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Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

Astra shook his head, but still continued to look around warily in case of anything that would attack the group. In actuality, he was only concerned with protecting Anthoni.
Shana nods, continuing on down the road.

"So far, so good. Hopefully things will remain calm for our travels..."

She looks back at the ones on her back, then smiles silently.

"Hold on. I'm about to run"

She waits until the feeling of her fur being clung to. She then starts to bound down the path, the feeling of the setting sun's rays warm her fur.

One down, more to go.

*~ Hours later ~* ((Yes, I did do a Time skip))

Shana stops under a tree, a large lake spanning in front of her. She settles down in the grass, watching the reflexion of the moon shine off the water's surface. She looks over her shoulder at the sleeping pups on her back.

"...Those that are still awake...you may rest here."

She carefully slides the sleeping members of the group off her back and onto the soft grass under the tree.

"I'll look for some berries. If anyone wishes to join, then be my guest. But I'd like someone to stay awake and watch over the sleeping members of our group"

Shana walks off into the forest in search for berries.
"Wait for me!" said Suimaru, running after Shana.


Suimaru sat contentedly against a tree.

"Like I said, Suicune will trust Pokemon of its type more than others, right? So the Gyarados girl and I would probably want to let Suicune see us first... if you think we should, Shana."

He flicks his gaze to the sky, watching the stars flicker brightly against the navy blue planetarium roof that never fell.
Sapphire sat down calmly and began to groom herself in Purugly form. It was much less awkward than human form... She shook the thought from her head. She didn't like combing her hair, especially not without a comb.
Angelo hovered next to sapphire. "...Aren't you tired...? after that journey you must at least be a bit weary..."
"Why don't you just turn to human form then? Less hair to clean so you can go to sleep faster"
Astra non-verbally volunteered to watch the group, taking especial guard over Anthoni. In fact, he was basically just watching the area around the Bayleef girl, and occasionally glancing around at the rest of the group.
Mysti woke up dazily as she thumped to the ground. She then went crazyish. "Oh no! I fell off! ...Wait, this is where we're camping, isn't it?"
"But I don't have a comb, and I don't want to lick my human hair," Sapphire replied shortly, continuing to groom herself after the pause to speak.
"Hold on..." Angelo shifted to human form and began digging through his jacket pockets looking for a comb. About two minutes later he found one and gave it to sapphire to use
"There... not the best comb in the world but it will work"
"Thanks," she replied, transformed to human and taking the comb.

After running it through her long hair for a couple of minutes, she gave it back, nodding in thanks. "Good enough." She sat down on the ground and stared into the distance, thinking.
Angelo took it back and put it back into his jacket.
"No problem" He said getting up and walking away towards the forest.
"So we're all humans now, eh?" Suimaru asked. He knew that his flotation sac was unremovable until he did it a certain way that allowed him to return to his previous form.
He took the right end in his left hand and twisted it over his head, connecting it to the right end in a perfect circle. He returned to his human form and waved.
"I will be back in about an hour. Can someone please tell shana that?" He said before dissapearing into the forest.
~~~~~~~~Five minutes later~~~~~~~~~

*Rustle rustle* "Here it is... now if i take it and put it there... then that will... and then... THERE!" He said as a piece of stone slid down from an outcropping to reveal a cave "It should be in here..."
((<_< Give me a break. I'm doing 5 things at once. Plus. If i say there was a rustling sound it implies that it didn't come from him.))
((I know, I didn't mean that in a bad way, but it just looks silly. And if he was making the rustling, why not describe the rustling and where it came from anyway?))
Shana walked through the forest, searching for berries that might aid them in their journey. She found a bush with Rawst berries, and was currently looking for Peacha berries.

"If I find them, then we can keep ourselves safe from poison..."

She stops moving when the sound of rustling reaches her ears. She crouches down and slowly makes her way to the source, ready to attack if need to.

Protect the pups...
When angelo got to the end of the passage he lit a match and looked over the walls
"Lets see... if i press this..." There was suddenly a rumbling and the cave door shut
"Oh no... I will have to find another way out..." He said as he started walking in a down another passage
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