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SSB Choice Mafia (N3)

Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Show me ya moves! You can't defeat me mafia! (I swear I am so dead because of all this taunting)

Ideas anyone?
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Inactive lynch?

It wouldn't make much sense if there were any more than 2 more Mafia alive, as 3 are already dead.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Well, everyone has posted except for one person... which is Mai, who died N0.
The next 3/4 least posters are all dead, so the three least posting survivors are Glace, HighMoon, and Flower Doll; HM wwith 4 posts, the other two with 3.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Real life hates my life mostly, and mostly I don't have anything good to say that would help with anything. But I /should/ try to post more, even if its to defend myself or not.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Real life hates my life mostly, and mostly I don't have anything good to say that would help with anything. But I /should/ try to post more, even if its to defend myself or not.


Does Flower Doll or Glace have anything to say before the lynching begins?
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

I do not have anything useful to say, but you mafia will NEVER beat me!![/stupid arrogance]
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Extending the day period by 12-24 hours (basically until I'm able to get on the computer tomorrow)
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Does Flora always get inactive-lynched?

Like, seriously...

No time to stop the bandwagon, so... Flower

Also, what charcter did she pick?
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

I'm Lucas...

Uh...I actually don't know what to say...awkward. I would say that picking me off might be a bad idea, but that would sound like a silly mafia-coverup.

Oh well, there's nothing I can do at this point is there?
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

Healer; of course now I'm probably gonna die ANYWAY since the Mafia might se me as a good target.
Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

NONONONO everybody post.

Not Flower Doll: lying a claim of healer at the last second would be a terrible strategy because people aren't as inclined to trust you in future games.

In an edit I'm gonna say Glace since we only have 2 no-lynches.
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Re: SSB Choice Mafia (D3)

*is prodded from the shadows, rolling eyes as she walks out* Well, I'd agree with Light here since it would be weak to claim healer, but i also have another theory as to why we shouldn't kill Flower.

For some reason I just get the feeling that they are an active alien. No clue why, just do. So to reverse this...I don't know, Glace?

*sits back to watch this blow up in her face*
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