringe, though), an interestingly 3D one on my elbow from when I broke my arm the first time, and it's not a scar as such, but that arm also sticks out at a funny angle. Plus some small burns and scrapes that never faded away.

I look very, very badass :D
I've a couple on my hands from hamster bites, a pockmark on my forehead, a totally unexplained one on my chest, another unexplained one below my knee and one on my middle finger from when my friend cut me with a tea spoon.
Lets see... I have:

- a burn scar on my arm from when I was little, my brother accidentally burnt me with a Sparkler. This is mostly faded now.
- one on my right wrist from a few years back, trying to convince Pyre not to kill someone. This is faded, but still visible.
- a series of scars spelling a certain name, I'd rather not discuss the circumstances behind where this came from and would appreciate it if the people who know wouldn't either. Still clear enough to read.
- a scar on my upper left thigh, I'd rather not discuss this one either. Faded.
- various scars on my hands, as my dad is an idiot and doesn't understand the concept of "you do NOT put sharp knives in a sink full of soapy water and then NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THEM". Most of them have faded.
- various scars on my arms and thighs, all them the result of science in trying to figure out just how far my brain took this masochist thing. In various states of fading.
Juuuust a few, all up and down my left leg, from an incident with a fishbowl. Only the biggest one actually faded away. The other one didn't get stitched right or something, 'cause it like... sticks out, and then another one was a spot where the skin got cut off entirely, so.
I have this weird, small mark on my right elbow, it sort of looks like either a b or a q depending on which way you look at it. I can't remember if that's a birthmark or a burn.

My dad, on the other hand, has a lot of cool shit. He's got a great big scar on his leg from when he broke it getting off a train! He also has pectus excavatum, apparently caused by his childhood meningitis.
Nothing too impressive right now, but two days ago I tripped twice on the same escalator and cut open my knee whoops. There's an average sized wound there now, but apparently it'll scar.

Aside from that.. I think I have a chicken pox mark beside my belly button? There are a few small ones on my fingers because apparently I don't know which end of a knife to hold oops
Three scars.
One from surgery for my broken arm, one on my forehead from jumping on the bed and hitting a bedpost,and a really light one from the time my sister scratched me.
And...sometimes,when I scratch my arm by accident, it rises up.
I think it's from that time where I went swimming in the ocean. It was the jellyfish part of the year.
I don't have any noticeable ones.

One on my kidney that I was born with (lucky I have two!) and one really small one on my wrist from when someone "accidentally" stabbed me with a fountain pen.
I have a birthmark on my upper thigh that looks like some sort of blob, maybe South Carolina if you squint a bit.

I also have another weird one that isn't really a birthmark, it's just a bump on my left ear.

So, I have a scar on my knee from something I don't remember (I was 3), and a gray one on my arm from when my dog bit me.
Well, I have a scar on my lower back from scrapping it on an armoire's door. Actually it happened when I was signing up for an account on the old vB forums. Another scar on my right hip happened in a bicycle accident. I have a vaguely interesting brown speck on my eye between my iris and the white portion of my eye.
I used to have a strawberry birthmark on my butt when I was a kid. It faded when I was about twelve, but my mum has endless pictures of it. Because you know, that's what you take pictures of.

ANYWAY I also have a couple of pretty boring scars! I have one on my left wrist from falling out of a tree when I was probably about nine or ten, and a big oval-shaped one on my elbow from when I fell off my bike. I also have really attractive white stretchmarks on my thighs that won't fade. :(

My boyfriend has a pretty big one on one of his fingers from a incident involving a dropped money jar. And uh, my dad put his fist through a glass window once so there's a pretty cool scar.
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