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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
I promise I'm not actually upset or anything btw! Just joking around :DOh god I messed it up with the typo oh god oh fuck
I've let you all down alreadyI'M SORRY
if snoms are villagers and zorua are mafia, does that make ditto alien?
what the fuckAnd unfortunately for the other snoms, one requisite for ladder-climbing is the possession of legs. Long, powerful legs.
i have decided i shalli wonder if i will ever start actually playing the game tbh
you're at the top of the tierlist in my heartnot good. put me higher on there
i was wondering about this too but like ... that still gives mafia free kills right? idrk how those things weigh against each other though. i guess it wouldn't be the worst d1 strat/depends on how the day goes but i also kind of just haven't fully internalized the popularity mech eitherGiven the popularity mechanics and the limited number of players, would abstaining in this game be the best option until we can build up mechanical stuff?