Um... wow. So now I'm the weird one.
Well, I was just stating what I think - obviously most of you won't agree, and I didn't really expect you to.
If a Catholic priest said that, according to the Church, being gay is morally correct, then we definitely need another Vatican council. -_-
Obviously people get married for pleasure - what I meant was that marriage was meant to produce children. Of course, consequences come with that, which is why a stable marriage is the preferable environment to raise children. Also, not everyone has children - even if they are straight, or whatever, but the point is try to avoid selfish marriages in which both partners are only interested in themselves. Personally, I think that homosexual marriages in which the partners love each other is at least better than heterosexual marriages that were only based on financial or social/political reasons. I guess I just have too much of a "perfect world" view...
Also, half the gay married couples I know (I live in Belgium it is homoland homos are welcome we're going to sink into the sea etc) have kids from previous het relationships. They have fulfilled their duties in life. Now that they've continued the family line (because we must live only for this) are they allowed to not repress their sexualities?
That's like saying "I did all my community service, can I go break the law now?" Previously having kids doesn't really justify things, and since I'm Catholic, I don't believe in divorce, or multiple marriages, etc.
And... "are they allowed to not repress their sexualities?" Um... when did I ever say they weren't? I was just saying what I believe in, the way I intend to live, and the way I think those that share my religion ought to live as well. Personally, I don't believe in putting laws against homosexuality or anything like that in place - those only create conflict, and oppress others just because they have divergent sexualities from the government.
I'm not trying to be all high and mighty, or "you must follow the bible/Church or die" or whatever - I'm just saying what I think, just like the rest of you.
I'm not saying not to argue with me, but you don't have to take it so personally...