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Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

"My name is Sapphire," she said. She would prefer to be a Purugly right now, but that would come in time. For now, her duty was as a human.
"My name is Midnight" He said as he bows down and kisses her hand "A pleasure to meet you"

((Just wondering... what is the past tense of bow? I forgot))
(I'd like to rejoin! Hmm... I think we'll try someone else here.)

Name: Arylett (Yaaay for blatant self-inserts.)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Pokemorph: Pidgeotto.

Appearance: Her skin is dark, sort of tan-ish almost. She also wears glasses, though not quite how you would expect. Sometimes she wears them on her face, and sometimes she'll put them on her head, when they're not needed. Her outfit is composed of a crimson short sleeved collared shirt, several buttons unbuttoned, and a tan denim jacket, with black jeans. For shoes, she wears socks and sandals, a rather odd combination. She's got this big huge black bag too, slung around her shoulder, which looks quite heavy, in which she keeps her pelt and other objects. And around her neck is a golden necklace, with a small false rubylike gemstone attached. Lastly, her dark hair is long and rather curly, almost like a long mane. And the eyes are quite dark and shadowed, almost a chocolatey brown.

Personality: Mainly Arylett is quiet, she doesn't say much and is a bit hostile and dry to strangers. She barely speaks and is a very cautious individual, giving most of her actions the most careful of thought and contemplation. She can come off as rather standoffish and cold, but really she is just shy. Her social anxiety and timidity is of the extremist proportions and she will rarely state her opinions. Most of her actions are based on not offending or angering anyone, for that is what she fears the most. Her motto is basically: "Do whatever people want so they can leave me alone." She has an immense sensitivity to criticism and is often very defensive. Also, she has an immensely bad temper, often being easily irritated or annoyed.

Mostly she keeps to herself. Though once one befriends her, they'll see the loud and eccentric girl that lies within. Around those she knows, she is loud and raucous. And she'll ramble, ramble quite a bit.

History: Arylett never had a praticularly difficult life. She lived in your average suburbian home, being tended and coddled by rather overbearing parents. Always, she had had most things done for her, so that she became rather dependant on them. More so than other kids her age. Thus making her a bit spoiled and more... childish than people her age. They had a few Pokémon pets as well, which Arylett never really paid much attention to.

And then there was that one Special Day that changed everything.

Perusing through her parent's closet one afternoon, home alone, she came across something quite mysterious... some sort of costume... no... an old and dusty Pidgeotto pelt.

She decided to pick it up and try it on.

The instant she did, Mesprit appeared to her. The Legendary could knew of her family's close ties to an ancient tribe of humans who used to be able to speak to Pokémon and could sense something special about her... something odd about her emotions. Mesprit offered Arylett something that she couldn't refuse, due to her fascination with transformation, the opportunity to transform into a Pokémon. Just as Mesprit offered however... her parents had come home.

They had a long discussion and talk with her, about the legends and ancient family history, fascinated and in disbelief by Mesprit's very existance. They didn't think the Legendary actually existed! Of course, after their initial shock, they were rather reluctant to let their daughter go off with the Legendary. But at her insistance, they allowed her to train under Mesprit, where she gained the ability to transform using the pelt. They were also a bit reluctant to let her go on the journey, but after constant reassurances that there would be others with her, they finally allowed her to.

Teacher: Mesprit.

Other: And they still went to the moon, in 1969~
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Anthoni heard the annoucement made by...Shana, was it? Yes, it was. She seems a bit arrogant. Maybe she'll be better later. Anthoni looked around for Astra, the boy who was like her brother. "Big brother? Astra? There you are." She whispered, finally finding him leaning against a tree, and noticed that he cold see her all that time she was looking for him. "I don't know about this girl, Shana. What do you think, Astra? Should I tell her who I am, like Mysti just did?" She asked. ((Just so ya know, Anthoni relies a lot on Astra's opinons a couple of times.))
"And I'm Thorn," Thorn said. "It's a bit of an odd name, but oh well. So, uh, we were going to find Suicune next, right? It'll be a relief to get in a lake." She sighed contentedly.
((You're in))

Shana looks down at the one kissing her hand, believeing that the name is Midnight, raising her eyebrow.

"Very nice to meet you as well, Midnight"

She looks around at the group, scanning them silently to see where each one was perched.

"Are we done with introdutions? Or are there still more that still need to submit their names?"

She smiles a tiny smile, looking up at the sky and raises her voice a notch.

"Unless you'd prefer I call you 'You there' or 'Hey you' for the remainder of the journey until you tell me you're name"
"I'm sorry to not have been here before," said Suimaru in his slight accent, "but luckily I am informed that we are going to help Suicune, yes?"
Her restless eyes scanned the others briefly.

She really wanted to introduce herself. But all this standing up in front of people and whatnot sort of thing always made her so anxious. Her heart was jumping, skipping several beats, racing, as it always had when this sort of occasion came up.

