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Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

Thorn ran after the others, shouting, "Wait for meeeee!"
She caught up to find the others in Pokemon form to fight other Pokemon, to her dismay. She was in between a rock and a hard place.
She improvised by kung-fu kicking a Mightyena.
Midnights clones then fired a series of shadow balls at the mightyena, And as they hit the fire they turned into will o' the wisps that covered the mightyena and burned it "What shall we do now?" Says the clone closet to shana
Shana looks at the clone over her shoulder.

"Drive the threat off. Scare them off and away from the pu-- Others"

Shana shakes her head a bit.

Damn...almost called them pups...every time I'm an Arcaine, I see them as Pups

"Drive them off...we don't want to kill them. There is no gain from killing them"
The clone nods at her "Yes lady shana" Then the clones start manipulating the will o' the wisps to make a ring around the mightyena that leaves it with only the choice to go back. Then angelo sends two clones to keep the will o' the wisps alive and send the mightyena away. "Now we must tend to the other one"
Shana nods and bounds toward the direction of the other, building up another flamethrower.

"Clear the path! I don't wish to flame broil you!"

She continues to search for the second Mightyena, hissing under her breath.

I remember when this was hard for me to breath fire...

Angelo sent clones to spirit away the little pokemon that were in the way, then got out of the way himself "CLEAR!"
Shana lets lose a torrent of flames at the offending pokemon. The Mightyena yelps from the sting of the flames and escapes deeper into the forest, retreating with his brother back to their home. Shana watches as they both run, making sure that they don't plan to return.

"...It's clear."

She returns to the path and looks down at the remainder of the group. She lets out a sharp bark to gather their attention.

"We're leaving. Those that wish to remain in Human form can climb onto my back as we travel. Those that wish to remain pokemon may do so, but you are now responsible to keep an eye out for other dangers."

She turns to face the other direction, the path that leads to their next destination.

"Hurry up."
"I can hurry."

Suimaru dropped onto all fours, tail spinning like a gyrocopter, as he made several quick bounds over to Shana's side. He lifted his left foreleg and looked at her.

"We're going to Suicune, now, eh?"
Shana nods, shifting her paws a bit.

"Yes...Suicune is our next objective. We must help them in order to help the water supply of this world. Each one of the Legendaries rule over a key part to our world's existence"

She begins to walk down the path, slow enough for those that wish to have a ride to catch up.
"I think," he said, "that Suicune would be less hostile against a Water-type than anything else..." Uncomfortably, as if humiliated, he stood up and attempted to straighted his flotation sac.
Sapphire cleared the path, then dashed up to Shana's side, hissing at the fleeing Mightyena.

"I'd rather stay Purugly," she said, grinning.
Angelo began to turn back to human "I shall go as a human... My shedinja form is too slow" He said as he finished his transformation to human, Then looking around he said "Where did astra go...?"
"Here," the Luxray growled. His thick fur was bloodstained, and there was a large cut in his side. "There was another Mightyena," he shrugged, as if it was insignificant. "I'll walk in the front."

His eyes flashed, and he made his way to the front of the group.
"I would rather stay as a Raichu, thank you very much. But it looks ful to ride on an Arcanine..." she made the transformation to human and hopped on. ((You said you were going slow for people who want rides!))
Shana watches the Luxray make their way to the front, studying him silently.


He looks over her shoulder at the girl that jumped onto her. She smiles and nods, returning to look at their direction and walking slow enough for others to hop on.

" If there is anyone else, hurry up and hop on."

She then looks at Midnight and smiles a little at him.

"And if you plan to be human, then hop on so you don't have to worry about falling behind. Also, you could hold onto the groups backpacks."

She looks at the one on her back.

"You too Mystica"
"Yes lady shana" Angelo said as he carefully got onto her back with some of the backpacks, Handing the other two to mysti "Tell me if i become too heavy lady shana, I will get off if i do"
Thorn jumped on Shana's back behind Angelo, grabbing a couple of backpacks in addition to her own.
"I'd probably die if I had to slither this whole way, and where would that leave us? I'll be one of the best to find Suicune, not to mention Manaphy." Checking to see everyone who had wanted to had gotten on, she added, "Tally ho! Onward! Whee!"
Astra began to walk forwards through the trees, his eyes glinting as he gazed around the area. Every now and then, he saw a Bug or bird-like Pokémon, crawling along a branch or fluttering through the leaves, but none attacked.
Mystica went and grabbed hr backpack as well as a couple of others and went back to the Arcanine. "Dang, these are heavy..." she muttered as she got on.((Please note these may not be heavy, because Mystica is weak in human form, and can barely lift twenty pounds.))
Shana waits until they were ready and holding onto the backpacks before picking up the pace.

"Alright, lets pick up the pace. Hopefully we will get to our next destination before night fall. If any of you find any berries along the way, pick them and sotre them for later. You never know when we might need a Peacha berry. We already have Sirrus and some Oran berries from the forest near Celebi's pond."

She then calls over to Astra.

"See anything worth concern?"
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