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I have a scar on my butt from an incident when I was a baby. It involved doctors, and that's all I'm saying.

Because it's all I know about said incident.

There was another incident with a flip-flop (who knew they could take off so much skin?) that might have left a scar, but I don't remember which finger that was.
I used to have a scar on my forehead where I busted my head and had to get stitches as a baby, but it's faded now.

My least interesting scar that's actually still visible is at the base of my left index finger. I was trying to open a jar of self-drying brush-on glaze that had sealed itself shut using a pair of scissors. The scissor blade slipped, and oops! I didn't think the injury was that big but you can still tell where the cut was years later. The skin that grew back there doesn't have the little lines on it like the rest of my hand does. It's really quite small though.

My smallest scars are most significant though. I have four dot-shaped scars on the small of my back from when doctors extracted bone marrow from my hip to transplant into my sister, who had leukemia at the time. (This Tuesday was her two-year, post-transplant work-up. positive results) They used really huge, long needles, but fortunately I was asleep. We were a close enough genetic match that her body would accept it with minimum difficulties, and even though we were different blood types (not anymore lol!) they were compatible types, fortunately. I would have needed stitches after this procedure but they just put a really tight pressure bandage on there instead so it would heal up on its own.
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My friend used to be really klutzy, so he knees are all scarred and bubmpy and they don't have those little lines.
Scars! I have a lot of those because I've been pretty accident-prone as a kid. P:

There's a V-shaped one on my right eyebrow (right where it starts) though it's a bit faded. I got it when I was pretty small and fooling around with a tricycle. I fell and hit my head on the mud guard (I remember I was taken to the hospital, so I guess it bled quite a bit).
I was pretty lucky not hurting my eye, I guess.

I have some medium-sized ones on my legs that have boring stories (one line-shaped one from a pretty small scrape on my left ankle and a round one on my right knee, mostly from being derpy and careless). There are also countless smaller ones but they're even less interesting.
I'm not even gonna count how many scarred zit remains there are on my face, ugh :I

My most recent ones would be the a small line somewhere around my collarbone and a bigger line on the side of my right breast, they're both from last December when I got some irritated moles/birthmarks removed. The collarbone one's faded pretty well but the other one is still very visible.

I actually like having scars for some reason. :U
I have a slightly-visible scar from some years ago on my right hand, when someone else accidentally cut me with a knife.
Or rather, the marks after it got sewn are still there, faintly visible.
I have one on my left leg from this summer when i tried to climb a very high metallic fence, I was drunk.

I noticed it when I realized my white socks were red.

Ah, good times.
I have a mark on my wrist thats about 4 inches long from a burn in the oven, but it was pretty recent and it's fading. I also have a slight ridge on my right thumb from peeling an apple. I also have a birthmark on my upper back that I have never seen, but people say it looks kind of like an outline of the US. I have a birthmark on my neck right where my hair starts, but it is just a blob-ish thing. Lastly, I have a cyst on my left ear and one on the base of my left middle finger.
I have a huge brown bump on the back of my right ear. It came off once, then grew right back.
Got one near my eye when I fell down the stairs once. I have three on my left foot from surgery. One is huge (right on the inside), one is on my Achilles, and one (that's barely visible now) is on the outside of my foot. I have this scar on my middle knuckle when I fell on the sidewalk really awkwardly. Oh, and I have this bubble scar on my knee that was caused by falling and then falling again on that scar.
An ugly oval-shaped one on my right butt cheek. Thanks, nurse who gave me an antibiotics shot. It used to be purple, so at least it's improved.

A tiny unnoticeable birthmark on my left index finger. Also a ton of stretch marks on my back and lower body. The ones on my back look like scars, so. :/

Ooh, and moles. I have lots of moles.
I have a big y-shaped scar on my left arm from when I put my arm through a glass window at the age of six. (It cut my arm open so the bone was visible. And yes, my arm's motor skills are intact.)
I have one behind my ear from that one incident by which I mean from when I was a little kid running around the house, slipped, crashed into a chair and ripped my ear halfway off my head. It's okay though, it's pretty much invisible.

One under my chin from when I was taking a bath in Portugal, stood up to fetch something, slipped, and hit my chin on the corner of a little shelf thing we have which had the business side of a nail sticking out of it for whatever bullshit reason. I bled like hell (it was like a centimetre away from my throat so narrow escape there) but I don't remember any pain.