And yet the odd dark haired girl kept her silence, tired eyes peering briefly on at the others through spectacles with a rather grave and stern expression, an immensely angry expression, only intensified by the shadows around her dark eyes. She barely got any sleep, just as she had on many nights.

Her dull mind was working at speeds that even a snail wouldn't envy, barely taking in the surroundings or the people around her. No... not many thoughts graced the current fatigued barreness of her mind, only thoughts of anxiety and of her desire to tell them all her name, but not to stand up in front of them and risk looking stupid.

She began to dig into her oversized ebony bag, to give herself something to do, and something to look at, other than the eyes that were peering all about. Eyes made her nervous, especially when they met with hers.

Yep, Arylett was tired all right. But that was nothing unusual.
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"Lady shana... When are we to go? If the introductions are finished then i would suggest that we prepare for a day, As some of us look a little... Tired" Said Midnight as he stepped back from shana "And our mission is to help suicune correct?"
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Shana nods, not quite sure about the 'Lady' bit, but she decides that it won't be much of a problem. She smiles a bit at him, looking down the path.

"Yes...Suicune is our next target. We'll be there soon enough...As for the tired thing. We can stop when we find a good camping spot"

She then grins at the group, running her hand through her hair.

"And if you wish, you can turn into your pokemon forms when we settle down to sleep tonight. I have a feeling some of you are itching to transform"

((I thought his name was Midnight))
Two tanned teens stood together a little ways away from the group of others, the slightly-smaller girl holding the boy's arm tight. She looked a bit scared, and faint, as if she would pass out if she wasn't clutching the boy's arm. He, however, had a determined spark in his eye as he gazed at Shana. She was the leader, eh? He should test her... But not now.

"I'm Alaric, and this is my twin sister, Ece." He said, stroking the girl's hair gently.
Shana turns her head at the voice of the two twins, studying them silently.

Ok...I'm getting vibes from these two...but I'll let it slide

She studies the girl, seeing that she seemed fraile and about to collapse. She then studies the boy, senseing the challenge in his eyes. She smirks a little, before looking back down the path at their destination.

"We should move out now"
"Lady shana i shall scout ahead, And if i may, Can i transform? It will be easier for me to move unseen" Said midnight as he stepped to the path "But i can move just as well in my human form"

((sorry about the angelo thing, I'm a shedinja in a diff rp also))
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Astra nodded slightly. "Go ahead," he whispered to Anthoni, then pushed off of the tree to raise himself to his full height. "I'm Astra," he said, quietly and disdainfully, before taking the backpack from his back, searching through it and taking out his pelt, which he threw over his long coat to cover most of his back. He pulled the 'hood', or rather the Luxray's head, over his hair, and felt himself changing, being forced onto all fours, and then there was the sensation of the pelt 'melting' all over his body, hair sprouting everywhere, his teeth becoming small and sharp and a tail growing from the base of his spine.

He looked around the group again, this time with eyes that could see through solid objects, and paced back to the tree.
Alaric nodded and gently removed his arm from Ece's hands, but curling his fingers with hers. Ece smiled, leaning into him again.

"Should we take on our... other forms as well, Madame Shana?" Ece ventured, voice tiny and scared sounding.

Alaric tilted his head to one side, like he was wondering that too.
Midnight turns towards the luxray "You there" He says with a slight laugh "You should wait untill we are at our campsite to transform"
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She continued to fidget about unnecessarily with her bag, feeling around the contents in it. There were several smooth textures and then abruptly it turned soft... she slowly and gently moved her fingers over the soft, fluffy object.

It felt nice, good. So soft, with every feather in place, despite its age. Arylett moved her fingers over to the head, feeling the cool and nearly perfectly smooth beak and the rougher feathers on the head. Didn't that leader chick... what was her name? Oh she didn't know. But didn't she say they could... transform?

Abruptly, she turned her spectacled eyes on the Luxray, having watched him transform from the corner of her eye as she caressed the hidden pelt. Well he did it, didn't he...?

But there was something preventing her, an odd obstacle. Anxiety, embarassment. What if they thought her form was stupid? What if she somehow looked stupid...?

"I wouldn't look stupid... I'd look like a Pidgeotto..." She murmured to herself. And yet the thought of transforming in front of these people still continued to make her uncomfortable.

The girl slid her disappointed hands off of the concealed pelt and back into sight.
Midnight looks around the crowd and then sees a girl with a bag in her hand, Then speaking directly to her "What is your name? I feel as if i know you from somewhere"
Astra glared at the person who had spoken. Who were they to decide when he could transform? He wasn't under the control of anyone, or anything - except perhaps Cresellia.

He noticed another girl, who seemed reluctant to do something, and was fidgeting in a bag. He wondered vaguely what it was she was doing.
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