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Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

((*Cough* i was talking to arlyett but since i didn't know her name i couldn't be too specific, AND i didn't feel like looking at her profile))
((When I posted that, your post before Arylett's was asking Astra what his name was.))
(The bag's not in her hand, she has her hand in the bag. X3 I can see where it's easy to get confused though, I didn't word it too well.)

...She could feel the eyes on her. Eyes! Aagh. Desperately she avoided them, thinking quickly of something to do. All she could think of was removing her glasses (so that the faces would be blurrier and less detailed, thus easier to look at) and placing them upon her head.

And now she was being talked to! She didn't even say anything... did she? Did she do anything worthy of notice? Hmm... perhaps her eyes did look a bit shifty... and her fidgeting and hiding with that bag. May have attracted unnecessary attention. Arylett made a future note to be careful.

Apparently the person who had spoken to her felt as if he "knew her from somewhere..." Still she continued to gaze down at her bag, pretending to be preoccupied with it, so she had an excuse not to look at him.

"Arylett." Her voice was rather light and quiet.
((actually i was asking luxray boy))

"I'm sorry if i make you uncomfterable but the least you can do is look at me" He said to arlyett "And your name isn't familier so maybe i don't..." he said as he turned back to shana "So may i scout ahead lady shana?"
How direct.

She scowled, narrowing her already frustrated dark eyes. There was a small jolt of anxiety at being asked to look at him. Why couldn't she just keep fidgeting with her bag?

Arylett didn't respond, simply ignoring him. It wasn't just him that made her uncomfortable, it was all these... strangers. But of course, most people didn't get it, they always thought it was personal. Bah, words were wasted though. She didn't want to have to explain herself.

She turned her back on him and walked several feet away, ceasing her fidgeting with her bag. It was something to do.... and she rather disliked confrontation.
"There will be water, right?" said Suimaru. "That is good, yes." He placed his aqua-blue-with-some-purple-in-it bag on the ground and slapped his hand down into it. No, no, aha! He felt it, soft but hollow, and fluffed up like a feather pillow. It felt like a pillow, except it was long and round-ended instead of square. He shrugged; he was used to this kind of thing. This was the first time he did it in awhile.

Suimaru pulled the floppy thing out of the bag. As it hung limply from his hand, he put one end on one side of his chest and reached around towards his back with the other. He grasped the other end and pulled it over his shoulder. I must look really stupid right now, he thought, looking up at the sky, both expectantly and vainly, like a proper Floatzel. A crest sprouted from his head, tiny fangs protruding from his upper jaws, a twin tail sprouting. Suimaru dropped onto all fours and padded along, looking from side to side. "What?"

It felt strange being a Floatzel, since he hadn't transformed in quite awhile. He was used to his tailless, flotation-less form that was a human. He shrugged again and broked into a dash, running around a few trees and sitting at the base of the one that was rooted closest to Shana, the leader.
Sapphire nodded furiously, and instantly began to search for something in her pockets. She pulled out a red berry with a long stem, and felt the transformation take effect. She fell onto her hands and knees, grew large ears and a tail, and gained stripes and things. She swished her tail contentedly, at the thought of being her favorite Pokémon.
Mysti reached into her bag. She felt something... furry... and pulled it out. It was orange with a black tail and a yellow thunderbolt at the end. It's stomach area was cream, and it had yellow cheeks. It's ears were blackish with brown on the inside and were banana shaped. She slipped it on and the changes began. The first thing was that she became shorter and plumper. Then her face transformed to become the Pokemon whose pelt she put on. Lastly, the pelt melded with her own skin. She became a Raichu.
Thorn had no need to grope inside a bag. She wore her morphing material all the time, even when asleep. However, she did not transform. Not until she was near water, due to a Gyarados' non-amphibious-ness.
Shana rolls her eyes to the heavens, sighing as the group around her transform.

"Well, geuss I don't have to ask you all what you transfrom into. Didn't I say that we could do that once we found a campsite?"

Shana scans the gruop, finding so far two young men that seemed to challenge her. She shakes her head and chuckles a bit.

"Alright. If you want to Transform, then do so. Any that don't or can't at the moment can hitch a ride with me."

She looks down at Midnight and give him the go-ahead.

"Becareful. And take the Luxray with you. It's good to have a set of eyes that can see through the trees"

Shana then slides her backpack off her sholder and slides her hand into it, feeling around for a single length of soft fur. She smiles as her finger curl around the pelt, pulling out orange and white pelt with black stipes. She slides the pelt over her shoulders, feeling it meld with her skin. She feels the warm feeling of fire swirl within her as she drops to her hands and knees, slowly transforming into a firey dog amoung the group of others. She grined as she looks down at her now Arcaine paws.

I feels good to be a pokemon

She then looks up at the gruop, then up at the sky curiously.

"If any of you can turn into a flying pokemon, could you please scout the skies for us?"
"Yes lady shana" Midnight said as he put the shedinja's halo on his wrist while turning to astra, (Astra unsettles me quite a bit... But he will be useful while scouting) Midnight began to transform, Feeling his body compress and hollow out and his arms and legs turning into wings. Then the halo appears above his head, completing the transformation. "Come astra let us go" Midnight said floating to the path

((Just asking, The pokemon can talk to each other correct?))
((Correct. Since we are closer the pokemon than most humans in this time. We can speak and understand them in both out forms))
"I can transform into a Flying type," said Thorn, "but I can't fly. Beats me why the hell that is."

(I know it comes from that Chinese legend, but it doesn't mention that the dragons can fly, now does it?)
Astra let out a low growl as he was told to scout without even being asked. He glared at Shana for a moment, the glanced at Anthoni before turning around and padding through the trees after the Shedinja.
Midnight stopped and turned around "You should go ahead, It is dangerous for you to be behind me" Midnight floated to the side and waited for astra to pass him

((We can't afford to lose someone this early on. and you may be asking why we would lose him... It's because the hole in shedinja's back Steals the soul of anyone that looks into it))
Alaric turned to his sister and exchanged a few quiet words with her. She pulled something that looked like a karate belt, but white and made of what looked like fine, soft leather from a bag she was carrying. She handed it to him, and he tied it around his waist carefully.

The moment he finished tying the knot, there was a soft glow and a Gallade stood in his place.

'I can scout ahead. I'll be able to handle anything I may encounter.' he said before darting off.

Ece just stood there, looking in the direction her brother had taken off to. She looked sort of... sad and alone.
Astra nodded gruffly. He had been trying to avid looking at the hole in the Shedinja's back, and it was getting quite irritating having to constantly look slightly to the side instead of straight forwards.

He continued walking, and froze. He had seen something moving in the trees - a large, black shape, swift and canine. He growled to alert Midnight, and stared warily through the darkness, allowing his X-Ray vision to activate. he ignored the intricate patterns of now-transparent layers in the trees and continued searching - then he saw it. He could only see a skeleton surrounded by a faint silhouette, but it was, without doubt, a Mightyena.
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