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Stupid things you've done

Explain how these are stupid

I was out jogging and managed to trip off the curb. That's one of the most stupid bone-breaking stories I've ever heard. I made up fake stories for everyone who asked, though; I fell out of window, I was hit by a car... y'know, interesting things.

I broke my arm when I was seven; I was on the school field (where I shouldn't have been) and I heard a teacher coming, so I ran like hell to get back down to the playground, tripped over and the teachers found my lying on the ground crying.
Further stupidity (though not on my part) led to me being taken to Torbay Hospital, the worst hospital ever, where they lost my x-rays and eventually set my arm wrong, so it sticks out at a 30-degree angle from the elbow.

Trust me, virtually all bone breakages are stupid. If you don't do stupid things, bones don't get broken.
One time, when I was in 1st grade, I heard this kid on the bus say something pissed him off, then I went to daycare, and I said something pissed me off and a teacher type lady heard me. I didn't get in trouble, but that teacher type lady was whispering with my mom when she came.

Also, I broke my arm playing tennis in Gym class. TENNIS!!!
I really don't like to swear, so I'll have to allude to this. You know that "d" word that sounds like it has to do with beavers? Well, when I was around 5, my sister and I stood on top of the stairs saying "Oh, [word] it," over and over to each other. It was really stupid. DX Lucas755's post reminded me of this.
A few years ago, my family was getting our (rotting) porch redone. For whatever reason, the stairs were removed and I didn't notice. I was running to where the stairs were supposed to be and instead of running happily down them, I did this ridiculous leap/fall thing while my brother-- who sees things like missing stairs-- yelled "Wait, don't do that, the stairs aren't there!" And I was all "What do you mean, the stairs ar-- *crash* Oh."

I ended up being fine, though.
I really don't like to swear, so I'll have to allude to this. You know that "d" word that sounds like it has to do with beavers? Well, when I was around 5, my sister and I stood on top of the stairs saying "Oh, [word] it," over and over to each other. It was really stupid. DX Lucas755's post reminded me of this.

Damn isn't a swear word
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well one time i put on some eyeliner to intimidate people but it turns out your not suppose to use it to draw a scary face on your tongue 0_o
I really don't like to swear, so I'll have to allude to this. You know that "d" word that sounds like it has to do with beavers? Well, when I was around 5, my sister and I stood on top of the stairs saying "Oh, [word] it," over and over to each other. It was really stupid. DX Lucas755's post reminded me of this.

Well, it's not one of the seven dirty words (common knowledge?), but it's a swear word.
There are more than seven swears.
Well... I was walking on the side of the house and there was an air vent... as I walked from on side of the house to another and back my friend told me 2 to duck when I almost hit my head. On the third time I was walking back and I hit my forehead on the air vent and flew back in the air. Kind of like the thing you see in Tom and Jerry the cartoon. Hehe that was funny!
Well, I'm certain there are several things I've done that are really, really stupid, but I can only remember this one at the moment.

I think I was six or so. The family had literally just moved into the house. It was almost midnight, so naturally I headed to my new room. Suddenly, I noticed someone else in the room. I asked them who they were and received no response, so walked up to them.

That was when I hit the mirror.

It's a bit easier to imagine when one knows the layout of my room, but still... Smooth, Flametail. Real smooth.
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On Easter a few years ago, i was riding my bike, and my dad told me to be careful of the parked cars. I'm like, "Fine." and i go ride my bike. When i came back, i slammed into a dudes car and then falling off. I skinned both my knees, and it hurt. I had to apoligize to the guy that owned the car cause i dented it. True. I swear!
My stupid injuries.
I once was playing tag with one of my friends in a room with a moving treadmill set on the highest speed. He jumped over it. I tried, tripped, and fell face forward onto it, and had a burn on my neck for months. Looking back, I just can't figure out why I thought it would be a good idea to follow him over the thing... or how I got away with only a neck burn.

I also once placed two popcorn kernals in my right ear, which I'll tell everyone right now, is not a good idea. Stuff getting pressed into your eardrum hurts. The emergency room people managed to get the first one out, but I had to get put to sleep to get the second one out.
I probably have hundreds of other injuries that are stupid, but these are the most memorable.
Edit: I remembered a non-injury related stupid moment, by reading through the thread and finding something similar to it!
Anyway, me and my friend once hid in a closet for an hour or so, because we were scared of something. What was this something you might ask? ROBOTS, of course! For some reason, both my friend and I heard a mechanical noise, that from my memory was a sort of beeping sound. Well, noting this, we came to the immediate conclusion that, since robots make beeping sounds, this beeping sound must be a killer robot set to kill us both! So we dove for the closet and the toys and blunt objects inside it(since my friend kept his toys in there), and sat there in the darkness, silently waiting for a metallic hand to open the door so we could spring on it with a large plastic dinosaur, and a foam, toy sword.
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fuck, shit, piss, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits
are like the standard seven swears.
Piss is a swear word? Pretty much everyone I know says "pissed off" around their parents all the time. Since like second grade. :|
I remember another.

I was really tired and saw the cursor moving across the screen, thought is was an insect and punched it. I'm lucky I didn't get a fistful of glass (or whatever screens are made out of).
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