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Should Pikachu evolve into a Raichu already?


  • Yes! Raichu FTW!

    Votes: 50 37.9%
  • Pikachu's fine as he is!

    Votes: 51 38.6%
  • Why should I care?

    Votes: 31 23.5%

  • Total voters
Pikachu should definitely stay as s/he is.

I agree that s/he has been put on some kind of diet, which saddens me; one of the charms of the Chu line is that they're all chubby~

Well, that and the fact that every (female) kid's character from the 80's, from Strawberry Shortcake to the My Little Ponies, seems to have been remade with more skinny and bigger eyes. Which saddens me.

^ That. Chubby Pikachu's rule. There was never no need for a diet, my little ponies were better before with all the chubbyness.
No, pikachu can't evolve, it would totally ruin the show (even though I don't like the show much) raichu is too big to ride on ashes shoulder, and just, no.
Yes. The animé needs some more action, rather than simply Überchu destroying everything. A Raichu would make it seem possible, as Pikachu seems to beat pokémon much stronger than itself. Pikachu is probably holding a Light Ball. XP
Yes, because then it'll be the end of the show and I'll never have to hear the obnoxious rat ever again.

You heard me.
I don't think Pikachu should evolve, it would really change everything. I mean, Pikachu and Ash are pretty much the main thing about the whole Pokemon series. Evolving Pikachu would be silly. That's just my opinion though.
I don't really care much since I don't watch PokéMon series much but Pikachu in the first series is the best of all lol s I think that Pikachu shouldn't evolve!
Pikachu should never evolve.
Raichu isn't nearly as epic of a win as Pikachu is.
If Pikachu ecolved it just wouldn't be the same.
It's always been Ash and Pikachu, not Ash and Raichu.
I've come to this conclusion. As awesome as a Raichu would be, it wouldn't work in the show.
I'd like it if Ash's Pikachu evolved. But, I know it won't. I think Ash should get another Pikachu and evolve it, but still keep his old one. And get a Pichu and NEVER evolve it. That would be awesome.
It would be nice, the show needs a new twist I just can't really see it working. Ash should catch a Pichu and a Raichu and keep them through all the regions (but still have Pikachu as the main.) It won't happen though.
Pikachu and Raichu are great.

Ash sucks.

Pikachu is already hated enough by some people who are tired of seeing it. I understand it's the mascot but honestly, it's the Pokemon first pushed in front of the shotgun. If Ashs Pikachu evolves into a Raichu, not only would the mascot not feature in the anime, but Raichu would become assoicated with Ash.

Did I mention Ash sucks? I'm pretty sure that's a factor in the lineup of the shotgun shooting thing.

Anyway, basically - no.
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