One on my right inner thigh from my heart operation (I had a bunch of holes in the skin separating my heart in two, oxigenated blood and non-oxigenated blood), the made the little tube umbrella thing travel through the vein in my thigh up to my heart in a test-surgery and thankfully it all worked out great.

And one on my chest which looks a lot like a drop of water and was cause by smallpox or whatever it's called in English. I'm honestly not sure because there's two types of a very similar illness ?_?

And a whole bunch of little cuts and shit :o
Smallpox was eradicated in 1979; the last case was in 1974. If you're really 58, then it's possible, but otherwise, I think it may be chickenpox
One fairly noticeable one from surgery when I was 6 years old, and apparently a bunch of super-duper tiny unnoticeable ones from surgery when I was like 2 or 3. I was so tiny they couldn't figure out where to make the incision, hence the "bunch."

Also a reddish patch on my elbow from when I tore off several layers of skin in a kick scooter accident recently. Doesn't seem like it'll scar, it's just taking an annoyingly long time to fade.
Oh jeez, let's see if I can name them all 8D

-Nice large one on my left wrist from a dropped knife. Wasted a hell of a lot of butter :c
-Small one on my left ankle from a stray shard of glass.
-Medium-sized cut from a gash on the right side of my face. Recent but I don't think it'll go away soon.
-There's a lot on my chest. I don't even want to count.
-Large one on the outside of my left thigh from a parkour incident.
-Small one on my right hand from a pencil. Long story.

I can't remember any more and I don't want to bother searching, so yeah.
i have a birthmark on my left leg that looks like a t-shirt, a scar on my eyelid from where i think i fell through something, a long one on my hip from surgery, one on my thumb and my legs are patchwork of scars as i fell over a lot as a kid, and a few others on my hands. a pretty long one on my arm from when i scratched it on a washing basket. my knees are just purple with scaring, i have heaps of scars from chicken pox, and i have one next to my right eye were i fell over onto a sharp rock after running to show my mum a rock i thought looked like an arrowhead. (we still have the rock)
The only ones I really pay attention to are a weird patch on my left elbow from when I went sledding on the dunes at White Sands and tried to use my elbow to brake, and a barely visible scar on my chin from when I was trying to toss something down off of the stairs into our basement, and wound up tossing myself as well and knocking out like half of my teeth. (Luckily, they were my baby teeth.)
...ooh this'll be fun. LET'S START AT MY FACE:

*Looks like a small chunk of skin was taken off under my eyebrow, but that was because a CD was thrown at my head Dx
*Starting at the bridge of my nose to partly across my right cheek, I have a scar where I scratched myself :c
*Ooh, one on my eyelid from a bottle that was thrown at me that was glass

*Right in the middle of my chest is a long scar from...something I don't even remember
*One on my right shoulder from something else (half of these I don't remember)
*Down towards my right elbow I have this scar that looks like a zipper thing for some reason...
*Then there's another one on that arm that's reaaaaally long from a cat scratch
*And then on my right hand there's a circular scar from something and a bit lower down is one on my wrist from my cat again.
*I have one in the middle of my right hand from getting stabbed in the hand by a lead pencil :c
*On two of my knuckles there's a scar too...
*Another circular one on my index finger from my cat (again)
*Then there's this red mark on my knuckle that's not a birthmark but it's from something but it doesn't disappear (it turned purple once when it got hit :c )
*And then there's a few on my left arm from my cat I think, and one on my thumb that's weird for some reason :o

And I don't feel like listing the rest of them but a ton on my legs and a long one on my right leg from my sister's toe...I'm accident prone okay
Still have a few scars on my lower abdomen from a biopsy I had when I was... 10. Not sure how many there's left at this point, because time even heals physical wounds! But there's at least one.

Bit of bruising on my right arm where I had an IV attached today. A thoroughly odd experience. They left it in after doing a blood test in order to have an easy way to administer medication- and decided to pump some saline water through the tube in order to clear my blood from it. Having liquid inserted into your blood stream directly is... interesting.

I had a gash on my left leg from when I slipped and fell on a very badly trimmed tree trunk four or five years ago, but it appears to have healed.
>mfw I tried to show it to someone in sixth grade and WHY ISN'T IT THERE D: D: D:

And miscellaneous birthmarks and chips all over mah body, but most notably on my forehead, which I really don't like. Hence why I avoid mirrorfucking above the eyebrows.
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